
Review Detail of ErozothDraeor in Batman x Arc Reactor

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As of chapter 23 only, I dropped there. Writing quality 3/5: Grammar is not perfect so it can't be 5. The structure of sentences and how people talk feels very artificial, like they are reading a script. It also uses a lot of troops of how they react to certain situations (MC's mother protects the adopted daughter from the MCs training to hard, people worried about how hard the MC train even knowing how dangerous the world is) Updates 3/5: 115 chapters with 5 month is rather slow, considering how short the chapters are. Story 3/5: Overall... meh. The author wanted reincarnation, why? I don't know, it feels like for the sole reason of saving Bruce's parents, good reason but he also didn't want to make the MC OP or a child so he went with a coma which is possible but he seems to have rushed it, wrote it badly, almost lazily and most importantly in an unbelievable manner, really a bad way to do it. It's like watching a woke movie and you know the real reason why certain characters say or look in some way. It set a precedence to the story, a shaky foundation that if needed the author can and will undermine the story. If you didn't want a powerful Bruce\Tony by the age of 18, you should have not written one or at least make effort to make the situation believable, because suspense of belief is all that matter, the MC was nerfed so all he could achieve by the age of 8 was dart gun... Tony Stark built an engine by that age and this is an adult version of him... like I said, badly done, badly executed and bad foundation for a story, something each chapter I found harder to ignore. Character design 3/5: The MC changes from shy, respectful to brash, confident and a few other things. All other characters are the usual troops. The over protective mother that still sides with the adopted daughter (that the MC found when he was 18 after 10 years of coma). The father and the butler are also the same, some how protected the city and improved it for 10 years but other than the author saying the city is better (all the time) they have nothing to show for it and all the gangs from canon still exists and as powerful as ever and everyone is powerless without the MC that just woke up from a 10 years coma (ie he is 8). World 2/5: Gotham, the world is Gotham and Metropolis, and that is it. It's also a mesh of world so anything you think you know, you don't. Gotham and Metro are separated by one river, a Snider movie thing, Clark Kent hides his powers from his parents, and a few things that pick and chose from different works and worlds, none of it is explained in the story, only comments. Overall it is not bad exactly, I just got a general sense of low quality, like the author didn't plan anything, at the most an end goal, but the chapter to chapter was just written as is and if details don't match, if the timeline goes fast then slow, if the characters talk in a way that feels weird. Enough for me to feel I got other things to read.

Batman x Arc Reactor


Disukai oleh 11 orang




You are here too. Hahaha. I know you. You use two accounts. When others reply, you just troll them with two accounts alternately. You sad man with a pea size dk. I feel sorry for you.


Blah blah blah... Shut the fk up. Everything you have mentioned is completely based on your conclusions that you reached on your own. None of what you said is true lol. You are reviewing without reading. Short chapters? Most of the chs are over 1.7- 2k words, which is plenty Big. Slow updates? You are getting something for free, so shut up and fk off. I only took a break because I got into an accident and broke my arm, still I put up atleast 3 chs/week back then. You ungrateful fks, always want more. Anyway, joke on you. Every thing you mentioned in this review is fake. Anyone who read till the latest chapter knows that.


You ungrateful troll. Get a life, dude. Back then author got into an accident, even so, he continued to update. You are getting a free read and you are complaining like a spoiled brat, grow up, kid. Now, let's see, MC was shy and respectful? Then he became confident. > Ever heard of character development? And I doubt MC was ever shy. He was just pretending. I guess you haven't. You got a problem with the 10 years coma? You aren't the first one. It's a part of the plot, you numbnuts. Hahaha. You have no idea what's going on and you wrote a review without even reading. You can't have everything in a single chapter. Oh, as for MC's dart gun, Tony has access to materials and as mentioned in the Synopsis, technology is not that advanced in this world. Anyway, coming to the point, Bruce didn't have access to materials, it's as simple as that. What's he supposed to say to his dad? Yo, give me materials I want to built an armor suit? Then, what? You want him to tell them that he isn't Bruce but some 30 years old dude from another universe? Hahaha. You stu**id kid, just made fun of yourself. Ok, next, how did they manage to clear up Gotham in 10 years? It's already explained in the story. You say there's only Gotham and Metropolis? Are you sure about that? And it isn't based on some movies but comics. So, let me ask you one thing, why write a fake review without reading it? You just made fun of yourself. Hahaha.


Lol loser

Xcalibur_Xc:Blah blah blah... Shut the fk up. Everything you have mentioned is completely based on your conclusions that you reached on your own. None of what you said is true lol. You are reviewing without reading. Short chapters? Most of the chs are over 1.7- 2k words, which is plenty Big. Slow updates? You are getting something for free, so shut up and fk off. I only took a break because I got into an accident and broke my arm, still I put up atleast 3 chs/week back then. You ungrateful fks, always want more. Anyway, joke on you. Every thing you mentioned in this review is fake. Anyone who read till the latest chapter knows that.

using alt account is the best you could do and can do lol

DaoistyQNGiX:Lol loser

Says the troll using multiple accounts to annoy others. Grow up and get a life.

DaoistyQNGiX:Lol loser


except for the slow updates and maybe the small chapter thing; i agree with the rest of this review


Agreed. It's weird how the characters interacts. There's more for improvements but the long time skip still bothers me..

Lord666Acedia:except for the slow updates and maybe the small chapter thing; i agree with the rest of this review

This is the first one I've seen that receives constructive criticism with hate and disgust, I hope you're not like that with the people around you. because that would make me feel sorry for them


BLA BLA how mature.😏 No hope for this kind of "I'm always right none shall dare to criticize me". Review gave you good and honest review and this is how you answer. Anyway about chapter 7, knowingly going into trap without any bodyguards, putting your child and wife in mortal danger. Then comes the funny and god level plot armor After that "incident" 10 years of coma not crippled or dead from neck gunshot injury. That's a load of BS. Your writing is bad and you should feel bad. Seek professional help for your childish tantrum.

Xcalibur_Xc:Blah blah blah... Shut the fk up. Everything you have mentioned is completely based on your conclusions that you reached on your own. None of what you said is true lol. You are reviewing without reading. Short chapters? Most of the chs are over 1.7- 2k words, which is plenty Big. Slow updates? You are getting something for free, so shut up and fk off. I only took a break because I got into an accident and broke my arm, still I put up atleast 3 chs/week back then. You ungrateful fks, always want more. Anyway, joke on you. Every thing you mentioned in this review is fake. Anyone who read till the latest chapter knows that.

Whatever makes you feel better 😂. A troll is a troll in the end.

RegalObscure:BLA BLA how mature.😏 No hope for this kind of "I'm always right none shall dare to criticize me". Review gave you good and honest review and this is how you answer. Anyway about chapter 7, knowingly going into trap without any bodyguards, putting your child and wife in mortal danger. Then comes the funny and god level plot armor After that "incident" 10 years of coma not crippled or dead from neck gunshot injury. That's a load of BS. Your writing is bad and you should feel bad. Seek professional help for your childish tantrum.

When people like you lack information and is too lazy to do bare minimum research they spams such bs. lol. I know my work is going. I got hundreds of readers. I don't think I need your opinion.😂 Keep barking good dog. Here's a cookie 🍪 for you.

RegalObscure:BLA BLA how mature.😏 No hope for this kind of "I'm always right none shall dare to criticize me". Review gave you good and honest review and this is how you answer. Anyway about chapter 7, knowingly going into trap without any bodyguards, putting your child and wife in mortal danger. Then comes the funny and god level plot armor After that "incident" 10 years of coma not crippled or dead from neck gunshot injury. That's a load of BS. Your writing is bad and you should feel bad. Seek professional help for your childish tantrum.

still a loser i see

Xcalibur_Xc:Whatever makes you feel better 😂. A troll is a troll in the end.

Alt account? Look at my profile history idiot lol…. It is obvious that you are an idiot

Xcalibur_Xc:using alt account is the best you could do and can do lol

It's obvious. You use multiple accounts to annoy and troll others and then spam multiple fake reviews. Considering how quick you guys were to comment one after the other, if we take that time frame into consideration, anyone with little brain cells could tell that its the same person. lol. Besides, you really should get a life instead of spamming 1 star reviews everywhere.

DaoistyQNGiX:Alt account? Look at my profile history idiot lol…. It is obvious that you are an idiot

Wanna know whats really interesting? I found myself here by checking a guys profile for reading recs till i saw this whole review thread. Let me give some backstory on excal and a guy called unknownmaster. These two are either close friends and share a discord or my conspiracy theory is right(I'm roughly 20% convinced they're the same person). Thought it was interesting how that level1 guy was ardently defending the author after this well thought out review was posted and did some digging, turns out that Slevel1's first ever review and comment was on one of unknownmaster's stories. The kicker is that the account was made LITERALLY 3 days after excals. Interesting, no?

DaoistyQNGiX:Alt account? Look at my profile history idiot lol…. It is obvious that you are an idiot

The plot thickens, another low level account with minimal reading history with the first comment being on a late stage chapter of one of excal's books. hmm hmmm... Sus

DaoistyQNGiX:Alt account? Look at my profile history idiot lol…. It is obvious that you are an idiot

Soo i may have just discovered something absolutely amazing. Im 90% sure numbers 4, 5 and 7 are alts. Considering the dates of their creation and the fact their first posts are all on unknownmaster's fic.

DaoistyQNGiX:Alt account? Look at my profile history idiot lol…. It is obvious that you are an idiot

Check the screenshots i posted here, rather amusing information when you look at this review thread

RegalObscure:BLA BLA how mature.😏 No hope for this kind of "I'm always right none shall dare to criticize me". Review gave you good and honest review and this is how you answer. Anyway about chapter 7, knowingly going into trap without any bodyguards, putting your child and wife in mortal danger. Then comes the funny and god level plot armor After that "incident" 10 years of coma not crippled or dead from neck gunshot injury. That's a load of BS. Your writing is bad and you should feel bad. Seek professional help for your childish tantrum.