
Chapter 0 : Time

Hey you, ya you reading ... are you sure you want to do this? This story's beginning is tough to swallow half of the time and there will be annoying side characters that will pop back up and... your... not... leaving are you.

Ok well, my name Sora Hitachi Velazquez, I know weard to have a name like that, but it was my dads choice to take my psycho of a mothers name when he married her.

He um, he died in the war and his doll was brought back in bits, he had a black wolf, my mom's is a white hair.

You my be thinking 'Hey, your taking too long, just get to the story!' well my inpatient reader, if you must know, everyone has a doll and they tie you to your soulmate and that's what my parents were soulmates.

Pluse they do a hole slew of things they can fight, walk, talk and merge, the possesing and soul bonding of a person and plush, the autopsy on my dads doll shows he did this to get away only to be blown up by a mine!

"At least there bond was strong." that was what the docter said when they brought Kuro. That was his name and he only responded to it. the dolls have free will you see, the way to find your doll is if you feel a tug on your soul or heart, you find it at age 4-5 through the spark, you have too, then you put a part of your soul in it, then at 16 your soul and doll will start to look for your soulmate the dolls will help of course!

Well that was the case when everyone got animal dolls but know of days people get human dolls... there not the same.

There like mindless zombie slave's, they don't talk, eat, sleep, or have free will an most certainly can't merge or find you soul mate, plus if theres something wrong with it and you take it to the doctors, it's harder for doctors to find out what's wrong with it, having a sick doll is no good since you could die from it as well because there is no 'getting a new one' with these dolls because I mean, it has part of your soul in it, an you can't just get a new soul!

sorry um... my dads doll came back right before my forth birthday and... I don't want to talk about it.

My ojīchan followed after several years later, just after my ninth birthday, after he and his doll finished there masterpiece.

A Golden bear.

Now don't get me wrong teddy bears are very popular, but very few managed to spark with bears and even fewer can make them, my Ojīchan was a doll and toy maker, but as human dolls got more and more popular people didn't need his dolls and soon the government shutdown animal doll making entirely, but even as they took funding from animal doll crafters people kept making them, so they band the creation of animal dolls, but people kept making them, so the government went harder to stop them and it just got worse and worse and worse untill doll makers disappeared entirely, being replaced by doll factories that only made human dolls.

Few adults have there dolls out know of days but for kids it was mandatory, witch brings you to my predicament.

I didn't have a doll for the longest time and usually you would get weak and die at age seven, but not me! I felt nothing but strength, I got stronger and stronger every year untill, my ninth birthday,

we were having a fun time and by we I mean me, my ojīchan, my abuela, and my mom. I didn't have friends, manly because people thought I'd kick the bucket.

"Ok time to open presents!~" my abuela sang as she shakily brought over her present to me.

"Open my present first mi amor!" yelled my mom as she shoved it in my face. she had put it in a shiny dark blue bag with purple tissue paper and once I got the CHILDPROOF TAPE I turned it upside down and with excitment clear on my face, shoke out a box with a little white female doll in it, she had a red on white plad dress with white lace on the edge of her dress and a red ribbon belt going around her waist, on the ribbon belt were small red Rose's made out of the same red ribbon. her eyes were pale blue buttons with black thread to holed them up and a little stitched smile mouth made of a pechey color, she had pinky blush on her cheeks and reddish rust colored hair, it the form of long pigtails.

my smile faded.

"Mamá you know I don't like girl dolls or dolls in general."

"Isn't she beautiful my little frijol?" she asked ignoring my unhappy statement to look more at the doll.

As she ignored this my Ojīchan turned me around and said

"Don't like dolls well I guess my gift goes last eh my Koguma?"

I was confused at what he called me and though he got me another doll.

"My turn!" my abuela cooed notesing my unhappy face and cut my mom off by handing me a small box with red wrapping paper with a balloon, confetti and streemer pattern on it.

Slowly I ripped off the paper and opened the box with a frown untill I saw what was inside.

Ther was a small black top hat that shimmered purple in the light.

Know I was confused.

"Oh mamá it's perfect! I can put it on a headband and-" yelled my mom as she when to grab it only for abuela to cut he off by smacking her hand away and yelling. "NO FOR YOU GABRIELLA!!" and then hinting me to pick it up.

"But abuela I don't understand." I said as I delicately pick it up and held it in my hand.

"Well then, I think, it's time you got my gift." Ojīchan smile as he brought out a bear, fur as gold as the stars, synthetic eyes as black as night in the shadows but in the light you could see they were a very dark brown, a hand stitched smile and noise in a dark metallic brown thread and a pich black bowtie made to fit him perfectly, a tag hung around his neck saying ' To my special Koguma/Bearcub' in neat black loopy font, in that moment I saw him I felt something deep down spark. And that spark grew to a giant blaze of happiness inside of me, I could feel my face glow with a smile as I reached out and held him, and felt how soft his fur was, I hugged him and felt as my pent-up strength and energy transferred to the bear.

"Oh it's such a cute toy maybe she and your new doll can play together!?~" swoond my mom befor, I put the hat on him.

"HE mom goldey is a boy."

"Ok but what about your new doll?"

"He is my doll mom."

At this point my Ojīchan and Abuela were smiling like they were hoping for this.

"But-but you have a perfectly good human doll?" my mom tried to reason only for Angel her bunny, jiraiya my Ojīchans frog and Dahlia my Abuelas cat to stand beside me, Ojīchan and Abuela.

"Gabriella I don't thing she likes human dolls." said Ojīchan and he stood up and put a hand on my shoulder.


"Gabriella you have to understand you don't control Sora's life and you must back off from time to time."

Heheheh, ah~ I remember no matter how my mom tried to get me to spark with a human doll I would just turn the other way.

I love mi Abuela and Ojīchan for giving me goldey on my ninth birthday and I was so sad when he died the next day.

Even though I was sad I was happy that my Ojīchan was able to make me my doll before he died because without Goldey I would be wallowing in depression and and sadness as another family member was killed. By who my Ojīchan was killed by I don't know what, but that's what I'm going to find out and that's what's this story's about

I am Sora Hitachi Velazquez and I am looking for the one who killed my Ojīchan and burned down his shop, and bring him to and end wether that be jail or death.

The spark is a the connection you have between you and your doll, it happens when you see your doll for the first time.

Lily_Hontercreators' thoughts