
"Am I a trash with a system in a cultivation world?"

Era of catalyst descended, The worlds shall merge with the rise and fall of heroes with their names etched for eternity The path to Unknown shall be unlocked amidst the chaos with the one in the middle being a teenage boy who finds himself surrounded by uncertainty and the unknown ... In front of a giant dragon,among a battle-filed Row and rows of soldiers face a man who has a valiant aura and a smirk on his face "Aha here we go again " As those words escaped his mouth it seemed as even the heaven seemed to shake and then mountains and rivers were still for a moment and then broke apart like fragile glass the next moment Join Tanvir kaizer as he shatteres the boundary called "Authority" DARKNESS ITS NOT MERELY THE ABSENCE OF LIGHT ITS A CHOICE. it's a choice Tags: # Weak to strong # Apocalypse # Harem # Might content r18 ( chapters will be marked) # chapters will be short around 1000 words to 1500 words. # Two chapters a day Moon_Granade

Moon_Granade · ファンタジー
62 Chs

[] Chapter Two: First battle and rewards

Tanvir thought, "Is this the renowned qi?" He could feel some sensation when he focused enough on his body.


He reached one of the towering trees covered by a thick layer of moss and gave it a little knock. As expected, unlike normal trees, it produced a metallic sound, as if the tree itself were made of metal, not wood. Tanvir touched it.


[Type: Tree (2nd circle)]

[Details: Unknown]


"Sigh, it's still useless," he thought as he considered the information he was provided with. Even a small child can provide. No, the kid will do even better than this.


As Tanvir ventured deeper into the forest, the surroundings seemed to come alive with vibrant colors. Sunlight filtered through the dense foliage, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor. Each step he took was accompanied by the soft crunch of fallen leaves.


The air grew denser with an indescribable energy that tingled on his skin, and Tanvir couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of this new world he had been thrust into.


"The air I'm feeling should really be the renowned qi if it's really a cultivation world," he thought.


As he walked, Tanvir's keen eye caught sight of a peculiar plant with vibrant purple petals and intricate patterns on its leaves. Curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to investigate further. He plucked a few of the leaves and examined them.


[Name: Unknown.

Type: Herb.

Usage: Unknown.

[Contains Regeneration Ability]


"Oh, regeneration? Good, it might come in handy."


"Should I harvest it?" He hesitated. But the plant's mesmerizing beauty touched his heart, and he couldn't bear to uproot it entirely. Instead, he carefully plucked five leaves and whispered, "Stay alive, little guy."


Tanvir stored the leaves in his pockets, ready to use them in case of injury. He doesn't know how he would use them. But it's better to be prepared. With a sense of respect for the newfound life, he continued on his path.


Then, all of a sudden, a chill ran through Tanvir's veins. He immediately realized he was in danger, and the threat was coming from behind. Without hesitation, he unsheathed his weapon and twisted his body, slashing behind.




He hit something hard. His hand trembled from the impact.




Red, glowing eyes and white teeth blinded his view, and saliva dripped from the creature's razor-sharp teeth. The moment it touched his hand, he felt as if his skin were boiling.


Tanvir quickly snapped out of his daze and pushed the creature back with all his strength.


The creature leaped backward and looked at Tanvir with its red eyes. Red blood dripped from its claws, and its growls resonated through the stillness of the forest. Tanvir could feel his hands still shaking from the impact, but he knew he had to calm himself down; in a fight, losing composure was the source of defeat.


He locked eyes with the creature, and they entered a death stare contest. Neither moved, but Tanvir noticed that the creature was heavily injured by his blade. It howled at him and suddenly sprang into action.


In that exact moment, the creature's paws started glowing, and in the next second, it disappeared from its place.


Tanvir wasn't surprised, as the creature's attack patterns were too easy to read. He quickly slashed horizontally while leaping backward.


As expected, the wolf reappeared in front of him and lunged for his neck. With a swift move, Tanvir's katana cut through its neck.


He regained his momentum, but the wolf was rolling on the ground in pain, its growls echoing through the forest.


"Sigh, it's finally over."


Tanvir paid no heed to its pitiful cries; in this situation, it wouldn't spare him. If he wasn't quick enough, he would have been the one to die.


He approached the creature and made a deep cut with a swift slash to ensure it stopped moving. I saw it wasn't moving. He was about to move on, knowing that the blood would attract more monsters, whether he was collecting monster parts or whatever. He doesn't know how to cut one yet. Thus, he decided to leave the place quickly.


But suddenly, a message appeared:


[Corpse detected!

can be looted.]


He didn't think any further, as it was obvious what might happen. Tanvir touched the creature's head.


Loot the corpse?

» Yes

» No]


"Yeah," he muttered slowly.


A white light enveloped the bloody corpse before the corpse disappeared.


[] obtained

• Wolf blood essences x1

• Spirit stones, x3


When the screen appeared, the bloodied corpse was replaced by a transparent bottle of red liquid. along with three sparkling white stones.


Tanvir quickly picked up the things and shoved the three white sparkling things into his pocket, wrapping around the torn clothes on the vile to make a bag of something as it wasn't convenient enough to put it in his pocket. And ran.


Before leaving, he also didn't forget to wipe down the blood and throw the cloth on the other side. He hastened his speed. After a while, I saw nothing chasing after him.


Tanvir climbed a tree, carefully selecting one that was both climbable and offered a vantage point. He settled onto a massive tree root that protruded from the trunk. It was more like a natural seat, and from this position, he contemplated the rewards he'd obtained.


He reached for the Spirit Stones, his fingers curling around one of the smooth, white stones on which he focused his thoughts.


[Name: Spirit Stones]

[Usage::Can be processed to gain 1 exp]


"Oh wow, spirit stones! It's really a cultivation world." He thought.


"1 exp? Ah, so that's what I need to upgrade. Ah, no, it's a cultivation world. Ahem, so that's what I need to break through."


He looked at the next item.


[Name: Wolf Bloodline Essence's]

Details: Can be consumed by one person in one major realm each. Skill rank will depend on luck.

Processing time: 6 minutes.


"Well, I have to drink it."


He removed the bottle's cap, setting it beside him. Without hesitation, he drank the contents in a single gulp. The transformation was swift, a searing heat enveloping his body, and pain surged through him, and as expected, it's unbearable!


Tanvir clenched his teeth, determined to endure it. He is now sure of what kind of world he is in.


"I have to grow stronger."


The minutes passed slowly, but he held firm. When the pain subsided slowly, a blue screen appeared in front of him. Seeing the content, his mood lightened up a bit.


[Host has gained

• Shadow Steps

• Night Vision]


"Hmm, that's what I was talking about—my first skills!" he whispered, wiping away the sweat from his forehead.


[To be continued...]