
Review Detail of Krayz in I have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

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This novel is fking horrible..go to the future and met girls and play with them..and then go back to the past and act like fking ruch wimpy kid with some strenght and play around with girls without considering their feelings..what the actual fk is wrong with the author..this is so disappointing...althou i like harem novel..but having harem while not understanding his women feelings and go there and there act like somekind of supreme is just bull****...and his rresources all came from other people..hes not even hardworking and just keep playing around thats why hes fking poor before he bcom rich..i actually hope that he work hard and spend more of his time with girls..upgrade his strength and their bond ..but instead..play around and talk some good words and the girl fawn over him..truly brainless author.. Plus what the fk with Islam girl joining the harem..this is just an insult toward Islamic religion and especially she had to convERT...this just an act of betrayal... This kind of action is jusy blasphemy.. Ima drop..trash novel..much racism

I have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Morning Star LL

Disukai oleh 161 orang




de una las mujeres aqui no tiene personalidad ni gracia


true i also dropped it these guys are basically racists many novels depict these scenes chinese authors dont know why go to extreme lengths






You should fix your own brain and not talking nonsense about love and religion.


First about the religion, are telling me Islam people doesn't marry other people from different religion or being a polygamist is an insult to islamic religion that's bullish**t. Yes I agree with you the MC just go around hitting any beautiful girl but so what? If it had been you, you where poor and suddenly hit jackpot won't you do something similar. Also you said his resources are from other people remember he exchage d food he brought over for the resources and since he could have it the easy way why go for the hard way?. Finally you talk about racism sure the Author is a big racist am an African, Nigeria to be precise but he discribed Nigeria like a place in the 14th century Nigeria may not be a very advanced country but it's not as bad as he explained it to be, but still he is the owner of his novel he could write it anyhow he wants and I wouldn't even care because it's not the truth. To be sincere give it a try it seriously got better around c130


Well you'll be hard pressed to find a CHINESE light novel that doesn't have Chinese patriarchalism after all it was written by a Chinese person. It's not like they cared about us who read it after it was translated. I mean there is a tag for racism so that means it's probably pretty heavy stuff. It's like a Chinese person walking down a street in America shouting 'China #1!' You'll most likely wanna knock his block off then and there but if you go to China shouting 'America #1!' Then congratufuckinglations the Triads gonna pay you a visit now.


Wow it's okay if people convert to Islam but not the other way? What a peaceful religion. I bet you will think the other way if your partner is some fucking rich foreigner. Such a hypocritical comment.


This peace that you talked about would not be found in any religion if a member of any religion leaves his/her religion in community where that religion is present in Majority and Islam is also like that there are many Muslims leaving Islam in western countries and if a Muslim were to leave his religion in Muslim majority community it would be frowned upon and punished by the law it can be death too that law depends upon the Islamic coutntry and how there people interpret the rules of there religion same gose for every other relgion so a Religions peace has nothing to do with its rules if a person is in any religion he/she would have to follow them.

goldendatura:Wow it's okay if people convert to Islam but not the other way? What a peaceful religion. I bet you will think the other way if your partner is some fucking rich foreigner. Such a hypocritical comment.

Yeah, no such thing as a good religion, rather sturdy Buddhism or Taoism. Mercy for all of creation and to live in peace with al existence. No Buddha asking to kill unbelievers or heretics like Islam or Christianity. No dropping meteors on lizards no flooding the world no Ragnarok, apocalypse, end of the world divine trial. Goddamit! I hate examinations!


nice strawman argument. no one ever said it was okay if people convert to Islam but not the other way. the main issue with this part, was how easily she submitted to the protags way of thinking and life. furthermore, she isn't the only one like this. somehow ever hot woman the protag meets wants to have *** with him and does not mind being treated as a side chick in a harem. it's astounding how lazy the author is in creating any variance in character or morals of the women in the harem. I don't hate harems, I actually like them. but, if you are going to write a harem don't make it so easy for the MC to convince the women in it to give up there values. I mean look at this novel all he does it meet the girl, act like an ass for 3 or 4 chapters, have *** with them, and then automatically they are okay with being in a harem. it makes absolutely no sense and is lazy writing

goldendatura:Wow it's okay if people convert to Islam but not the other way? What a peaceful religion. I bet you will think the other way if your partner is some fucking rich foreigner. Such a hypocritical comment.

I'd agree on being racist tho. author just had to place in his political and nationalistic views in the novel making it hard for readers like me to even continue reading without getting offended more and more as he goes and desribes other nationalities in disrespect.


Dude it's kinda not allowed for an Islamic girl to leave her religion unless she's married and only if her partner is insisting she turns to his religion so yeah the author wasn't sensible adding the girl there it's very unrealistic

goldendatura:Wow it's okay if people convert to Islam but not the other way? What a peaceful religion. I bet you will think the other way if your partner is some fucking rich foreigner. Such a hypocritical comment.

The author is an extreme pervert. Is this a novel or a ****. What a trash!. I guess the author is a cunt like the way he portrays Mc. Total bull****


So all of this was at the end meant to Target the Islamic girl... I pity you dude,when will you get your backward mindset fixed??? Ideologies are changing,change with them, don't be a religious stuck up... Sometimes I hope some alien civilization tries to conquer us,only then will the religious assholes understand that religion will not help them...


Dude Before she met him she was relegious no ? In islam a woman can't marry someone not muslim if she does then she's not a muslim , the same is for any man as well But this girl just straight up left islam ? She didn't even know him enough to abondone her religion just like that I mean it would've at least made sense if they dated for long and she is the only one but nope she just abandoned her religion to be a side-chick And any religious person in any religion wouldn't do that So please don't just underastemate people relegious determination Sorry for any mistakes in grammar

CyberGOD:So all of this was at the end meant to Target the Islamic girl... I pity you dude,when will you get your backward mindset fixed??? Ideologies are changing,change with them, don't be a religious stuck up... Sometimes I hope some alien civilization tries to conquer us,only then will the religious assholes understand that religion will not help them...

You can call it bad writing but to come out and call a fictional novel "Blasphemy" because the girls beliefs changed too fast is hilarious. It might not make for a good story but it's actually not unrealistic for a person's beliefs to change quickly. It's funny that reality is sometimes harder to believe that fiction.

str8nin9:nice strawman argument. no one ever said it was okay if people convert to Islam but not the other way. the main issue with this part, was how easily she submitted to the protags way of thinking and life. furthermore, she isn't the only one like this. somehow ever hot woman the protag meets wants to have *** with him and does not mind being treated as a side chick in a harem. it's astounding how lazy the author is in creating any variance in character or morals of the women in the harem. I don't hate harems, I actually like them. but, if you are going to write a harem don't make it so easy for the MC to convince the women in it to give up there values. I mean look at this novel all he does it meet the girl, act like an ass for 3 or 4 chapters, have *** with them, and then automatically they are okay with being in a harem. it makes absolutely no sense and is lazy writing

wanna try something new? try this "Lyricist: Her Revenge" I'm sure you'll love it


yea as a muslim i agree now excuse me i will go back to killing people ... u know he didnt mean it like that but u just want to be disrespectful, its people like you that deserve what those extremists and radicals do

goldendatura:Wow it's okay if people convert to Islam but not the other way? What a peaceful religion. I bet you will think the other way if your partner is some fucking rich foreigner. Such a hypocritical comment.

yea as a muslim i agree now excuse me i will go back to killing people ... u know he didnt mean it like that but u just want to be disrespectful, its people like you that deserve what those extremists and radicals do

goldendatura:Wow it's okay if people convert to Islam but not the other way? What a peaceful religion. I bet you will think the other way if your partner is some fucking rich foreigner. Such a hypocritical comment.

yea as a muslim i agree now excuse me i will go back to killing people ... u know he didnt mean it like that but u just want to be disrespectful, its people like you that deserve what those extremists and radicals do

goldendatura:Wow it's okay if people convert to Islam but not the other way? What a peaceful religion. I bet you will think the other way if your partner is some fucking rich foreigner. Such a hypocritical comment.