
Review Detail of GodOfLightning in

Ulasan detail


Ok so there is good and bad with this fanfic. One it will be nothing like the world should be they don’t seem to be patriarchal like they are supposed to be and are actually fearing the women which at this time wouldn’t happen. Also completely goes against what valyrians believe in. They believe themselves to be nearly gods and the purity of their bloodline but the parents are trying to marry off the sister. The sister lost her cheery before marriage which would have led to execution or at the very least not able to be married or exiled. He complains about the bred of the dragonlords when he himself should as well. The guy just doesn’t fit in the story and that author is changing it as well. Now onto the good. The writing is great with few mistakes the characters seem to be well made. Taking abit to long on stuff though like an entire chapter for a dragon ride but it’s an easy fix if the author knows what he is doing. I like how the author actually has it realistic in the fact they would get pregnant after sex as a lot of authors ignore that. All lords want as many children as possible in Valyria and the rest of the world. Valyria for the dragon riders and having a women for their son to marry and the rest for heirs in sons and alliances through marrying toe women away.

Liked it!




Also taking too long on the chapters it’s been a week for 1 chapter when the author claimed to have 5 ready to be released on last Thursday.