



You went to bed a lot earlier than usual, thinking you probably deserved a rest after such a dramatic day at school and work.

You woke up later than you would've preferred and had to rush to get ready, almost forgetting your wig in the process. Stuffing your face with bread rolls, you tried to tell your driver to drop you off quick and ran to the main gate of the school where Jihyun was impatiently tapping her foot, waiting for you.

A smile spread across Jihyun's face as she spotted you running towards her looking like a hot mess. She trapped you in her arms as you reached her in a bone crushing hug.

"Don't ever leave like that again!!! Me and the boys were scared shitless."

"The boys too??", You asked, genuinely surprised.

"Why of-course!!! Don't you remember my phone call? Or was my poor friend too busy at the "birthday party"?", Jihyun asked as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Whatever", You said rolling your eyes in the process walking towards your first class of the day.

As you two entered the quite classroom, you accidentally made eye contact with Taehyung and in place of the usual smirks or dirty looks he actually smiled sweetly at you, subtly motioning at the empty seat next to him. You felt yourself turn red at the simple gesture as you walked with your head down towards him and plopped yourself down next to him, trying to ignore the knowing looks of BTS and your best friend.

You passed your time in boredom, randomly sketching on your notebook when you were disturbed in the middle of the lesson by a finger continuously poking at your arm. You glanced at your side and noticed that all of Bangtan were looking at you. You looked at them questioningly while raising an eyebrow when Jungkook passed you a neatly folded note and asked you to open it in sign language.

You furrowed your eyebrows but being the curious person you are, you decided to read it. Inside, in beautiful cursive English handwriting the following words were written -

"We're sowwy :("

You stared at the small piece of paper in shock, stopping yourself from bursting into uwu's at the cuteness of the boys as you reminded yourself your real mission behind this friendship. You cleared your throat, disguising a smile and wrote a single word before passing it back to the patiently waiting boys.

Forgiven :)