

Everything about you makes my heart explode,

yet all my emotions seem to implode.

I love you, you're everything to me,

but there's parts of me I wish you didn't see.

You're perfect

and I'm imperfect.

you grab my hands and hold them close

you touch my cheek

you send shivers down my body

lovely oh lovely how my heart warms to your touch.

Hold me close, don't ever let go.

The promises you made will make my brain twist

the butterflies in my stomach will start a war.

today in gym,

you caressed my cheek,

I thought of kissing you, your soft smile seemed to brighten up my day.

You make it worthwhile and you make my smiles last even though I go home to hell.

everything you say just forces my headache

to go away.

You leave me be but just know I never want you to leave.

So, Antonio, just know

my heart is yours,

always and forever.