
Baca Buku Novel tsuma ga kirei Online - WebNovel


  • La fiancée indésirable de l'Alpha

    Jasmine est la première fille du grand Alpha Bale. En raison de son statut d'enfant naturelle, elle vit une vie maltraitée à récurer les sols et à répondre aux besoins de son père, sa belle-mère, ses demi-frères et sœurs et toute la meute. Mais sa vie prend un tournant drastique lorsqu'elle est échangée à la place de la fille légitime de son père pour être mariée au bel et froid Alpha Xaden. Xaden est déterminé à punir Jasmine pour les péchés de son père qui avait massacré toute sa famille, même si elle n'est rien comme son père. La haine se transforme lentement en désir, en passion ardente et finalement en amour. Mais que se passe-t-il lorsque Xaden découvre que Jasmine, qui a été placée comme espionne pour causer sa perte, n'était en fait pas la princesse originale qui lui avait été promise? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Que ceci serve de leçon à tous. Royal ou non, Alpha ou Oméga," déclare-t-il. "Vous éviterez de toucher à ce qui est à moi. Sur mon propre territoire. Dans ma meute." Avec ces mots, il jette le bras sanglant de côté et emmène Jasmine loin de leur regard choqué.

    Stephanie_king1 · Sejarah
  • La Renaissance d'Oméga

    Qu'est-ce qui était pire que la mort elle-même ? Eh bien, c'était mourir en sachant que personne ne vous regretterait, en sachant que votre mort était un service rendu à tous ceux que vous aviez connus. C'était exactement ce que je ressentais le jour où je suis mort. J'étais le fruit de l'amour du Roi Alpha de l'Éclipse, à une époque où le lien d'âme sœur était considéré comme sacré, un enfant né hors mariage n'était rien de moins que sacrilège... 'C'était sa faute, il aimait quelqu'un d'autre que son âme sœur...' 'C'était sa faute, il avait eu une connaissance charnelle d'une femme humaine.' 'Tout était de sa faute, mon seul crime était d'être né de sa luxure.' Mais pourquoi ce Roi Alpha qui était mon père était-il parfaitement en sécurité, alors que j'étais haï, méprisé et blâmé pour tout à la place ? Pourquoi devais-je être le pion de mon père, utilisé pour atteindre ses buts ? Pourquoi ne pouvais-je pas être rejeté comme tout le monde mais étais au lieu de cela assassiné par ma propre âme sœur ? Pourquoi ai-je été tué avant même d'avoir eu la chance de vivre ? J'avais mille questions et pourtant il n'y avait personne pour répondre et c'était exactement comme ça que je suis mort... Alors pourquoi mes yeux se sont-ils rouverts ce jour-là, un mois avant ma mort ? Était-ce à cause de mon petit secret ? Un secret que je ne dirai à personne d'autre qu'à vous... Au vu du titre de mon récit, vous devez penser que je suis un loup Oméga... Non, vous vous trompez... Je ne suis pas un loup Oméga, je suis un loup Alpha et mon nom est Oméga. ~Deuxième livre de la série la Renaissance des Loups-Garous. *Pas un préquel ou une suite à 'La Némésis du Roi Alpha', les deux livres ne sont pas liés si ce n'est pour le cadre du monde et le concept de Renaissance des Loup-Garous. *Couverture obtenue sur internet, tous les crédits vont à l'artiste original.*

    JHeart · Fantasi
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  • Transmigrating To Ancient Times With A Kitchen

    # luckyblessing # regulardrama When a gas tank exploded, Jian Qingqing transmigrated into the body of a little girl who had just died of starvation. Looking at the skinny, starving family living in a worn-down house that did little to shield them from the rainstorm outside, Jian Qingqing felt that she would soon die again. But she hadn’t expected her kitchen to follow her through time. Looking at the abundance of supplies in it, Jian Qingqing’s eyes lit up. Great! She wasn’t going to die this time! Using the supplies in the kitchen, Jian Qingqing led her family as they opened up the land for farming and building houses. Unexpectedly, the high-yield grains led the entire country out of poverty. Everyone praised Miss Jian as a God that had descended to earth! She developed a method to process coarse salt into fine salt so that people could eat it with ease. The Emperor's face was filled with tears as he said, "Miss Jian is really my lucky star!" In the end, the whole world was unified and shouted, “All of this is due to Miss Jian’s hard work!” Jian Qingqing said, "I just like to grow crops. I didn’t do anything!" After her success, Jian Qingqing planned to find a nice, obedient husband to bring home. But what was up with the legendary prince who was ruthless, indifferent, and could stop children from crying? Why was he always appearing beside her? Ming Zhiyan said, "I’m nice and obedient. Why don’t you marry me, Qingqing?" Looking at the man who was clearly a wolf pretending to be an obedient dog, Jian Qingqing fell into deep thought.

    Gardenia White Moonlight · Umum
  • King Of War: Starting with Arms Dealer

    A magical 'Universal Toolbox' led Joe Ga into the arms industry. The complex and unpredictable nature of the world caused Joe Ga to gradually change his goals... "Sir, how did you end up here?" "I don't know, I just wanted to make some money at first, buy a house, marry a wife. But slowly, as more and more people appeared around me, my goals started to change." "So what are your goals now?" "Now, I just want to retire peacefully with my guys, really!"

    Mice love to eat chicken legs · perkotaan
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  • Era of Players: Death God

    Check out my new novel: My Seven Beautiful Sins! °°°°° In a distant future, seven centuries after the cataclysmic mana storm, the world of Gaïa transformed into a realm infused with magic. The fabric of reality shifted, revealing the manifestation of stats, skills, and levels through ethereal windows, visible to all. A new era emerged, where humanity awoke to the concept of Classes, bestowing upon them unique abilities and the potential for greatness. However, only the truly exceptional would ascend to seize the Throne in this extraordinary Era of Players. Noah uttered profound words, his eyes shimmering with an unearthly force. "Life itself is akin to a prison, but fear not, for I, Death, shall set you free.'' °°° Discord: https://discord.com/invite/qxK8vcpF

    Nickaido · Fantasi
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  • Strongest Grimoire Of The Gods

    At the dawn of the universe, the most powerful demons and Gods competed in a legendary battle of strength by churning the universal sea. Out from it came many treasures, the most powerful of which was the God Grimoire. After finding its way through various hosts, it fell into the mortal realm. … Tear Shosha’s life was despondent and worthless for as long as he could remember. He was a middle aged gas station worker who was easy to walk over. He didn’t know who his parents were, and his memories of the distant past had been erased.  The only slightly pleasant thing he could remember  was the fact that he loved the display of magic. And so, he risked it all at a magic show by performing a trick out of his grandpa’s magic trick book… and found himself in a new world filled with unique landscapes, unthinkable creatures, and some of the strongest beings in the universe. With the help of his new God Grimoire, which traveled with him through his soul, Tear—>Tyr will unlock his memories of past and the catastrophe which fell upon his family, forge himself from a weak and timid man to a ruthless and cunning, genius ruler, and climb atop all pinnacles, trampling his way to the throne of Heaven.  “An immortal God? I see… so I have another stone to step on!” ———————————————-— Main character: - Not a lone wolf edgelord. - Not a hero of justice. He’s reasonable. - Not OP from the start. - Not a cunning ruthless genius from the start. - Has quick, solid character development in the first arc. - Trust him. World: - Super vast cultures. - Unique power system. - Dangerous, ruthless place. - Several planets + Hell and Heaven realms later on. Characters: - Each one has a distinct backstory. - They aren’t boring as hell. Story: - Well planned and gets deep and hype. - Foreshadowing from chapter 1. - NO HAREM. - Potential Romance in later chaps. There will be a bunch of things I probably didn’t add so if you have any questions, ask them by replying to my review. Have a good read! ———————————————————- Release Rate: 2 Chapters daily. 250 Powerstones = 1 Bonus Chapter. 500 Powerstones = 2 Bonus Chapter. 100 Golden Tickets = 1 Bonus Chapter. Castle = 1 Bonus Chapter, Spaceship = 2 Bonus Chapters, Golden Gachapon = 3 Bonus Chapters. All bonus chapters will be released at the end of the week on weekends. Monthly Mass Release Goal: To be decided soon... DISCORD: https://discord.gg/K59qhmX5

    WriterTheos · Fantasi

    Nous sommes en 2220 la terre a été bien trop longtemps exploitée par les Hommes et le manque de matière première avait commencé à se faire ressentir : métal, bois, énergie, pétrole, charbon, gaz. Les énergies renouvelables quant à elles étaient bien moins efficaces et la demande en énergie ne cessait de croître au fur et à mesure que la population augmentait. Il en allait de même pour les ressources alimentaires. Ces besoins vont alimenter au bout de quelques années des guerres entre différents pays. Plus les années passaient plus la situation empirait. Certains pays se sont effondré la pollution était à son paroxysme. Les Hommes avaient plus que jamais besoin de ressources. Ces guerres ont coûté à l'humanité 50 % de sa population et elle prit fin en 2235. Nous allons suivre l'histoire de Ray et Mia qui vont découvrir alors les atrocités de la guerre et de son lourd tribus.

    Lyl · Sci-fi
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    "Aimée, dès maintenant, je veux que tu deviennes ma Compagne, et tu ne peux pas me rejeter !" Aimée, une oméga de la meute Lune Rouge, est le membre le plus faible qui manque de capacité à communiquer avec son loup, et elle ne sait pas non plus qui est son compagnon destiné. La proposition faite par Alpha James oblige Aimée à accepter avec résignation. Quel sera le destin d'Aimée ?

    WednesdayAdaire · Fantasi
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    Oktavia Prayuda terpaksa harus menerima perjodohan dan pernikahan dengan seorang CEO muda bernama Elang Sastra Pratama sebagai pelunas utang dan  kerja sama perusahaan papanya. Oktavia Prayuda berumur 19 tahun. Seorang gadis cantik alami,  periang,  pintar, murah senyum dan menurut kepada orang tuanya.  Elang Sastra Pratama seorang CEO pemilik perusahaan Pratama. Corp berusia 30 tahun. Pria yang diincar setiap wanita di dunia. Suka menghalalkan segala cara untuk mencapai ambisinya Akankah pernikahan Oktavia dan Elang bahagia nantinya? 

    kirei_ardilla · perkotaan
  • Gas Meltdown

    FleetYeet · Fantasi
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  • Jodoh Ga Kemana

    Yasmin wanita berhijab yang bekerja di sebuah perusahaan dan hampir di kantornya tidak ada yang mengenakan hijab terutama wanita, dan ada pria yang memandanginya saat berada di lift bernama Zaki.

    Dewi_Apriliani154 · perkotaan
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  • Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu {novel}

    High school student Misumi Makoto is called into a fantasy world by the god Tsukuyomi, in order to be a hero. However, powerful others in this world aren’t as thrilled to have him there, and kick him to the edge of the world just as Tsukuyomi declares that he must leave Makoto to find his own way. Now it’s up to Makoto to find his own way! { original work - Azumi Kei}{Translation - Reigokai}[if you want support the translator then please visit on(https://www.patreon.com/isekaitranslations)]

    utsav_tiwari · Fantasi
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  • Gifted Gas

    The world was living in peace, when suddenly a meteorite crashed on earth, and spread a poisonous gas, ending the peaceful days in seconds. People were no longer allowed to go out, and started to live their lifes in isolation. The world was not ready for a disaster like this. But there was a different truth that was hidden from everyone. The mystery of the gas and it‘s origin would soon to be unveiled.

    horizon · Fantasi
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  • Common Sense Manipulation System

    Johnny is a young man who has continually struggled in life. Nothing seems to go his way, as his mother died a few years ago, leaving him with no one to call family. He has since been working a dead-end gas station job and just a few days ago, got fired. He now stands in his apartment, holding a rope in his hands. ‘What is the point? No one loves me, I’m still a virgin at 21, and I can’t even hold a damn job.’ He thought miserably. Just as he was about to do something he might regret; he heard an audible ding before a pink and blue screen appeared in front of him. [Congratulations! You have been selected by the universe to be the beta tester of our new program called: Common Sense Manipulation System! You have been chosen because of your miserable life and virgin status! But do not worry young man, with this system you can finally become someone worth a damn! Fame! Money! Beautiful women! The possibilities are endless!] ——————————————- Every Character is above the age of 18! NO YURI! NO NTR! I try to publish at least 1 chapter a day… Please support me with power stones and reviews. I like watching that funny little view number go up. ;) Also, don’t be afraid to add to your collection and leave some chapter comments. If you have any suggestions for scenes or characters, please let me know. I’ll try to be as accommodating as possible! Cover art is A.I. Generated ;)

    WhySoEvil · perkotaan

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