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  • El CEO es el papá de trillizos

    Li An'An era etiquetada como la hija de un asesino cuando era niña, abusada y atormentada sin cesar en la familia de sus padres adoptivos. Cuatro años más tarde, hizo un gran regreso con tres hijas. Las mejores modelos de coches, bloggers gourmet y las hijas de CEO quedaron todas cegadas por su magnificencia. ¡Sin embargo, lo peor fue que el CEO de un imperio de comercio que podía hechizar a cualquier mujer estaba constantemente rondándola allá donde iba!

    Xing Bi · perkotaan
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  • I, the Supreme Overlord, Start by Enslaving the Zerg Queen

    A sudden and inexplicable transformation has caused the entire global population to be reborn in the struggle for survival on the Continent of Overlord. Each person reborn on the Continent of Overlord is randomly reincarnated as a species - some come to life as weeds only to be trampled to death by passing monsters, while others emerge as dominant beings like dragons, naturally ruling the skies... The Dark Creatures invade this other world with reckless abandon, instilling fear and dread across the realm. Reborn the night before the transition to the Continent of Overlord, Charles activates the Zerg Clan System, becoming the Overlord of the Zerg Clan! While others are still grappling with the darkness of the Continent of Overlord, Charles has already constructed a fortress spanning the entirety of Zerg Clan territory and casually wipes out countless Dark Creatures with a burger in one hand and a cola in the other. ... 【Ding! A female has been detected as 100% loyal to the Host. The Zerg Clan System is awakening!】 Zerg Queen Catherine: "Master, I've just bought a very thin nightgown. Would you like to experience it personally?" Snake Queen Medusa: "Master, I've already trained these troops for you. When will you train with me?" Snake Emperor Yggdrasil: "Cursed Medusa, don't think of stealing my master!" Elf Goddess Eve: "Silence, all of you! I'm the only true queen, you all are just concubines." While everyone else struggles to survive and defend against the Dark Creatures... Only Charles raises the divine flame, waging war across the stars! ---------------------- Update Daily! 9 AM PST Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! 150=1 bonus chapter 200=2 bonus chapters 500=3 bonus chapters Bonus release will drop the following week!

    Yellowpuppy · Fantasi
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  • Joven Señorita Renacida: Fénix Ardiendo en Rojo

    ``` En su vida anterior, Adrienne Jiang había usado todos los medios para salvar la vida de su madre. Su padre la había descuidado tras casarse con su amante, permitiendo que la pareja madre e hija la acosaran sin cesar. El hermano mayor en quien pensó que podía confiar le dio la espalda y la reprendió por no desconectar el soporte vital de su madre. En su desesperación, Adrienne casi cayó en la trampa que le tendió su hermanastra. Al final, entró en un matrimonio por contrato con el hermano de su mejor amiga, Alistair Han, un hombre por el que había suspirado desde joven. Solo entonces se dio cuenta de que el hombre era manipulador y obsesivo, no queriendo perderla de vista. Se había sentido como un pájaro atrapado en una jaula dorada. Al final, encontró su final por la traición de su hermano y todo se perdió en el fuego. Tras renacer, estaba decidida a no seguir siendo una inútil. Lennox Qin, el despiadado joven maestro de la familia Qin, estaba destinado a convertirse en el próximo jefe de su familia. Sin embargo, debido a un incidente, quedó inválido y considerado indigno. Cuando sus caminos se cruzaron con los de Adrienne, llegaron a un acuerdo. —Me casaré contigo para quitarte la mala suerte y seré tu esposa durante dos años. A cambio, permíteme usarte para destruir a las familias Han y Jiang —El hombre sentado en una silla de ruedas simplemente levantó una ceja ante su declaración. Después, sus labios se curvaron en una sonrisa encantadora y estuvo de acuerdo sin pestañear. Sin embargo, cuando el tiempo estaba a punto de acabar, se apresuró a convencerla de que se quedara en su matrimonio. —La Señora Qin merece lo mejor. Si es el mundo lo que deseas, te lo traeré en bandeja de plata. Puedes tener el mundo entero, pero querida, no olvides que mientras todo te pertenece, tú me perteneces a mí —Adrienne frunció el ceño. —Pero si ni siquiera te gusto... —razonó, pensando que su esposo podría haber perdido la razón. —No, no te quise, pero ahora sí te amo. De hecho, eres la única en la que pienso estos días —Sin embargo, le pareció que no solo su esposo estaba tratando de llamar su atención, sino también sus suegros. Editor/corrector: ninaviews Aviso para futuras escenas y temáticas r18 no apropiadas para jóvenes espectadores. Derechos de autor 2023 anjeeriku ```

    anjeeriku · perkotaan
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  • After Mr. Pei Marries An Overweight Lady

    The 27-year-old genius beauty doctor Xia Qing dies in surgery! She is reborn! She is reborn in the ward she's most familiar with, in the body of a 200-pound pregnant woman—a woman who had died from pain during a Cesarean section due to her requests to not use anesthesia. She can't help but worry about herself. This body was useless except for being young. How could Xia Qing tolerate this? On the menu are—revenge, losing weight, and snatching the idolized man of a scumbag girl in passing. Although she's overweight, she strives to live well. Being overweight isn't the end of days. They still deserve love. "Have you heard? Boss Pei has a child out of wedlock. He's getting married!" “Who's he marrying? Who?” "That 200-pound fatty from the Lin family of South City!" "Is Second Master crazy?" Lin Xiaqing turns her head to look. "You think I'm fat?" Pei Zhengyang looks at the voluptuous woman. "Not at all, just nice to the touch."

    Double-Happiness PF · perkotaan
  • Cesare

    Tabitha wasn't prepared for what changes going to that club would bring to her life, she wasn't prepared for who she met that night or what she saw but now that she's been thrown into that world, she has no choice but to adjust because that's the only way to stay alive. Cesare, the big bad Mafia boss, ruthless and merciless, the name that makes even the cops shiver in fear. Cesare's dangerously sexy, cocky, arrogant and very used to having everything go his way. He finds nothing more interesting than taking a person's life, watching them beg for their lives right before he takes it. That's until they meet

    Coookiie · perkotaan
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  • Fomo Burger

    Fomo Burger was always rejected by other burgers. Nobody would ever let him in on any private information or secrets. This made him sad. With his tragic past left behind him and forgotten, he’s suddenly forced to remember it after a tragic incident.

    Mothio · Seram
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  • Burger King

    Burger King.

    Thomas_Trainman · Seram
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  • Cesar: The reincarnation of the Sun

    Cesar, a 16-year-old boy, lives in a rather precarious situation in a small country house. As a child, he lived with his grandfather, who told him strange stories before never coming home. His goal is to reach the Vèiger, a legendary place where the world's greatest mysteries and history are hidden, to fulfill his grandfather's will. During his journey, he will be helped by some characters who will join him, all with the same goal. However, the nations that govern that world are doing everything they can to prevent information about the Vèiger from being released to the public, becoming ruthless against anyone who tries to oppose their ideals.

    AoNeko · Fantasi
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  • successful business man of burgers

    hardworking person story who left his job and started zinger burger business

    Murad_Ali_1421 · Realistis
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  • Flamewolf: A Direwolf Sidestory by Cesar Gonzalez

    SEsquivias · Fantasi
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  • Nightmare Mythos

    Nightmares Creatures that appeared from the unknown a millennium ago continuously threatened humanity, pushing and pressuring people who once inhabited it aside. These Entities brought the world into utter chaos, furthering their influence to what was once a land that belonged to its rightful owner. In the end, humanity was forced to adapt. They kept trying different ways to fend off the Nightmares, and the solution they finally settled on was… why not become one themselves? Cesar Sparrow, an unfortunate fellow born in an era full of corruption, horror, and the unknown, was desperately trying to escape from its clutches… until he found an enigmatic, dying eyeball that latched itself onto him. “Hehehe, what a great fellow you are,” “How are you talking—. Just what are you…?” The dying eye that latched itself to his empty, bleeding eye socket chuckled, its voice groggy as it answered. “What do you think am I? I’m just an old and weak Nightmare, Sparrow. Though, you can call me Eyes of Deceit. And I'll borrow your body for a moment if you won't mind. Hehe,” "No, why would I give you my body?! Get the fuck out!" Entrapping himself in a series of encounters, uncovering secrets that belong to the Nightmares… and the humanity wanted to remain hidden, Cesar Sparrow ventures into the unknown. To keep struggling, to keep resisting, to keep persevering… will all that be enough? Will he be finally the one to break the chains humans had found themselves in, ending a millennium of suffering? Or succumb to the curse of the Nightmares?

    Ordki_Hozei · Fantasi
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