
Chapter 19

after finishing her breakfast, she left her dirty dishes in the sink and walked towards the garage. She saw Billy and the new maid waiting by the vehicle that they will be using. "It's nice to see you again little miss" Billy greeted with a small smile. Luna chuckled and smiled widely as she launched herself towards him to give him a bear hug. "It's been so long! How's your family?" she asked as she lets go of him. Billy's been their personal driver ever since Luna was 3 years old. He's now a 50-year-old man who has a daughter that's around Luna's age, and his beloved wife who has the same age as him. "they're doing great. Elizabeth has a younger brother now" he mentioned. "Really? Since when?" she asked excitedly. "since the year you left. His name Is Nathaniel" he explained. "how cute! I'm glad you're doing swell Billy" she said. "speaking of, how are you? It's been years. What happened to you?" he asked curiously. "I know that there are a lot of questions that I need to answer, but right now, I need you two to do me a favor," she said. "but let's talk about it in the car, I don't want any cameras to see nor hear what I am about to say" she added. Billy nodded and unlocked the car. Luna seated herself on the passenger's seat and the maid seated at the backseat. "Let's go to the nearest mall here first. I'll explain the rest of my favor when we're parked in the parking lot" she explained, earning a nod from Billy before starting the engine and started to drive.

After a few minutes, they finally arrived and successfully parked the car in the parking lot. "First and foremost, You, new maid, I need you to buy me my "essentials" that you think I will need in the house. If you need to buy clothes, get the medium size. This way, my father will see that I am only buying what I need and not what will benefit me. you got that?" she explained with a stern and intimidating voice. The maid nervously nodded as she took the black card from Luna. "Billy, I need you to somehow contact me. Do you still have two phones?" she asked. Billy nodded, making Luna sigh in relief. "Good. I am going to borrow your other phone. Your job is to go with this new maid and call me when my parents want me home. I need to go to the headquarters and get some things" she explained further. "last but not the least, keep your mouths shut. No one, I mean no one, will tell my parents about this. If they ask, just tell them that I just bought my necessities, nothing more. got that?" she added, looking them both in their eyes, making them nod. "I'll go ahead. Billy, remember to call me" she said before walking out of the car.

"Now, how will I get a vehicle? I certainly can't use my parents'," she thought as she walked around the parking lot. After a few more walks, she saw a guy hopping off his motorbike. "Hey, you, with the bike" she yelled loud enough for the guy to notice her, and he did. "me?" he asked in a confused tone. "duh, who else is in here with the bike" she answered sarcastically. "look, I need to use your vehicle, do you mind?" she asked. "what? I'm not just going to let some stranger use my motorbike" he exclaimed. "too bad, I wasn't really going to give you a choice" she said before harshly grabbing the keys from his hand. "Hey! Give it back" he yelled, trying to reach for the keys. Luna just inserted the key on the keyhole and looked into his eyes, her facial expression shows pure anger. "okay, okay" the guy said and backed off. Luna scoffed and started to drive. "Coward" she yelled before driving away.

Since the headquarters was pretty far from the mall, it took her a few minutes or so to arrive. And once she did, she hopped off the vehicle went straight into the headquarters. All eyes were on her once she stepped in from the entrance. "Agent 001, she's back!" one of the agents exclaimed, making the other agents in the lobby cheer. "Enough! There is no time for a celebration. Where's my team and Ace?" she yelled, making everyone shut up. "Your team is in the training room and Ace is in his office" one of them bravely said, earning a nod from Luna. She walked at a fast pace towards the elevator and went up to the floor where the training room is. Once she arrived at the floor, she sprinted into the training room and hastily stopped in her tracks once she saw Kelly and Adrien training with a sad face. she smiled and observed before speaking. "Why the long face? I don't remember dying for you to be that sad" she mentioned, making the two of them turn their heads towards her. "Bitch!" Kelly yelled before literally dropping the knife she was holding and launching herself towards Luna to hug her. "You fucking made all of us worried sick!" Kelly exclaimed as she felt Luna hug back. "I'm alright. I'm just stuck in that filthy place" Luna responded and breaks the hug. The moments they stopped hugging, Adrien lifted Luna from the ground and swirled around. "Adrien, you're going to make me puke from dizziness!" Luna exclaimed with a laugh. Adrien placed her on the ground again and hugged her tight, burying his face in the crook of her neck. "you scared me" he softly said, his voice obviously shaking. "hey. I'm okay. I'm right here" she said as she cupped his face that was now full of tears. "stop being a crybaby and help me" she added, wiping his tears off with her thumb. "I don't have enough time. Let's go to Ace's office and discuss my plans" she mentioned as she breaks the hug but held Adrien's hand tightly.

As they arrived in front of Ace's office, Luna didn't even bother on knocking and just walked straight in. "Ace, we're going to talk business right now. I have limited time" she said as she sat on the couch. "What business?" Ace asked as he placed his pen down on his desk. "here's a short plan I made just some minutes ago. My Birthday will be next week on Wednesday. Which means that will be my arranged wedding. I thought that instead of escaping today, because clearly, I can, let's wait for the wedding day and we will put everyone who is related to Michael and my parents behind our bars" she explains. "and how are we going to do that?" Kelly asked, followed by Adrien nodding. "the day before the wedding, I will send you, Kelly and Adrien, invitation cards. You'll smoothly attend the wedding without anyone knowing who you are. Since my parents only saw you in your masks, I bet that they don't know what you really look like" she said. "and when you're in the venue, you'll sit on the second row, which will make things easier for you since your first step is to find where my parents are seated. Your second step Is to shoot both in their ankles, this way, they'll be too weak to stand nor move their legs, making them stay in their spot. Your cue is when you see me starting to walk down the aisle. Once you've successfully shot them, I need as many agents as you can give me and need them to help both Adrien and Kelly with the fight since surely, once the shot has been done, everyone will be on full defense, and I need you to attack or pin down anyone who'll block my way since my part is to launch towards Michael and pin him down to cuff his hands. As for the rest, just go with your guts. Just make sure that you have my parents cuffed and everyone else either cuffed as well or dead. So far, that's what I've got" she explained further. "That's a good last-minute plan, I feel proud" Ace mentioned. Luna just nodded at him with a smile. "do you need anything here? weapons maybe?" Adrien asked worriedly. "obviously. I need a few of my guns and a few of my knives. I need a working outfit that I can hide underneath my wedding gown. And lastly, I need an earpiece, not talking to anyone of you makes me go insane" she said and added that she needs bullets for the gun underneath her bathroom sink. Adrien and Ace nodded. "I'll put your weapons in a bag, I'll be back in a few minutes," Adrien said before walking out of the office. "just give my clothes to Billy, my driver, when he comes here to give you the invitation cards" Luna mentioned to Ace. "what are you going to do now?" Kelly asked. "I will play with my parents' trust. Trust me, they're as oblivious as a child" Luna answered with a chuckle.

After a few minutes of waiting in Ace's office, Adrien finally came back with a black bag In his hand. "here. all your needed weapons are in this bag. And here, I took an extra earpiece from the other room, where our new uniforms were placed" Adrien said as he gave the bag to Luna and placed the earpiece in her ear, making sure it's not noticeable. "thanks, love" Luna responded as she gave him a peck on his right cheek. "get a damn room already" Kelly teased, making everyone in the room laugh. Suddenly, the phone Luna borrowed rang. She grabs it from her pocket and answered it. "Little miss, head back now. Your parents want you home" Billy said in the other line. "okay, I'm on my way" Luna answered and hung up. "well, I need to go. Keep in touch with me" she said as she tapped her ear where the earpiece is placed. Everyone stood and gave her a tight hug. When it was Adrien's turn to hug her, he nuzzled into the crook of her neck and whispered; "Read my letter in the bag". Luna smiled widely and nodded before breaking the hug. "I better go," she said as she was about to walk away when Adrien grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to him to kiss her on her lips. "Get. A. Damn. Room!" Kelly yelled and teased, making the couple chuckle.

Luna walked out of the office and back to the motorbike. She drives back to the mall and met Billy and the maid where their car was parked. "how did it go?" she asked. "I bought all the things you need madam" the maid responded. "and your parents weren't really suspicious about it. they said that you should go home for dinner since they'll be home late" Billy added. "caring but no" Luna said. "Let's go?" she added, making the two nod.

Once they arrived home, Luna thanked the two of them and told the maid that she should just tell her parents that she has eaten dinner, even though she didn't. Luna walked straight into her room and looked for a spot where she can hide her bag of weapons. She then remembered that she hid a shoebox full of her old drawing on top of her cabinet. "If it's still there, that means they haven't found out about that spot yet," she thought and took a chair to stand on. Once she stood on the chair to see the top part of the cabinet, she smiled as she saw the box still sitting there. She placed the bag beside it and was about to go down from the chair but remembered about Adrien's letter. She opened the bag and saw a small pink envelope. She takes it out and closes the bag again before finally coming down from the chair and placing it back beside her small desk. She opened the letter and reads it.

"Hey, cupcake,

I have a gut feeling that you'll somehow drop by the headquarters. so, this is going to be a short letter but know that it came from the bottom of my heart (I know, what a cringy thing to say. But anyway). I just want to tell you how much I love you, how much I miss you in my arms, and how much you matter to me. don't ever forget your potential and your strength. You are stronger than them, and you can outsmart them like you always do to anyone who stands in your way. You better make sure this last-minute plan of yours works. I am starting to have sleepless nights, knowing that you're not in my arms, all cuddled up and soft. Don't worry, I haven't exposed you yet. I want you home, I need you home Luna. We'll get through this, I promise. I love you

From your wonderful boyfriend and future husband (I hope),


As she reads the letter, a wide smile was plastered on her face. "so? Have you read my cringy as hell letter?" Luna heard Adrien asked through the earpiece. "you are such a kid, Adrien," Luna responded, making them both chuckle.

"As long as I can hear your voice, I'll be alright," Luna thought as she continued her conversation with Adrien throughout the night.