
"OICL: One Incident Changed Lives - A Beautiful Love Story" (BTS FF)

"OICL: One Incident Changed Lives - A Beautiful Love Story" revolves around the lives of seven male friends - Jin, Namjoon, Suga, Hobi, Jimin, Tae, Kookie, and one female friend named Shin Hye. They grew up together as family friends and have known each other since childhood as their parents are also good friends. As they all grow up and navigate through life, they experience love, heartbreak, and various other emotions that come with adulthood. They all share a special bond with each other, but after one incident, everything changes. The story explores the relationships between the characters as they deal with the aftermath of the incident. Some of them are deeply affected and struggle to cope, while others find solace in each other's company. Amidst all the chaos and drama, some of the characters develop romantic feelings for each other, leading to unexpected and complicated love stories. The story follows the characters as they navigate through their emotions and relationships while trying to maintain their friendship and come to terms with the incident that changed their lives forever.

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26 Chs

The Surprising Proposal

All the arrangements were now completed, and the friends had gathered outside the resort at 7:30 pm.

Joon said, "Guys, please someone call Jin Hyung and ask him to come directly to the beach. In the meantime, let's go to the beach."

Everyone reached the beach and were surprised by the beautiful decorations. They all appreciated Joon for his efforts.

Hobi said, "Yaaa Joon, it's beautiful. I am 100% sure that Jin Hyung will be surprised as well as emotional seeing this."

Tae added, "Seriously Hyung, it's awesome. I loved it. I will take ideas from you whenever I propose someone." Kookie blushed when Tae said this, and they shared a moment of eye contact.

Jin was getting ready and talking to himself, "I seriously don't want to go and hang out with these people. I am damn upset with them and especially with Joonie. But whatever they said in the morning really come true? What if mom really starts looking out for a match for marriage for me, then what will I do? I love Joon very much, and I can't think of spending my life with anyone else."

Jin's phone rang, and he saw that Jimin was calling him.

Jimin called Jin's phone, wondering where he was. "Hyung, where are you? We're already at the beach," he said.

Jin was annoyed. "You guys already left?" he asked irritably.

"Mianhae Hyung," Jimin apologized. "We thought you were coming with Tae. When we got here, Tae was already here and said you were coming with Joon Hyung. But Joon Hyung just got here and thought you were coming with Tae. That's why I called you to come directly to the beach."

"All of you are getting on my nerves," Jin grumbled. "I'm not coming. You all enjoy by yourselves."

"HYUNG!" Jimin pleaded. "Please don't say that. We're sorry. Come quickly, or we'll not have dinner."

"Okay, okay," Jin relented. "Don't try to convince me with those senti dialogues. I'm still upset with all of you, but I'm coming because I can't let you guys go hungry."

Time had passed, and the group was waiting for Jin Hyung to arrive at the beach. Shin was still thinking about the conversation earlier and how Jin Hyung was upset with them.

Kookie noticed Shin's expression and asked her, "Hey, are you okay?"

Shin replied, "I think you guys have really made Jin Hyung upset. I have never seen him so tensed."

"We know that," Kookie replied, "but the happiness that he will get now will make him forget all his worries. If someone planned such a surprise for me, even I will forget all my worries and will no longer be upset with my love." Tae smiled in response to Kookie's statement, and Shin noticed the eye contact between them.

Shin smiled to herself, knowing that Kookie and Tae had feelings for each other but hadn't confessed yet. She decided to keep quiet and confront Tae when they were alone.

Suddenly, Hobi interrupted their conversation, "Guys, Jin Hyung is coming. Let's go and hide. Joonie, all the best."

Everyone hid, waiting for Jin Hyung's arrival, and Joonie prepared himself for the surprise proposal. Shin couldn't wait to see Jin Hyung's reaction to the surprise.

Joon hid behind the decorations to observe Jin's reaction when he arrived. As Jimin had suggested, Jin eventually arrived at the rooftop, and he was taken aback by the extravagant decoration.

Jin looked around in confusion, trying to figure out what was going on. He had no idea what was happening, and he felt like everyone was hiding something from him.

Meanwhile, Joon watched Jin's reaction from behind the decorations with bated breath. He couldn't wait to see how Jin would react to his surprise proposal.

Jin is amazed by the beautiful decoration but wonders who it's for and where everyone is. Meanwhile, Joon hid himself behind the decoration, taking deep breaths before he decided to confess his feelings to Jin. He knew that this was the moment he had been waiting for, but he also knew that there was a chance that Jin might reject him.

"Jin Hyung, let me first start with apologizing to you," Joon began, "We've made you angry and spoilt your mood, but whatever I am going to say now will make up for all the trouble we have made to you since morning."

Jin looked at Joon, his eyes full of confusion and surprise. "What are you talking about?" he asked.

Joon took a deep breath and continued, "Hyung, I don't know from where to start but let me keep it straight forward. As you know, we all are together since childhood, we have grown up together, and I have always looked up to you. I have always admired you and liked you, but I don't know when this likeness changed into love."

Jin's eyes widened in shock. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Joon loved him? He had never imagined that Joon felt that way about him.

"I love to spend time with you and our long talks, sharing our happy and sad moments together," Joon continued. "Whenever I needed any guidance, you always guided me. All these things made me fall for you. I really love you, Jin Hyung. Will you be my boyfriend? Marry me, please."

Jin was speechless. He didn't know how to respond to Joon's confession. He looked around, trying to find his friends, but they were all hiding.

Jin was standing there, hearing Joon expressing his feelings towards him. He was confused and amazed at the same time. He thought, "Is Joon really saying what I think he is saying? Does he want me to be his boyfriend and marry him?" Jin couldn't believe what he was hearing. He decided to listen patiently to Joon, trying to understand what he was trying to say.

As Joon continued with his proposal, Jin's mind was racing with thoughts. "Is this really happening? How do I feel about this? Do I feel the same way?" he thought. He listened carefully to Joon's words, recalling all the happy moments they shared together. Jin was in a daze, trying to make sense of Joon's proposal and his own feelings.

After Joon finished his proposal, Jin was still in shock. He thought to himself, "What just happened? Did he really propose to me? Is this real or just a dream?" Jin pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. When he felt the pain, he realized that it was indeed real. He couldn't believe what was happening and felt like he was in cloud nine, ten, eleven, and beyond.

Joon shouted, "Jin Hyung, Jin Hyung, JIN HYUNG," to get his attention. Jin came out of his thoughts and responded, "Ouch Joonie, why are you shouting in my ears?"

Joon said, "Hyung, I am waiting for your answer. I asked you, will you be my boyfriend until we don't get married?"

Jin blushed and said shyly, "Joonie, I am short of words. I don't know what to say but my answer is 'YES.' Even I feel the same for you. I LOVE YOU TOO."

Joon couldn't contain his happiness after Jin accepted his proposal. "Thank you so much Hyung, for accepting my love and agreeing to marry me. I hope you liked the surprise and the decoration. It's all for you," he said, grinning from ear to ear.

Jin's heart was overflowing with emotions, "I loved it, Joonie. I was speechless when I saw this decoration, then listening to your feelings, and the proposal. Everything was so nice; I am overwhelmed."

Suddenly, everyone came out from their hiding places, shouting congratulations to the couple. "Congratulations, Hyungs!" they said in unison.

Jin was surprised, "You all were here all this time? And you all knew about this plan?" he asked.

Shin smiled, "Yes, Oppa. We all knew about it. In fact, we all helped Joon Oppa set up this surprise for you. Also, I would like to tell you that making you upset in the morning and leaving you behind was all Joon Oppa's plan to give you this sweet surprise."

Suga interrupted, "Come on, everyone. Let's start the celebration. Then tomorrow afternoon, we all will leave for Seoul. So, let's party hard tonight."