

BAABA966 · ホラー
2 Chs


Readers, it is a question of what is happiness? But most psychologists say that happiness is the feeling of being satisfied with what one has or where one is. They also say that happiness is a feeling expressed by a person, no matter how different it may be. Everyone is happy, for example, having a lot of money makes you happy, and contributing to society makes you happy. It is clear that there are differences in what makes a person happy. Happiness has become something that everyone in the world is looking for. Everyone goes their own way and finds something to enjoy. Assessing how happy someone is is not easy, because sometimes there is something that makes you happy and you feel that you are not happy, and that person is happy with other things. enter. For example, most people value happiness over money, because most people are convinced that happiness is financial. Many people in the world have money but no happiness