

Chapter 01

The first thing I could feel was a sharp pain throughout my body, which made no sense since hadn't she just died with a stab wound to the neck?

If I open my eyes I still take my hand to my neck to find it immaculate without a single scar.

That completely blew me away.

The next thing I perceived was the thunderous cry of a baby who had very powerful lungs since even a dead person would rise from his grave with those cries that the poor creature gave.

Little by little I opened my eyes which weighed a lot.

The first thing I glimpsed was a yellow light that came from some candles resting on a side table next to me, the next thing was some women dressed as nuns.

Where the hell was I?

And last but not least, the newborn baby in the arms of one of them.

- Lady are you fine - One of the women approached.

- We thought he was dead.

- Where I am? Why does that baby cry so much? - Ask puzzled.

- The Lady is in the Wool orphanage - She explain the one that seemed older.

'Why those that name sounded familiar to me?' I thought puzzled but tried to pay attention to her explanation.

- You arrived at our doors in labor.

She brought me the baby who kept crying.

- He is your baby, before you passed out and we thought you were dead, you called him Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Hearing her say that I entered a nervous breakdown, now I knew why the name of the orphanage sounded familiar to me.

How the hell had I become Voldemort's mother?

I looked at the baby who had stopped crying after he found my breast to breastfeed and seeing his beautiful eyes stole my heart.

It reminded me so much of when I gave birth that my dear lan, I would never see him again but I comforted myself that he would be well taken care of by my grandmother and my family.

The nuns started to check on me as I previously had bleeding that they couldn't stop so that's why they left me for dead until I woke up once again.

What they would never know is that the real Merope Gaunt had died and now my wandering soul occupied her body.

I'm sure if they knew, they could give me up for dead once more.

- The bleeding miraculously stopped, so you are out of danger - One of them informs me.

- However, you lost a lot of blood so you should rest and eat well for a few days before you can leave.

- If it's not so much trouble, I'd ask for your help until I recovered, then I promise I'll reward you for your kindness - I asked them, otherwise they'd kick me.

- Okay, at most you will stay a week, then I need you to leave - I agreed.

- By the way, I'm Mrs. Cole - Then she pointed to the others with their names.

- Maria - She was a young woman of about 20 years.

- Ana - She was a woman of about 35/40 years.

- And Sofia - That was the youngest of all, about 15 years old.

-Thank you all very much for your help - I thanked you enormously.

- Mrs. Cole could I ask you where can I register my son and redo my papers, since they were stolen a few days ago and I don't have any identification - I explained.

- The child's birth certificate will be done here and yours could also be done, but that will cost money - the woman replied.

- Could you pass me my bag please - I asked Sofia who was the closest, she nodded and gave it to me.

Opening it and rummaging through it you can find some gallons of gold and some silver, also some muggle cash, I took out some of what I had and handed it to Mrs. Cole.

- Will this do? - I asked puzzled since I didn't know the value of money at this moment, but from his pleased face it seemed enough.

- Of course this will be enough - Her face was again empty of any emotion.

- Go to my office to get the papers - he ordered Ana, who quickly left the room.

- You go to rest - Without further ado, the young women left me alone with this woman.

While we waited I turned my attention to the little bundle in my arms, after drinking his milk he fell asleep with his little mouth on my nipple.

I could feel him suck from time to time, it was so cute his chubby cheeks made me want to pinch them.

I took my nipple out of his mouth and adjusted my clothes and then put it back against my chest when I saw how it began to move.

- Shh - As i patted his tiny back, it had been 6 years since she had had such a small baby in her arms that she was a bit rusty.

My baby stopped moving and grabbed my clothes with his little hand.

A few minutes later Ana returned with the papers and then left me alone with Mrs. Cole again.

- Well, girl, what is your name? - Listening to her question, I was thinking about a new identity for a while.

- Morgana Sayre Peverell - I told her and she looked at me for a while and then nodded.

- Date of birth.

- 07/07/1907 - I didn't know Merope's date of birth, only the year she was born, so I used my previous birth date.

- Marital status

- Widow - That way they won't look at me badly when I'm divorced, she looked at me but kept asking more questions.

- Then let's start with the child, - She said, grabbing the other papers.

- His name is going to be Tom Marvolo Riddle? - She wonder.

- No, not that name - I shook my head before I started to write.

- His name is going to be Baltazar Hadrian Sayre Peverell - She looked at me curiously but nodded.

Once she finished all the papers, she got up from her place and handed me the things.

- Now Ana will bring you something to eat -

Without further ado, she left.