

What if the main character of a story is to read his own story? This is the story of Kazuto Kirigaya/Kirito who happened to fuse with his parallel self in a different reality where his identity as Kazuto Kirigaya/Kirito is nothing but a fictional character created by some author.

DaddyGiveMeDragon · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Is it wrong to turn gods into mortals?

"So this is what it felt to be mortal. I felt freer than ever." Said Zeus trying to adjust to his new body.

Zeus, Hera and Hermes finally become mortals.

Once gods that reign over the concepts they represent are now nothing more than mere mortals or it should have been.

Zeus as of now looks like a very handsome and dignified heartthrob teenager perfect for modeling new products back on Earth.

He has blue eyes and white hair making it look like he is blood related to Shiro.

Hera who's currently taller than Zeus has a silver white hair tied in a ponytail that reaches to her waist and skin shone under the brilliance of the sun reflecting it's glossy and silky radiance.

She quite resembles Alfia and Reveria a mix between the two gorgeous ladies in fact.

Alfia looks at Hera in annoyance questioning her son why did gave Hera an appearance similar to hers.

The current Hermes is a short dignified young man with gorgeous golden hair like a blazing flame.

He is a remarkably handsome man with an air of elegance and gentleness around him.

"I felt more alive than before."

Said Hera examining her new body.

"The shackles that restrict us. I can feel them no more."

Hermes's attention was on the shackles that prevented gods from using their powers.

The Hermes Familia members also felt the changes that began happening inside them.

They felt complete for some reason, as if the missing puzzle that in their existence had been placed at last.

Though they lost their omnipotent power they held over the concept they govern at least they are now free from the shackles that bind their very existence.

The shackles that turned some of them mad.

The shackles that prevented them from living as a person.

They were not free.

The loss of their godly powers is but a small price in exchange for freedom after millions of years.

Moreover, as of now that they have become mortals, they are now allowed to experience what it really felt to become mortal.

To live as they pleased and conceive life.

"There are some complications but everything goes as planned and well."

Everyone looked at Shiro leaning over his sword he had this contemplating look on his face.

"Did something go wrong?" Alfia worriedly asked.

"It's nothing in particular. Is just that I didn't account the concepts gods represent so I need to improvise."

"What do you mean by improvise?"

This time it was Hera who asked her grandson.

The other two gods also look at Shiro's direction in worried.

After their fall from grace from being omnipotent gods over the concepts they represent into mere mortals the three can feel this unbreakable connection they have with Shiro.

The connection granted them power and comfort.

So things that worried Shiro are also their concern.

Moreover, if such things are very much related to them.

"Well you see grandma it seems that if a god disappeared or dies the world would be affected drastically in a terrible manner so in order to prevent a calamity from happening I created an artificial non sentient spirit that will now embody your former divinity.

This way even after your transfiguration into becoming true mortals the concept you represent wouldn't be affected preventing a calamity from happening."

Explained Shiro as he began summoning three brilliant light orbs; dark blue, pinkish red and golden brown.

The dark blue is Zeus's divinity.

The pinkish red is Hera's divinity.

And lastly the golden brown is Hermes's divinity.

"That's probably our fault for not informing you. We are so excited about the allure of becoming mortals that we forgot such a crucial matter. And we apologize for that."

Said Hera bowing which the two former male gods followed suit.

"No worries grandma. I should thank you instead."

"Why…" Hera gave Shiro a questioning look.

"From that small complication I seem to have unlocked a new power of mine so all in all it benefited me more compared to the inconveniences it brought me." Said Shiro.

"New power? What power did you gain now your broken brat?" Asked by the former god of lightning.

Shiro pointed to the three orbs in hand.

"Spirit creation. I can now freely create spirits as I please so long the necessary requirements for doing so are met."


Everyone looked at Shiro in shock.

While they did already knew that Shiro is the [Spirit King] they didn't really know what the said title entailed.

Some of the Hermes Familia members even thought it was nothing but a mere alias.

"You mean the child of gods, spirits?" Laurier asked wide eyed.

The others also have the same reaction as Laurier the former gods themselves we're an exception.

Even gods couldn't freely do that as spirits were born naturally in nature even back in heaven.

"Well spirits aren't necessary child of gods. And yes I can now freely create spirits."

"That's just absurd. How can a human create spirits?" Suicia a female elf exclaimed.

"Suicia, you're more shocked that the kid can create spirits than the fact that he can literally see the fate of the world and turn gods into mortals."

Golmeth another member of the Hermes Familia who's mostly calmed about the situation said to Suicia.

Suicia realizing what Golmeth is trying to point out kept silent.

She was just too shocked by the previous events that unfounded that only now she is able to react.

For elves Spirits are sacred some of them even treat spirits as divine figures more than gods.

No one can really blame Suicia as all the things that had happened just a few hours ago were just way too absurd and nonsensical for their mortal minds to comprehend.

Even the former gods themselves Zeus, Hera and Hermes we're still dumbstruck by the absurdity of Kai's abilities.

Name: Zeus

Race: Spirit Human

Class: Spear Saint

Grace: Blessing of the spirit king [Sealed]

EP: 5,000

Skills: [Extra Skill: Lightning Dominion] [Extra Skill: Control Weather] [Extra Skill: Spear Saint]

Resistance: [Paralysis Resistance] [Physical Attack Resistance] [Spirit Attack Resistance]

Instincts: [Divine Perception] [Gods Eyes] [Physical Spirit Conversion]

Name: Hera

Race: Spirit Human

Class: None

Grace: Blessing of the spirit king [Sealed]

EP: 2,500

Skills: [Unique Skill: Eminence Queen] [Extra Skill: Control Weather] [Extra Skill: Valkyrie]

Resistance: [Mental Attack Resistance] [Physical Attack Resistance] [Spirit Attack Resistance]

Instincts: [Divine Perception] [Gods Eyes] [Physical Spirit Conversion]


[Unique Skill: Eminence Queen]

- Mind Dominance

- Invisibility

- Universal Shapeshift

- Fertility

[Extra Skill: Valkyrie]

- Superhuman strength

- Superhuman speed

Name: Hermes

Race: Spirit Human

Class: Messenger

Grace: Blessing of the spirit king [Sealed]

EP: 5,000

Skills: [Extra Skill: Traveler] [Extra Skill: Messenger] [Extra Skill: Gambler]

Resistance: [Physical Attack Resistance] [Spirit Attack Resistance]

Instincts: [Divine Perception] [Gods Eyes] [Physical Spirit Conversion]

"Grandma Hera is the strongest between you three due to her unique skill but she has less EP…"

Said Shiro after examining the three former gods status using [Wise One] extra skill analysis.

"Why do I have less EP little Shiro?" Asked Hera.

Not that she's complaining. She just wants to know more about the system of power her grandson is using.

"You see grandma Skills uses EP as payment to be born. EP means Energy Point(s) such as mana and divinity.

You having greater desire and stronger WILL than grandpa Zeus and pervert Hermes here allowed you to gain a Unique Skill.

Unique Skills are Skills that, as the name suggests, are Unique and only exist one at a time.

These are considered god-like abilities that allow a person to directly or indirectly warp reality and causality depending on their effects.

It's a miracle that it only took 2,500 EP for a unique skill to manifest as it usually takes more.

Probably thanks to the purity of my EP."

Shiro done in explaining placed his sword back in the dimensional tear in space.

"So I now have this unique skill."

Hera looks at Zeus and Hermes giving them a prideful smirk.

"Allow me to relay the information about your new found abilities."

Shiro extended his hand to the forehead of the three before him before a streak of translucent while light invalided their minds.

"My control over my lightning and weather seems to have grown stronger thanks to these Extra Skills." Commented Zeus as he began summoning his lightning trying to manipulate it.

"Eminence Queen, allows me to turned completely invisible, shapeshift as I pleased, control the minds of others and blessed myself or other people's fertility rate. Eminence Queen main function allows me to monitor my target; my king's every action and movement. By placing a mark on my king so long one of us is alive we wouldn't die."

Said Hera as she looked at Zeus with an ever so gentle smile.

Zeus hearing about Hera's powers felt a shiver rundown his spine.


Hermes and the others gave Zeus a pitying look.

"Traveler, it is like an improved version of my divine ability that allows me to move between places. However, travelers cannot be restricted by any spatial restrictions.

Messenger allows me to send telepathic messages between worlds and universes.

Gambler basically turns me into a gambling king that has a fixed 75% of winning any betting game."

Hermes joyously claimed.

Hermes [Extra Skill: Gambler] is an OP skill.

But he first needs to initiate a game before it can take effect.