


Yadil1_yadil · 若者
32 Chs


Many stories have happened in the refugee camp. I will definitely miss my friends. I didn't think it would be so soon to say goodbye to the people closest to me.

  I looked at the asphalt road that was smoother than before. It was still cracked due to the disaster. The shops and houses on the side of the road were almost completely renovated.

  My feet walk quickly, because the sun has begun to radiate its power. The heat was felt on my hijab-wearing head. I decided to run a little when I reached the front of the evacuation center.

  My eyes saw a sight that made me sad. There were three hood cars parked in the yard haphazardly.  All the cars were filled with the refugees' belongings, and some people were riding in the cars.

  I think there were about four families going back to their homes. It feels like I've lost my family. Because when I was in the evacuation center, it was like I had a family that cared for me. Although I don't know many people here. But when we gathered together in this evacuation center, they all helped and encouraged each other.

  I stepped into the evacuation center, after smiling at some people who were going home. The smiles on their faces looked very happy. Maybe they will soon meet the environment they miss. Although it will be very different from before. Because their house has changed to a new color.

  The house that used to tell many stories. Breakfast that started the day with a round table. Maybe now it has been replaced with another form. But the events of the earthquake and stunami disaster will become a valuable story in the future. Valuable because there are many lessons that occur.

  In the past maybe, hair was shown off when walking out and now the hijab is a loyal friend.

  Prayers are known but never established and now prayer is the most comfortable activity.

  Hopefully, with the disaster brought down by the creator, I and everyone can behave and behave better than before.

  I saw my carpet was empty of people. My feet kept walking while looking for Akbar and Cahaya and Mamah Akbar. Oh! and also the adorable little Bintang.

  Now I reached my carpet. I grabbed my bag and quickly put my belongings away. After I finished I put my bag on the carpet and I tried to find Cahaya. Maybe she's in the communal kitchen right now.

"Light!" I called when I saw Light sitting on a small wooden chair, cutting string beans.

  I approached Cahaya, while the others were still preparing the ingredients for cooking.

  "Eh, how's your father?" asked Cahaya anxiously. She then washed her hands and invited me to chat outside the communal kitchen.

  "He's still feeling weak, but I've fed him breakfast. And thank God, my father wants to eat." I explained with a smile.

  "Well, you just accompany your father to the hospital." said Cahaya, who was worried about my father's condition.

  "Yes, I'm also going there again. I came here to get my stuff. I'll probably stay with you in the hospital until you recover," I explained as I sat down on a wooden chair.

  "So you're going to leave this refugee camp?" asked Cahaya with an incredulous look.

  "Yes, probably so. After my father recovers. Maybe I'll stay with my father and stepmother," I looked down as I said that. I didn't know whether to feel happy or sad. Hopefully I would find happiness in my new family.

  Light's hand held my shoulder. Maybe this is her way of keeping me patient with my current situation.

  "You are patient, hopefully your father will recover quickly," said Light softly. then continued his sentence with curious eyes.

  "Stepmother? You mean those mothers are your stepmother?" Light recalled the mother who carried her baby by meeting me this morning.

  "Yes, it turns out it was the father's wife."

  "Wow, that means the baby is your younger brother, it must be fun to play with such a young child, I'm sure you must feel at home living with your new family," Light threw a smile as if encouraging me.

  "Yes, I hope I can feel at home," I smiled hopefully.

  "I'll say goodbye, I've put all my stuff in my bag." I said, worried about my father who was staying too long in the hospital.

  "Promise me you'll let me know. My workplace is behind your school. So you can go there anytime," said Cahaya then her face became grim.

  "Hem ... I didn't think we would be separated. Happy but sad too," said the hooded girl, looking around her.

  "Yes, I also didn't expect it to feel this fast. When everything is settled, I will come to your studio." I said and hugged her tightly. She is my best friend.

  "You should hurry up and say goodbye to Akbar and his mom, if you say goodbye to Iyan, I don't think it's possible. Iyan hasn't come home from work yet,"

  I felt sad to hear Cahaya's words.

  Iyan, he is a religious friend who has often reminded me of goodness. I felt bad that I had to leave without saying goodbye.

  "I'm going to find Akbar and his mom! I'll just send my regards to Iyan." I said with a smile.

  "Hurry up! I pity your father. He must be waiting for you."

  Light and I hugged again. I encouraged Cahaya, so that whatever happened, she should not take off her hijab. I also told her to always be in istiqomah.

  My feet walked into the building. I could see at the other end. Akbar and his mother were watching Bintang who was playing in the playground. I just saw it. There was a prosotan and a ball bath on the children's pattern carpet. Maybe it was a donation from the volunteers.

  Before going there, I took my backpack and put it on my back. I walked and Akbar seemed to notice me. I tried to smile at my friend who loved to write.

  "Eh! Ri, where are you going? Why are you carrying a bag?" he asked with a surprised face.

  "I'm leaving here," I replied spontaneously, showing a row of teeth. As if to make Akbar even more confused.

  "Going where?" Akbar's mother asked in confusion. Now she was carrying her son who was tired after playing.

  "Hemm ... where are you going? I really want to go to Korea. Hahaha," I replied with a laugh. I made a joke on purpose. So that I'm not too sad about parting with this guy in front of me.

  "This kid is out of his mind," Akbar said, smiling wryly at me. Akbar's mother smiled a little at me and Akbar's behavior.

  "Just kidding, I'm going to the hospital. My father is there now. I have to stay with him until he recovers," I said softly.