
Review Detail of EroFan in Netori: Stealing The Hero's Party!

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another one with a story that centers around stealing women?... its basically a death sentence to the story itself lol. I personally think with a story like this, stealing the women becomes secondary at most and shouldn't be thr focus. his powers is stealing women? will he become the cucking master? i mean seriously, theres only so much you can do about stories centering around stealing women. i get that many get horny or simply just wants to ride in the trend and in this case, writing stories with a spice of mature content but man, you will understand how much of a death sentence it is if the premise is basically stealing women to... save thr world? it will just lead to redundancy of stealing and hot scenes over and over and even if you say you incorporated scenes and plots that are not r18, its a fact that the 'supposed' hot scenes are abundant, making then no longer hot, quite the irony to its name. There's a lot of things i could say but it would not fit right here and besides, i probably wont even build some good enough paragraphs for this argument as objective criticism is not really my cup of tea, so much more a constructive argument with the betters and not good for this kind of story. the current status if this application, the 'webnovel's' branch if mature novels reminds me of the current situation of a popular anime genre "Isekai" which used to be so good and refreshing but not turned to cringe stacked up not so creative concepts where every author, writer and animation studios are just riding in the trend without of "isekai'd" protagonist with barely the innovations or creativeness seen, to the point that they would rather create and use the overused concept of a child protagonist with OP almost perfect abilities and even gave a male child protagonist legs of a woman but miniaturized to a childs size? gosh that gave me goosebumps

Netori: Stealing The Hero's Party!


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