
Baca Buku Novel enid sinclair Online - WebNovel


  • Mr. President: You Are The Daddy Of My Triplets

    "M... Marissa! Are they my kids?" Rafael's eyes weren't moving away from the adorable kids' faces. "No, Rafael. They are not," Marissa said with a fake smile, "They aren't yours. Remember?" she batted her lashes quite dramatically, "We were never married!" Marissa Aaron’s elder sister Valerie Aaron jilted her blind boyfriend on her wedding day and ran off. For face-saving, Merissa's family pleaded to her to marry Raphael Sinclair. The irony? She was not allowed to tell her blind husband that she was not Valerie but Merissa Aaron. On the day of Raphael's successful eye surgery, Marissa got to know that Valerie was back to take her rightful place as Sinclaire’s daughter-in-law. Marissa tried explaining to her husband that she was the one married to him, but he did not believe her. Instead of any more convincing, heartbroken Merissa decided to leave the city without telling him, her secret. Raphael Sinclair was the classic definition of drop-dead gorgeous and was the only heir of the Sinclair group of industries. What would he do when he came to know that all this time the woman who offered him, her love and her body was not Valerie but her younger sister Marissa Aaron? How would he react when he came to know that he was the father of the babies Marissa was carrying in her womb? Would he go after Marissa and win her back? And the million-dollar question! Would Marissa ever be able to forgive him and love him again?

    JessicaKaye911 · perkotaan
  • My Billionaire Ex-Husband Chase Me Back

    [Mature Content] Arabella Donovan sacrificed her youth solely for her husband. However, he divorced her because she could not bear children for him, causing her great pain. Bella decided to disappear from his life. Five years later, she returned to the country with her adorable son. Her peaceful life started to get disturbed when her ex-husband chased her back the moment he found out she was giving birth to his son. But now, she wasn't the same Bella she used to be. She is an entirely different person. ***** "Boss, she's back!" "Who?" Tristan Sinclair asked while scribbling his signature across stacks of papers. "Your wife—" The assistant hesitated, watching Tristan closely. When he saw Tristan's furrowed brows, he corrected himself. "Sorry, I mean your ex-wife, Ms. Donovan. She's returned with a boy..." Tristan sighed, eyeing the contract before him.  After five years of searching, only to find out she's moved on, it feels hurt. But he couldn't avoid it. She deserves happiness with someone else. He'll take this loss.  "She deserves a new husband..." Tristan muttered, dismissing his assistant. "Boss, what I meant was the cute little boy. I think he's around four years old—" Tristan snapped. His head up, fixing his sharp gaze on his assistant. "I need you to arrange a DNA test for the kid. And get me her address!"  A glimmer appeared in his eyes as a smile slowly spread across his face. ______ Author Novel: 1. DAMN! I FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM (Completed) 2. The Bride Of Immortal Crown Prince (Completed) 3. Rebirth: Dancing In My Destiny (Completed) 4. The Billionaire's Genius Wife (Completed) 5. Rebirth As The Vampire Lord's Wife (Completed) 6. My Billionaire Ex-Husband Chase Me Back _____ How to contact me: >> Instagram account: authorpurplelight >> FB Page: Author_Purplelight >> Join my Discord Server: https://bit.ly/purplelightserver _____ Notes: The book cover belongs to the author. Please don't reuse it!

    PurpleLight · perkotaan
  • Sr. Presidente: O senhor é o pai dos meus trigêmeos

    "M... Marissa! São meus filhos?" Os olhos de Rafael não se desviavam do rosto adorável das crianças. "Não, Rafael. Eles não são," disse Marissa com um sorriso falso, "Eles não são seus. Lembra?" ela piscou os cílios de maneira bem dramática, "Nunca fomos casados!" A irmã mais velha de Marissa Aaron, Valerie Aaron, abandonou seu namorado cego no dia do casamento e fugiu. Para salvar a aparência, a família de Merissa implorou para que ela se casasse com Raphael Sinclair. A ironia? Ela não podia dizer ao seu marido cego que não era Valerie, mas sim Marissa Aaron. No dia da bem-sucedida cirurgia de olhos de Raphael, Marissa ficou sabendo que Valerie havia voltado para tomar seu lugar de direito como nora dos Sinclair. Marissa tentou explicar ao marido que era ela quem havia se casado com ele, mas ele não acreditou. Em vez de tentar mais convencê-lo, a desolada Merissa decidiu deixar a cidade sem contar seu segredo. Raphael Sinclair era a clássica definição de galã e o único herdeiro do Grupo Sinclair de Indústrias. O que ele faria ao descobrir que todo esse tempo a mulher que lhe ofereceu amor e seu corpo não era Valerie, mas sim sua irmã mais nova Marissa Aaron? Como ele reagiria ao saber que era o pai dos bebês que Marissa estava esperando? Ele iria atrás de Marissa e reconquistaria seu amor? E a pergunta de um milhão de dólares! Marissa seria capaz de perdoá-lo e amá-lo novamente?

    JessicaKaye911 · perkotaan
  • Señor Presidente: Usted es el padre de mis trillizos

    —M... ¡Marissa! ¿Son mis hijos? —Los ojos de Rafael no se apartaban del rostro adorable de los niños. —No, Rafael. No lo son —dijo Marissa con una sonrisa fingida—. No son tuyos. ¿Recuerdas? —pestañeó de manera bastante dramática—. ¡Nunca nos casamos! Valerie Aaron, la hermana mayor de Marissa Aaron, dejó plantado a su novio ciego el día de su boda y se fugó. Para salvar las apariencias, la familia de Merissa le rogó que se casara con Raphael Sinclair. ¿La ironía? No se le permitió decirle a su esposo ciego que ella no era Valerie sino Merissa Aaron. El día de la exitosa cirugía ocular de Raphael, Marissa se enteró de que Valerie había vuelto para tomar su legítimo lugar como nuera de Sinclaire. Marissa intentó explicarle a su esposo que ella era la que estaba casada con él, pero él no le creyó. En vez de seguir convenciéndolo, la desconsolada Merissa decidió dejar la ciudad sin contarle su secreto. Raphael Sinclair era la definición clásica de una belleza impactante y era el único heredero del grupo de industrias Sinclair. ¿Qué haría él cuando se enterara que todo este tiempo la mujer que le ofreció su amor y su cuerpo no era Valerie sino su hermana menor Marissa Aaron? ¿Cómo reaccionaría al saber que era el padre de los bebés que Marissa llevaba en su vientre? ¿Iría tras Marissa para recuperarla? ¡Y la pregunta del millón! ¿Podrá Marissa alguna vez perdonarlo y volver a amarlo?

    JessicaKaye911 · perkotaan
  • Meu Ex-marido Bilionário Está Tentando Me Reconquistar

    ``` [Conteúdo Adulto] Arabella Donovan sacrificou sua juventude exclusivamente pelo marido. No entanto, ele a divorciou porque ela não podia gerar filhos para ele, causando-lhe grande dor. Bella decidiu desaparecer da vida dele. Cinco anos depois, ela retornou ao país com seu adorável filho. Sua vida pacífica começou a ser perturbada quando o ex-marido a perseguiu assim que descobriu que ela estava dando à luz ao filho dele. Mas agora, ela não era mais a mesma Bella de antes. Ela é uma pessoa completamente diferente. ***** "Chefe, ela voltou!" "Quem?" Tristan Sinclair perguntou enquanto rabiscava sua assinatura em pilhas de papéis. "Sua esposa—" O assistente hesitou, observando Tristan atentamente. Quando viu as sobrancelhas franzidas de Tristan, ele se corrigiu. "Desculpe, quero dizer sua ex-esposa, a Sra. Donovan. Ela voltou com um garoto..." Tristan suspirou, olhando para o contrato à sua frente. Depois de cinco anos procurando, só para descobrir que ela seguiu em frente, isso dói. Mas ele não podia evitar. Ela merece felicidade com outra pessoa. Ele aceitará essa perda. "Ela merece um novo marido..." Tristan murmurou, dispensando seu assistente. "Chefe, o que eu quis dizer é que o garotinho é fofo. Eu acho que ele tem uns quatro anos—" Tristan estalou. Sua cabeça se erguendo, fixando seu olhar afiado em seu assistente. "Eu preciso que você organize um teste de DNA para o garoto. E me consiga o endereço dela!" Um brilho apareceu em seus olhos enquanto um sorriso se espalhava lentamente por seu rosto. ______ Autora do Romance: 1. DAMN! ME APAIXONEI POR ELE (Concluído) 2. A Noiva do Príncipe Imortal (Concluído) 3. Renascimento: Dançando Em Meu Destino (Concluído) 4. A Esposa Gênio do Bilionário (Concluído) 5. Renascimento Como Esposa do Senhor Vampiro (Concluído) 6. Meu Ex-Marido Bilionário Está Me Perseguindo _____ Como entrar em contato comigo: >> Conta no Instagram: authorpurplelight >> Página no FB: Author_Purplelight >> Participe do meu servidor no Discord: https://bit.ly/purplelightserver _____ Notas: A capa do livro pertence à autora. Por favor, não a reutilize! ```

    PurpleLight · perkotaan
  • Mi Exmarido Billonario Me Persigue

    —¡Jefe, ha vuelto! —¿Quién? —preguntó Tristan Sinclair mientras garabateaba su firma en pilas de papeles. —Tu esposa —el asistente hesitó, observando atentamente a Tristan. Cuando vio las cejas fruncidas de Tristan, se corrigió a sí mismo—. Lo siento, quiero decir tu exesposa, la señora Donovan. Ha regresado con un niño... Tristan suspiró, observando el contrato frente a él. Después de cinco años de búsqueda, solo para descubrir que ella ha seguido adelante, se siente herido. Pero no podía evitarlo. Ella se merece la felicidad con otra persona. Aceptaría esta pérdida. —Se merece un nuevo esposo... —murmuró Tristan, despidiendo a su asistente. —Jefe, lo que quería decir es lo del niño bonito. Creo que tiene alrededor de cuatro años Tristan se enojó. Alzó la cabeza, fijando su mirada penetrante en su asistente. —Necesito que organices una prueba de ADN para el niño. ¡Y consígueme su dirección! —un brillo apareció en sus ojos mientras una sonrisa se extendía lentamente por su rostro.

    PurpleLight · perkotaan
  • Mr. President: Sie sind der Vater meiner Drillinge

    "M... Marissa! Sind das meine Kinder?" Rafaels Augen wichen nicht von den niedlichen Gesichtern der Kinder. "Nein, Rafael. Das sind sie nicht", sagte Marissa mit einem gespielten Lächeln, "Es sind nicht deine. Weißt du noch?", sie klimperte dramatisch mit den Wimpern, "Wir waren nie verheiratet!" Marissa Aarons ältere Schwester Valerie Aaron hat ihren blinden Freund an ihrem Hochzeitstag sitzen lassen und ist abgehauen. Um ihr Gesicht zu wahren, flehte Marissas Familie sie an, Raphael Sinclair zu heiraten. Die Ironie dabei? Sie durfte ihrem blinden Ehemann nicht sagen, dass sie nicht Valerie, sondern Merissa Aaron war. Am Tag von Raphaels erfolgreicher Augenoperation erfuhr Marissa, dass Valerie zurück war, um ihren rechtmäßigen Platz als Sinclaires Schwiegertochter einzunehmen. Marissa versuchte ihrem Mann zu erklären, dass sie diejenige war, die mit ihm verheiratet war, aber er glaubte ihr nicht. Anstatt ihn weiter zu überzeugen, beschloss die untröstliche Merissa, die Stadt zu verlassen, ohne ihm ihr Geheimnis zu verraten. Raphael Sinclair war die klassische Definition von umwerfend schön und der einzige Erbe der Sinclair-Industriegruppe. Was würde er tun, wenn er erfuhr, dass die Frau, die ihm die ganze Zeit ihre Liebe und ihren Körper angeboten hatte, nicht Valerie, sondern ihre jüngere Schwester Marissa Aaron war? Wie würde er reagieren, wenn er erfährt, dass er der Vater der Babys ist, die Marissa in ihrem Bauch trägt? Würde er Marissa nachgehen und sie zurückgewinnen? Und die Millionen-Dollar-Frage! Würde Marissa ihm jemals verzeihen und ihn wieder lieben können?

    JessicaKaye911 · perkotaan
  • Monsieur le Président: Vous êtes le Papa de mes triplés

    "M... Marissa ! Sont-ils mes enfants ?" Les yeux de Rafael ne se détachaient pas des visages adorables des enfants. "Non, Rafael. Ils ne le sont pas," Marissa dit avec un sourire forcé, "Ils ne sont pas les tiens. Tu te souviens ?" elle battit des cils de manière assez dramatique, "Nous n'avons jamais été mariés !" La sœur aînée de Marissa Aaron, Valérie Aaron, a abandonné son petit ami aveugle le jour de leur mariage et s'est enfuie. Pour sauver les apparences, la famille de Merissa l'a suppliée d'épouser Raphael Sinclair. L'ironie ? Elle n'avait pas le droit de dire à son mari aveugle qu'elle n'était pas Valérie mais Marissa Aaron. Le jour de la chirurgie oculaire réussie de Raphael, Marissa a appris que Valérie était de retour pour reprendre sa place légitime en tant que belle-fille des Sinclair. Marissa a tenté d'expliquer à son mari qu'elle était celle qui avait épousé, mais il ne l'a pas crue. Au lieu de le convaincre davantage, le cœur brisé, Merissa a décidé de quitter la ville sans lui révéler son secret. Raphael Sinclair était l'incarnation même de l'homme incroyablement séduisant et était le seul héritier du groupe d'industries Sinclair. Que ferait-il lorsqu'il apprendrait que tout ce temps la femme qui lui offrait son amour et son corps n'était pas Valérie mais sa sœur cadette Marissa Aaron ? Comment réagirait-il en apprenant qu'il était le père des bébés que Marissa portait en elle ? Chercherait-il à retrouver Marissa et à la reconquérir ? Et la question à un million de dollars ! Marissa serait-elle un jour capable de lui pardonner et de l'aimer à nouveau ?

    JessicaKaye911 · perkotaan
  • God Simulator: The Goddesses In The Simulation Are All Real

    The World God of Terra was devoured by the Outer God, and eldritch creatures enslaved all of humanity. Humanity was reduced to mere livestock, wearing collars with their names and barcodes, labeling them as the property of the Outer God. However, hope wasn’t entirely lost. The World Will of Terra blessed some chosen humans who rose up against the lackeys of the Outer God. Female humans became magical girls, while the males could summon mecha armors and become mecha drivers. Unfortunately, despite being a transmigrator, Linsley Sinclair hadn’t obtained a special ability or blessing from the World Will. As Linsley wallowed in depression, thinking about how messed up the world was, he was snapped back to reality by a sound. -Ding! [The God Simulator has been integrated into your soul!] -Ding! [It has been detected that the host’s soul has been marked by the Outer God.] -Ding! [The system has successfully eradicated the Outer God’s slave mark without alerting the Outer God.] -Ding! [It has been detected that the host’s mind has been polluted by the Outer God’s insanity.] -Ding! [The host’s mind has been purified and the host is now immune to the Outer God’s mental pollution.] [The God Simulator was created by the Will of the Infinite Realities to save this multiverse from the Outer Gods’ corruption.] [The main feature of the God Simulator is to create a simulated body and let it transmigrate into another world. The simulated body will enter the simulation, creating an alternate timeline influenced by the host’s actions.] [The God Simulator’s goal is for the host to become a god in every simulated world. The host must complete the normal simulation and become a god before entering the full-dive simulation.] [If the host dies in the normal simulation, it won’t cause true death since it’s only a simulated body. However, if the host dies during a full-dive simulation, it results in true death.] With the God Simulator, Linsley entered the simulation. In his journey to save the world and become a god, he met beautiful goddesses. However… “You’re telling me that those beautiful goddesses in the simulation are all real?” “And now, they are coming to get me? Fuck!” *** Dear readers, here's a challenge for you! Below is a list of goals that, if met, will result in bonus chapter updates: * Every 500 powerstones per week (since they reset weekly) = 2 bonus chapters * Every 100 golden tickets (which reset monthly) = 2 bonus chapters * Every Magic Castle (or any super gift above it) = 5 bonus chapters *** Discord Server Link: https://discord.gg/XD6ShCXZeP

    MarvisWindesburg · Fantasi
  • I Am Tired Of Being A Hero

    “Have you ever wished that a truck would hit you and you would transmigrate into a world filled with swords and magic? Perhaps you wished that you would be a hero, defeating the villains, protecting the land, and receiving all sorts of admiration and love from the people. I would give you one piece of advice. Perish that thought.” -Ravi West *** Ravi West was a hero of indisputable esteem. As a Sentinel, he traveled the Realms, killing villains and saving entire civilizations. His job was everything to him. Until Luxor. Luxor changed everything. Luxor changed him. Ravi was done. The tiredness etched into his bones. He laid down his mantle and vanished. He chose the most boring planet in his memory for his retirement, except this Earth was not like the one he remembered- Nests, monsters, superheroes, and villains filled the streets but that was not his business. He has a plan, a quiet, uncaring life filled with wine, food, and books. But the New Captain at the Bureau seemed to enjoy shattering all his carefully laid plans. He was the most annoying person Ravi had ever met, blonde hair, the most beautiful blue eyes, and a sunny smile, the righteous Arlen Sinclair constantly got involved in cases much bigger than him, dragging Ravi along into his Shenanigans. **** Grumpy, Cynic Shou who doesn't care if the world burns× Golden Retriever, Righteous Gong who is the first to bring the bucket to save the burning world. #Foundfamily #Sliceoflife, #crime, #mystery, #Superheros, #OverpoweredMc, #Protagonistfallsinlovefirst #MutualPampering #Powercouple #Superpowers #Cooking #Farming #yaoi #Detectives #Villains [This book is participating in the WSA contest] Disclaimer: The book cover to be taken down at owner's request.

    Dark_Scholars · LGBT+
    Peringkat tidak cukup
  • The Little Matchmaker: A Billion Dollar Daddy For Mommy!

    Once an heiress with everyone at her beck and call, Valerie lost everything after a single revelation. Six years later, Valerie is back to marry the 'poor' man her five years old daughter, Ruby has chosen to be her daddy. In the process, Valerie seeks to reclaim all that belongs to her and also to exact revenge on her enemies. What Valerie didn't see coming was that she would unlock a pandora box of secrets that would throw her and her daughter's life into more chaos. Greg Sinclair, the highly sought-after young billionaire, pretended to be a poor construction worker in order to become a part of Valerie and Ruby's lives. When he finally wins their trust, will he be able to hold his ground or will he be kicked out by both mother and daughter when his identity is revealed?

    Hassy_101 · perkotaan
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  • Mon ex-mari milliardaire me pourchasse

    [Contenu Mature] Arabella Donovan a sacrifié sa jeunesse uniquement pour son mari. Cependant, il l'a divorcée parce qu'elle ne pouvait pas lui donner d'enfants, lui causant une grande douleur. Bella a décidé de disparaître de sa vie. Cinq ans plus tard, elle est revenue dans le pays avec son adorable fils. Sa vie paisible a commencé à être perturbée quand son ex-mari l'a poursuivie dès qu'il a su qu'elle avait donné naissance à son fils. Mais à présent, elle n'était plus la même Bella qu'elle avait été. Elle est une personne totalement différente. ***** « Patron, elle est de retour ! » « Qui ? » Tristan Sinclair demanda tout en gribouillant sa signature sur des piles de papiers. « Votre femme— » L'assistant hésita, observant attentivement Tristan. Quand il vit les sourcils froncés de Tristan, il se reprit. « Désolé, je veux dire votre ex-femme, Mme Donovan. Elle est revenue avec un garçon... » Tristan soupira, fixant le contrat devant lui. Après cinq ans de recherche, pour finalement découvrir qu'elle avait refait sa vie, ça fait mal. Mais il ne pouvait pas l'éviter. Elle mérite le bonheur avec quelqu'un d'autre. Il acceptera cette perte. « Elle mérite un nouveau mari... » Tristan murmura, congédiant son assistant. « Patron, ce que je voulais dire, c'est le petit garçon mignon. Je pense qu'il a environ quatre ans — » Tristan se tendit. Relevant la tête, il fixa son assistant d'un regard acéré. « J'ai besoin que vous organisiez un test ADN pour le gamin. Et trouvez-moi son adresse ! » Une lueur apparut dans ses yeux alors qu'un sourire se dessinait lentement sur son visage. ______ Author Novel: 1. DAMN! JE SUIS TOMBÉ AMOUREUX DE LUI (Terminé) 2. The Bride Of Immortal Crown Prince (La Mariée Du Prince Immortel Couronné) (Terminé) 3. Rebirth: Dancing In My Destiny (La Renaissance : Danser Dans Mon Destin) (Terminé) 4. The Billionaire's Genius Wife (La Femme Génie Du Milliardaire) (Terminé) 5. Rebirth As The Vampire Lord's Wife (Renaissance En Tant Que Femme Du Seigneur Vampire) (Terminé) 6. My Billionaire Ex-Husband Chase Me Back (Mon Ex-Mari Milliardaire Me Courtise De Nouveau) _____ Comment me contacter : >> Compte Instagram : authorpurplelight >> Page FB : Author_Purplelight >> Rejoignez mon serveur Discord : https://bit.ly/purplelightserver _____ Notes : La couverture du livre appartient à l'auteur. Veuillez ne pas la réutiliser !

    PurpleLight · perkotaan
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  • Presiden: Anda Adalah Ayah Dari Triplet Saya

    "M... Marissa! Apakah mereka anak-anakku?" Mata Rafael tak berpaling dari wajah anak-anak yang menggemaskan itu. "Tidak, Rafael. Mereka bukan," Marissa berkata dengan senyum palsu, "Mereka bukan milikmu. Ingat?" dia berkedip dengan dramatis, "Kita tidak pernah menikah!" Kakak perempuan Marissa Aaron yang lebih tua, Valerie Aaron, meninggalkan pacarnya yang buta di hari pernikahannya dan kabur. Untuk menyelamatkan muka, keluarga Merissa memohon kepadanya untuk menikah dengan Raphael Sinclair. Ironisnya? Dia tidak diperbolehkan memberitahu suaminya yang buta bahwa dia bukan Valerie melainkan Marissa Aaron. Pada hari operasi mata Raphael yang berhasil, Marissa mengetahui bahwa Valerie telah kembali untuk mengambil tempatnya yang seharusnya sebagai menantu perempuan keluarga Sinclaire. Marissa mencoba menjelaskan kepada suaminya bahwa dialah yang menikah dengannya, tetapi dia tidak percaya. Alih-alih meyakinkan lebih lanjut, Marissa yang patah hati memutuskan untuk meninggalkan kota tanpa memberitahunya rahasianya. Raphael Sinclair adalah definisi klasik dari sangat tampan dan adalah satu-satunya pewaris grup industri Sinclair. Apa yang akan dia lakukan ketika dia mengetahui bahwa selama ini wanita yang menawarkan padanya, cinta dan tubuhnya bukanlah Valerie melainkan adik perempuannya Marissa Aaron? Bagaimana reaksinya ketika dia mengetahui bahwa dia adalah ayah dari bayi-bayi yang Marissa kandung di rahimnya? Akankah dia mengejar Marissa dan memenangkan hatinya kembali? Dan pertanyaan senilai jutaan dollar! Akankah Marissa bisa memaafkannya dan mencintainya lagi? ```

    JessicaKaye911 · perkotaan
  • Sinclair, Sinclair

    ReinaRay729 · Umum
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  • Mein Milliardär Ex-Ehemann jagt mich zurück

    [Reifer Inhalt] Arabella Donovan opferte ihre Jugend nur für ihren Mann. Er ließ sich jedoch von ihr scheiden, weil sie keine Kinder für ihn gebären konnte, was ihr großen Schmerz bereitete. Bella beschloss, aus seinem Leben zu verschwinden. Fünf Jahre später kehrte sie mit ihrem bezaubernden Sohn auf das Land zurück. Ihr friedliches Leben wurde gestört, als ihr Ex-Mann sie zurückholte, als er erfuhr, dass sie seinen Sohn zur Welt gebracht hatte. Aber jetzt war sie nicht mehr dieselbe Bella, die sie einmal war. Sie ist ein völlig anderer Mensch. ***** "Boss, sie ist wieder da!" "Wer?" fragte Tristan Sinclair, während er seine Unterschrift auf einen Stapel von Papieren kritzelte. "Ihre Frau-" Der Assistent zögerte und beobachtete Tristan genau. Als er Tristans gerunzelte Brauen sah, korrigierte er sich. "Entschuldigung, ich meine Ihre Ex-Frau, Frau Donovan. Sie ist mit einem Jungen zurückgekehrt ..." Tristan seufzte und betrachtete den Vertrag vor ihm. Nach fünf Jahren der Suche, nur um herauszufinden, dass sie weitergezogen ist, fühlt es sich schmerzhaft an. Aber er konnte es nicht vermeiden. Sie verdient es, mit jemand anderem glücklich zu sein. Er wird diesen Verlust hinnehmen. "Sie verdient einen neuen Mann ..." murmelte Tristan und entließ seinen Assistenten. "Boss, was ich meinte, war der süße kleine Junge. Ich glaube, er ist etwa vier Jahre alt..." Tristan schnappte zu. Er hob den Kopf und richtete seinen scharfen Blick auf seinen Assistenten. "Sie müssen einen DNA-Test für das Kind veranlassen. Und besorgen Sie mir ihre Adresse!" Ein Schimmer erschien in seinen Augen, als sich langsam ein Lächeln auf seinem Gesicht ausbreitete. ______ Autor Roman: 1. DAMN! I FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM (Abgeschlossen) 2. Die Braut des unsterblichen Kronprinzen (Abgeschlossen) 3. Wiedergeburt: Dancing In My Destiny (Abgeschlossen) 4. The Billionaire's Genius Wife (abgeschlossen) 5. Wiedergeburt als Ehefrau des Vampirfürsten (abgeschlossen) 6. Mein milliardenschwerer Ex-Ehemann jagt mich zurück _____ Wie Sie mich kontaktieren können: >> Instagram-Account: authorpurplelight >> FB-Seite: Author_Purplelight >> Treten Sie meinem Discord Server bei: https://bit.ly/purplelightserver _____ Anmerkungen: Das Buchcover gehört dem Autor. Bitte verwenden Sie es nicht weiter!

    PurpleLight · perkotaan
    Peringkat tidak cukup
  • Spoiled by Her Contract Husband

    Wyonna Sinclair is a down-and-out, ex-rich girl who was forced to marry the unconscious Shane Muller. Everyone waited for a good show but who would have guessed that both of them embarked on a romantic love story ... Shane woke up and fell in love with Wyonna at first sight when their relationship is limited to a contract partner... And whatever happens, Shane only cares to spoil Wyonna in his life.

    TheHana · perkotaan
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  • I Farm Demons : Unholy Necromancer In the Apocalypse

    In a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by war with demonic forces, civilization as it once existed is all but gone.  In its place, a new order had emerged, with humans developing magical abilities as each generation passed.  To ensure the survival of their species, society had been divided into Circles, with each member guaranteed a specific job once they reached the age of eighteen. Xylon Sinclair was an orphan with a limited affinity for magic, and he had been reincarnated as a punishment for his past deeds.  In a former life, he was Zephyr, a powerful demon who served the mighty Balthyrov, the Lord of Demons, until he became a perceived threat. He got killed mercilessly and got forced to reincarnate as a fragile human being as a punishment. Upon reaching the age of eighteen, Xylon was told that he will become a Soul Keeper, a role that he knew nothing about. Despite his confusion, he had no choice but to accept this position.  However, rather than following the status quo, Xylon experimented with the system, using his formal knowledge about the demon realm to resurrect demons from thousands of years ago.  What had started as a mere curiosity soon turned into an obsession for Xylon.  He was fascinated by the power that he could wield by bringing the ancient demons back from the dead.  It was as if he had discovered a new realm of possibilities that he had never imagined before. And then, he started to dream bigger... Xylon Sinclair wanted to rule over both realms, human and demon realm... //////////////// For those who wanted to contact me, here is my discord : Yoonaas#3976 p.s: the cover is purely mine , and it is made solely for this webnovel, it shows Zephyr. Well, i don't allow anyone to use it, it is purely made for "i farm demons" . + all the art you see in the comments is original and purely made for this book. my server :https://discord.gg/2X4kTvDUSu

    Yonaas · Fantasi
  • A Bastard's Allure

    He wanted to be accepted for who he was; a bastard. But the world was a cruel place for bastards, especially in the vampire realm of Eldoria. A vampire prince, born a bastard, was a disgrace not only to the royal family but the realm at large. And for that, Gabriel Sinclair grew up in harsh environs within the very castle his brother considered heaven. And as if being bastard was not enough wound to scar him and put him miles away from the throne, they made marry a human to seal the treaty between the two warring species. ***** Elena Thornhart always dreamt of venturing beyond the walls of Mysthaven. Since childhood, she had been confined in the castle of Mysthaven, safe from the vampire's reach. But not everything goes as planned. In an effort to save the nearly extinct human population, Andrian Thornhart, the human king and Elena's brother, offers her as the sacrificial lamb. Now Elena must navigate the treacherous Vampire court and royal family and protect her husband from his own kind. Little does she know her presence is set to unleash a side of Gabriel Sinclair that he never knew existed, a secret that might set the realm apart or unite it!

    Dennis_Bundi_5441 · Fantasi
  • Mantan Suami Miliarderku Mengejar Aku Kembali

    ``` [Konten Dewasa] Arabella Donovan mengorbankan masa mudanya hanya untuk suaminya. Namun, ia menceraikannya karena Arabella tidak bisa memberinya anak, yang menyebabkan rasa sakit yang mendalam. Bella memutuskan untuk menghilang dari kehidupannya. Lima tahun kemudian, ia kembali ke negara ini dengan anak lelakinya yang menggemaskan. Kehidupan damainya mulai terganggu ketika mantan suaminya mengejarnya kembali begitu dia mengetahui bahwa Bella telah melahirkan anaknya. Tapi sekarang, dia bukanlah Bella yang sama seperti dulu. Dia adalah orang yang sangat berbeda. ***** "Bos, dia sudah kembali!" "Siapa?" Tristan Sinclair bertanya sambil menandatangani tumpukan kertas. "Istrimu—" Asisten itu ragu-ragu, mengamati Tristan dengan cermat. Ketika dia melihat alis Tristan berkerut, dia memperbaiki ucapannya. "Maaf, saya maksud mantan istrimu, Nona Donovan. Dia kembali dengan seorang anak laki-laki..." Tristan mendesah, memandangi kontrak di hadapannya. Setelah lima tahun mencari, hanya untuk mengetahui bahwa dia telah melanjutkan hidupnya, itu terasa menyakitkan. Tapi ia tidak bisa menghindarinya. Dia pantas mendapatkan kebahagiaan dengan orang lain. Dia akan menerima kekalahannya ini. "Dia pantas mendapatkan suami baru..." Tristan bergumam, memecat asistennya. "Bos, yang saya maksud adalah anak lelaki yang manis itu. Saya kira dia sekitar empat tahun—" Tristan terkejut. Kepalanya terangkat, pandangannya tajam tertuju pada asistennya. "Saya butuh Anda untuk mengatur tes DNA untuk anak itu. Dan berikan saya alamatnya!" Sinar muncul di matanya saat senyum pelan melintas di wajahnya. ______ Penulis Novel: 1. DAMN! I FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM (Selesai) 2. Pengantin Pangeran Tak Mati (Selesai) 3. Rebirth: Dancing In My Destiny (Selesai) 4. Istri Jenius Miliuner (Selesai) 5. Kebangkitan Sebagai Istri Tuhan Vampir (Selesai) 6. Mantan Suami Miliuner Mengejarku Kembali _____ Cara menghubungi saya: >> Akun Instagram: authorpurplelight >> Halaman FB: Author_Purplelight >> Bergabunglah dengan Server Discord saya: https://bit.ly/purplelightserver _____ Catatan: Sampul buku adalah hak milik penulis. Tolong jangan digunakan kembali! ```

    PurpleLight · perkotaan
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