
Baca Buku Novel zendaya desnudas Online - WebNovel


  • Obteniendo $10 Billones De La Nada

    Connor McDonald trabajaba a tiempo parcial repartiendo comida. Un día, tuvo que llevar comida a un hotel tristemente célebre por ser un hotel sexual. Cuando la puerta de la habitación se abrió, no pudo creer sus ojos. Su novia estaba medio desnuda, abrazada a un niño rico de su clase. —Bueno, ahora que lo has descubierto, supongo que es hora de que lo sepas —se burló el niño rico—. Tu novia está saliendo conmigo ahora. —Connor, olvídate de mí. Eres huérfano y no tienes dinero. Incluso si repartes comida por el resto de tu vida, no hay forma de que puedas competir con él. No eres lo suficientemente bueno para mí. Terminemos —dijo su novia. Connor estaba completamente atónito, preguntándose por qué Dios impediría a la gente pobre tener una relación normal. Justo cuando se sumía en el dolor, su teléfono sonó de repente. Recibió un mensaje de texto interesante. [Has recibido 1,000,000,000.00 dólares en tu cuenta.] —¿Qué diablos? —exclamó Connor—. ¿Quién demonios me acaba de transferir 1 mil millones de dólares?

    Silent Wind · perkotaan

    Thought they said love and care doesn't have anything to do with human race. But that's a lie,it does have something to do with it. Being a black girl ain't no crime, but why does people see it as a crime?. Zendaya's race has made things difficult for her. Everyone in her new school doesn't like her because of her color. She gets harassed everytime by the three Amigos of the school. Even her biological mother doesn't love and cherish her... But they're two people who always have her back. Her best friend and her grandfather. Her life in highschool made a big twist when she started dating someone...Who is the person?. When the whole school knew about the secret she has been hiding. What secret? When the darkness of her life threatens to define her, will she find the light to rewrite her story? Dive into this gripping tale of love,trauma and self discovery. Unravel the threads that binds her past, present and future

    Okiki_Ola · Masa Muda
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  • Queen Zendaya

    [In the evil forest] I passed every tree and every animal heading to the tree near the lake. The one that Zaire was perching on earlier. Zaire left his spear beneath this tree, and I was on my way to grab that Spears. If It thrust my body before contact, then I wouldn't have any distress. But, if it kills me, then I will rest in peace. I will know that I died fighting to be with the one I love. I died for love and died trying. However, how did I end up here? When I was a young girl I got lost in an Evil forest. I was then rescued by a man called Mr. Makena. According to my village beliefs, my fate is to be a queen. I grew up with a Believe that I will be the queen of Amari. *** What an ineffable place the ocean is? And an adventure awaits me. Love is my priority and I'm ready to fight for my love. **** Disappointment, Hope, love, and bravery. These are all the things that I will go through to realize my true fate. You could be more than what is said you're and your fate could be greater than said. Some things come at the least expected and greater than were initially expected.

    NthabisengMogajane · Fantasi
  • Me transmuté en una novela y me convertí en la malvada madrastra de cinco adorables bebés

    ``` —En su vida pasada, Mo Ruyue fue una asesina de primer nivel. Era tan indiferente como un abismo y había matado a más personas de las que tenía dedos para contar. En su nueva vida, se convirtió en la malvada madrastra de cinco pequeños en un valle montañoso remoto, y ellos estaban aterrorizados de ella. En esta vida, decidió cambiar la forma en que vivía. ¿Solo tenía cuatro paredes desnudas por casa? ¿Sus hijos pasaban tanta hambre que estaban solo piel y huesos? No hay problema. Podía matar jabalíes con sus propias manos, así que la comida no era un problema. También era experta en tablas de multiplicar, y sus niños se convirtieron instantáneamente en grandes fanáticos de ella. Había sido un viaje difícil cambiar de una madrastra malvada a una cálida. Entonces, su supuesto esposo muerto regresó de repente, ahora el primer ministro de la dinastía. —Divorciémonos. Dame a los niños, y te devolveré el dinero". —No me falta nada, solo tú y los niños". ```

    Wu Shuangzhou · Umum
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  • Zendaya Norwich

    Ayodeji_Christiana · Fantasi
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  • ¿Vendido?

    ``` Libro 1 ¿Vendida? [Volumen 1] Lo más aterrador que una chica puede imaginar es ser abandonada. Pero, ¿hay algo peor? Ser vendida en una subasta, desnuda y asustada y luego comprada como un juguete. Rosalie nunca pensó que realmente terminaría siendo vendida en una subasta. Su vida no era todo flores, pero aún así no quería terminar siendo una esclava. Cuando lo peor estaba sucediendo, es vendida a un multimillonario. Libro 2 ¿Poseída? [Volumen 2] Ser perseguida por gánsteres, ser secuestrada y luego forzada a convertirse en esclava de uno de los mayores jefes de la Mafia del país era la peor pesadilla de Azalea. Pero para empeorar las cosas, el secuestrador era el hombre al que Azalea había odiado toda su vida por privarla de su única familia. Libro 3 ¿Cautiva? [Volumen 3] Tras la desaparición de Azalea, Arius siempre se encontraba sumido en pensamientos sobre ella. Nunca la superó, pero ¿qué sucede cuando una pequeña alegría entra en su vida y se convierte en un camino para encontrar su amor perdido de nuevo? ```

    _Chickennugget · perkotaan
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  • Giving The Female Lead A Happy Ending At All Costs To Save My Soul

    Katarina had a picture perfect life: everlasting wealth, a loving husband, and everything she could ever want, but it all ended when she caught him and sister in bed together! To top it all, her husband ended up killing her after completely ruining her life. Luckily for her, she was granted a second chance to live. But, there was ONE clause. Katarina woke up in a story, as the main character of the book. In order to leave the story and return to her original life, she has to grant the female lead a happy and satisfying ending no matter what. The story’s female lead’s life was quite pathetic. She was blind, weak and bullied, and her betrothed who she was supposed to get married to, is fucking female lead’s step sister right under female lead’s nose. Katarina didn’t expect this quest to be an easy one, but she also didn’t expect it to be complicated to the extent of people wanting the weak female lead dead. ——— | ——— “Do I look like a fucking baby sitter to you?” He demanded, sounding as outraged as he looked. I let out a frustrated breath, knowing I was in no place to flare up since I’m the one in need right now. “No, your highness, you do not.” “Then why do you keep asking me t–” “Because my life is on the line!” I exclaimed urgently. His eyes narrowed and he scoffed. “What has that got to do with me? Do I look like I care? Cause I promise you that I do not.” “Because you need me, your highness. You know you do, even though you refuse to admit it.” I blurted out. A scowl settled on his handsome face. “Stop saying nonsense, you delusional weirdo.” “We both need each other and that’s the truth, so it’s best I don’t lose my life just yet, don’t you think so?”

    Zendaya_4274 · Fantasi
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  • betrothed to the playboy

    it all started through a lot of secrets,she got betrothed to a playboy which she found out was the famous singer;she began falling in love with him but he kept resisting what is he hiding? will he learn to love her back? follow me.on this college romance

    Zendaya_zendaya · Masa Muda
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  • EVERFALL(fate was destined)

    fate brought them together,after the death of her parents has lived with her uncle and cousin who treated her like dirt. during an accident she met with him,she did everything possible to save his life without knowing who he was. kyle leexander,a cold hearted ceo with a frozen heart;many women wished to be by his side but he remained single for three years until she came into his life

    Zendaya_zendaya · perkotaan
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    Three thousand years ago,the demon king brought chaos to heaven and earth,its killed thousands of people. the gods decided to put a stop to his destruction even if it means sacrificing their divine essence but he was just too powerful . But what happens when his only weakness is his past and the key to stopping him lies in a woman. discord account:Zendaya0538

    Zendaya_zendaya · Fantasi
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  • La bruja CEO no es un demonio

    Moño alto, anteojos, camisa de manga larga y falda trenzada. Vestido tan estrictamente, FengJiu alcanzó los 28 años sin tener ninguna interacción íntima con los hombres. A una edad temprana, siendo huérfana, FengJiu se dedicó a cuidar bien de su abuelo y sus negocios, eligiendo vivir una vida diferente a la de un adolescente normal. Ahora, como CEO de Feng International, la gente la ve como una mujer estoica sin emociones. En el fondo, FengJiu es como cualquier otra mujer, quiere experimentar la belleza de la vida y el romance. Debido a la presión de su abuelo en su matrimonio, FengJiu decidió permitirse experimentar la vida de una mujer soltera sin preocupaciones antes de casarse (matrimonio). Por primera vez en su vida, se emborrachó y festejó toda la noche. ¿Eh? ¿Por qué está desnuda? Eh? Ehh ?! "Mujer, después de comerme seco, tienes que asumir la responsabilidad". dijo un hombre desvergonzado. En un instante, ella se convirtió en su 'mamá de azúcar'. ¡¿Qué?! ¡Este descarado NEET a quien 'adoptó' es el dueño de Lu Corporation, su enemigo? Antes de que pudiera escapar, la ataron en la cama. "Mujer, es mejor que elijas sabiamente. ¿Te casarás conmigo o yo me casaré contigo?" Ella lo rechaza estrictamente después de saberlo todo, pero cada centímetro de su cuerpo anhela lo contrario. (NEET- No en Educación, Empleo o Capacitación, también conocido como Desempleado) NOTA: esta no es una historia original solo mi traducción

    maruvi_vidal · perkotaan
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  • Fearless hearts

    The devil stared at the painting of his only daughter and smiled.. "It's only a matter of time Darlene, you'll either come back to me or I'll take you back by force"

    Zendaya_nights · Masa Muda
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    "Momma?" "Butterfly go back to your room mommy's gonna be there soon" The last words my mom spoke to me before she was murdered. Delilah was always the girl everyone underestimated. But everything changes when she's thrown from her life as a normal teen girl to become the head of her family's cartel with a father too obsessed with finding his wife's killer to rule and wife to a man She doesn't know. Worse yet could she be falling for this strange man? How would she cope with her new life?... Read Delilah's reign to find out. (NOT EDITED) There will be sex scenes, use of mature laguages and violence.... you've been warned

    Zendaya2254 · Fantasi
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  • My Ex-wife is Mysterious

    After a year of marriage, Dominic Bradford's first love returned to the country. Zendaya Franklin received the divorce agreement from Dominic, who she had loved deeply for a year. "Sign it" Dominic tossed the divorce agreement on the island in the kitchen. At the entrance of the civil hall, Dominic confessed to his first love. "I love you only, dear. I never touch her throughout this marriage". Zendaya felt heartbroken and ridiculous. All the love she had for Dominic had gone down the drain. She resumed her old self back to earn money. It was then that people learned who the real Zendaya was. She was an excellent female in the real world. Four months later, late one night, Dominic called Zendaya with red eyes in a drunken mood, saying "Daya, I regret it. Let's marry again".

    Sarah_Asante · Masa Muda
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  • I Hate The Word Love

    When love comes from hate it becomes powerful than anything. Jason, son of a billionaire businessman falls for an ordinary yet confident girl Zendaya who sexually abused by her step father and likes Crane, a cute and sweet guy of campus, only competition of Jason. Jason can pass any boundary to get Zendaya. Three leads, hiding their secrets while trapped in a love triangle. In this love game, whose love will become mortal?

    Cyeda · Masa Muda
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    in order to clean up the mess that Zendaya created, everyone needs to stay put throughout the outbreak of monsters

    LIDAYAH_KIM_21 · Sci-fi
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