
Baca Buku Novel me voy casi angeles Online - WebNovel


  • Angel Monarch

    It's been 25 years since the apocalypse, when the world we knew changed forever. It was then that terrible monsters appeared and some of humanity evolved to fight them. Seraphine a 18 year old citizen in Newber-City, was living a peaceful life with her parents, learning at the Academy, to get a nice job within the government. At least, until everything turned for the worse and she ended up as an Evolved in a destroyed city.

    Xantos · Fantasi
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  • My Angel system

    In old times a boy named Luis had lost his parents at a very tender age, he never even got to know who his parents were. With his parents gone he had to be taken care of by his wicked aunt who hardly fed him once a day, in effort to get food Luis was adviced to steal by a strange book without minding the punishment of burning given to thieves. When Luis was caught he ran into the forest and the villagers including his aunt chased him down with torches. "I think it's best I surrender now" Luis stopped running and was panting now. "I think I can see him!" he heard the village blacksmith shout. He took a little step backwards and down a hole he went. "Noooooo!!!" Luis screamed as he went down the hole, the last thing he saw was a red glowing light and then it was lights out for him. "What happened?" Luis groaned. "Where am I? And why is my body so cold" he said touching his arm" A screen appeard in front of him. [ System revived ] "What?" That was where the true journey began. Now the fate of mankind lies in his hands as he keeps completing tasks and quests to get stronger. Luis keeps getting stronger but the question is: Will he be able to stop Lucifer? Join my discord channel for more info about the novel. https://discord.gg/7DvJCBfvSy Also if you have time, you can check out The Angel System by ECM Manga.

    Franklin_Nwakamma · Fantasi
  • Mafia And His Angel

    "I hate you!" Angelina cried while beating his chest with her hands. Danzel just smirked at her little attempt. He lowered himself until he could feel the fear from her breaths and said, "Love, you can hate me all you want. It doesn't affect me either way!! But one thing you get straight into that brain of yours that there is no escape from me. I am never letting you go!" Angelina's eyes widened in fear and she cried, her petite figure struggling in his arms. Little did she know that she was just waking up the dead feelings in his heart. She was going to be the queen of his life.

    HONEYBUN97 · perkotaan
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  • My Angelic System

    Humanity was living peacefully on Earth for millions and millions of years until the day unknown monsters from beyond space invaded them. When humans were about to disappear, some people with abilities came out to the light and shared their knowledge and powers with the world, and together, they managed to push back the invaders during a terrible war that had lasted for years. This war had created many orphans, and among them, Kye had lost everything, even his parents. And the only thing he received from their death was a pale-looking necklace. However, once the necklace finally activated, a system was given to him, and his life changed completely. The system gave him quests to do, and Kye complied. He was getting stronger every time he achieved them, until the day it gave him a weird quest. [You have one day to kill the one who had sinned. If you do not kill, you will die.] ___ The first 20 chap or so looks kinda like MVS, so if you can't stand that, I advise you to don't even begin to read. But if you still want to see how it will change, then you are welcome to read MAS. I'll be glad to have you among my readers ^^. ___ Here's the discord of MAS if you want to join ^^: https://discord.gg/jGRE9ugeyD

    Karme · Fantasi
  • The Angel's Demon (BL)

    Reqiel is a sheltered Angel who just wants to live a little, he sweet-talks his way to being allowed to visit Earth and crashes into Andras, a demon on the run. Andras just wants to remain anonymous but the clumsy, bright youth that refuses to leave him won't let him be. Slowly but surely Reqiel worms his way into his heart but it's a love story that's never meant to be. ~*~ The Angels and Demons have always been at war and will always be at war so it was a fated tragedy from the start. Will their love remain strong through the ages as their very nature threatens to tear them apart?

    Aryna_Stan · LGBT+
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  • Demon Angel.

    Dr. Charles is a renowned psychiatrist, highly respected for his exceptional medical skills. However, his patients commonly refer to him as a demon. This isn't just because he embodies the calm, attention to detail, and rationality required of a doctor, but also because he manifests a level of madness that surpasses anyone else. In a cruel twist of fate, Dr. Charles is murdered for his excellence and finds himself in an unknown world. Armed with his unique blend of calmness and sufficient madness, he passes the trials of Mist School and the Abyss Train, successfully arriving at the Endless Abyss. Along the way, he discovers that a place called the Blood Moon Tower seems to hide a great secret. ============================= When you see this novel, you're probably thinking, "Another dark, broody novel? Haven't we had enough?" But hold your horses, my friends! This isn't your run-of-the-mill doom-and-gloom saga. Our MC might come across as a little unhinged—think Heath Ledger's Joker meets Jim Carrey—but that's where the magic happens. This story takes all those dark undertones and flips the script, sprinkling in dashes of humor that'll have you chuckling even as you bite your nails. It's like riding a rollercoaster in the dark—you don't see the twists coming, but you can't help but enjoy the ride! So, if you're in the mood for something that'll shake up your reading list, this novel is your golden ticket. NTR: NO Yuri: NO Harem: Yes Harem members: Beautiful Women, Female Ghost, Ghoul, Banshee, Demon, Everything Genre: Comedy MC Personality: Insane , Cautious , Humorous, Dark, Kind, Schizophrenic?

    PikaQ · Fantasi
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  • Forsaken : The Angel wars

    Christine didn't know why her dreams were filled with angels. Little did she know she was a reincarnation of the Angel of War. Lucian who damned himself to follow his lover to earth was left broken to see her die over and over again. Uriel who always hid his feelings in the shadows will not back down. Who will win her love in the end? This is a slow burn romance. ------ Lucian took a step forward, Christine took a step back, her back hit the door. Lucian placed his hands on either side of her head pinning her in, his face came closer, she could feel his breath. "What does your gut tell you, Miss Parkins?" Christine couldn't think, she was already undressing him. She averted her gaze, he removed this right hand, placing his fingers under her chin. He forced her face gently so that she was looking into his eyes. "Do not look away from me, tell me what does your gut say?" Christine gulped. "M... My gut says you are hiding behind a barrier, you are not dangerous to me." Lucian smiled at her, he moved his face an inch closer, their noses almost touching. "I am a very dangerous man, Miss Parkins. Your gut is wrong." Christine's head was spinning, then why did he ask me what my gut says if he will only brush it off? Before she could muster a retort her cooking alarm went off. "That would be lunch." ---- Warning: This story does contain smut, R-18. Please proceed with caution. *Disclaimer: The cover does not belong to me and all credit goes to the artist.

    Marli_Hanekom · Fantasi
  • Reincarnated as a Fallen Angel

    https://discord.gg/kZs9PE2 Join :) Waking up suddenly screaming, Alice looked around in a panic. The last thing she remembers is a devil like creature ripping her wings off and killing her. Seeing that no one is around and that she is fine she tries to feel her wings. Instead of what should be there, she feels like a part of her body has been stolen, noticing that she no longer has wings. In fact, she doesn't remember having white skin or her hair being this long. Forcing herself to stay calm, Alice tries to think about the situation calmly. 'I don't seem to be hurt other than the fact I don't think this is my body' Standing now she looks around finally realizing she's in an open field with nothing around except for a forest to the north and an ocean to the south. ______________________________________________ Will Alice manage to find out the truth behind her reincarnation and get revenge on the devil that took her wings as he killed her?

    Slewis · Fantasi
  • Her Guardian Angel

    Awkward computer genius Justin has been watching out for Emily for years...and she has no idea he exists. Will he be able to make her fall in love with him? *Cover art by polkadottedscrunchie*

    Mcllorycat · perkotaan
  • Return Of The Dark Angel

    The Tower of Angels... A tower that separated Earth from Heaven was being climbed by many climbers, who proclaimed themselves to be the Angels of Earth - humans of various ranks. Others included brave warriors from many races, be it vampires, ogres, goblins or even the mighty dragons! The aim was to climb to the 100th floor and clear it, as a reward for which one of their wishes would be fulfilled. . . . The story revolves around an Angel from heaven, who was shunned by society after being tagged as the Dark Angel, a fallen one. Being executed due to prejudice, the dark angel who is reborn, having his past memories, decides to walk on the path of revenge. 'One is not born evil, one is made evil.' - the phrase written by God, fit the reincarnated dark angel perfectly believed to abandon his own ideals and decided to walk on the path, which most would consider being the path of evil! Discord: https://discord.gg/E7GVKfKadE

    1st_Manga_KING · Fantasi
  • Los Angeles Detective

    A detective crosses over to the United States and becomes an LAPD detective. After overcoming the initial confusion, he has repeatedly solved strange cases and gained international fame. He is known as the most legendary detective in history...

    DaoistGxgstU · perkotaan
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    Angela Richi, twenty years old. A very beautiful, nice, helpful, clever, and strong girl. She is the one and only child from spouses, Mr. Ruben and Mrs. Sally. They live in central Jakarta. Yes, they are Indonesian citizens so it's hard to believe that Angela has blue eyes as Europeans do. Though her mother is a European but she has black eyes. There are so many miracles that Angela has. She can lift any kind of object and move it to another place just by rolling her eyes. And, nobody knows this secret unless her parents. Met a stranger man, Jacob William who can read people's mind as well. Then, who is a guy with amber eyes? The guy who is very possessive to Angela. Who will Angela choose? Jacob or Rudolph? ----- Hi all kind readers, since English is not my mother language, thus please apologize if there are many mistakes in grammar, tenses, etc. Hope you enjoy the read and any development critics are welcome. Thank you IG: Anee_tavel FB: Fery Anita

    Anee_ta · perkotaan
  • Angel of Death

    Other men, lesser men, measure power in terms of money or political influence or sexual conquests. But I have seen what true power is, and it is not found in checkbooks, voting booths, or bedrooms. No, true power is the power of life and death. Every time I end a life, I end a universe. Yes, a whole universe. The private cosmos that had been their world. The earth, sun, and stars, human history, culture, and art....all of it had existed, for them, only in their mind. Now they're dead, and, for them, those things exist no more. That is the secret I have learned. To wield power, ultimate power—the power to erase existence, void reality, blot out stars and galaxies with one stroke—it is not necessary to bring on Armageddon. It is necessary only to take a life. The God of the Old Testament is said to have created the world in six days. But I can wipe out a world in less than a minute, and I can do it whenever I please. Who, then, is the more powerful? Who is the greater god? The creator of one world—or the destroyer of many? _____________________________________________ *Discord: https://discord.gg/TeTKhzp Why not try my other book: King of Film or Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

    David_Tieku · Seram
  • The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten Compete Edition

    Sir_Smurf · Realistis
  • A Song of the Angels' Souls

    Ketiga belas gadis rupawan itu mengaku sebagai bidadari dari dunia lain. Di bumi, masing-masing dari mereka akan dipersatukan dengan seorang pria yang ditunjuk sebagai pendamping. Bidadari-bidadari itu datang ke bumi bukan untuk memberi berkah, mencegah kehancuran, atau menjadi penuntun bagi umat manusia. Bukan. Misi utama mereka adalah membunuh satu sama lain. Mereka akan terus bertempur sampai hanya ada satu yang tersisa. Satu yang akan diangkat sebagai ratu di dunia asalnya. Sementara itu, pendampingnya akan mendapatkan hadiah yang tak terkira nilainya. Keinginan terbesarnya akan dikabulkan tanpa terkecuali. Ini bukan sekadar kontes saling membunuh, tetapi juga bentrokan antar ambisi, kepentingan, dan ideologi.

    Gaasuja · Fantasi

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