
Review Detail of Bootlicker69 in Dad, Please Try a Little Harder

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The story starts out fine the main character gets his girl taken then he gets the system. After that however the story takes a real disappointing turn. It focuses more on the mc and his friend with little use of the system, rather than mc and his dad. This is a lot of untapped potential, instead of boring filler we could get more system and face slapping with his new abilities. Overall not too impressive and could be a lot better

Dad, Please Try a Little Harder

Dr. Silver

Disukai oleh 5 orang




‘Too much face slapping’ ‘Not enough face slapping’ when will the quiant little webnovel reader be satisfied?


Slice of life. Heard of it?


If you want face slapping, there are tons out there. This is an easy-going comedy slice of life. Calm down.


That doesn’t interfere with anything I said. This novel is categorized under magical realism, which means real world with fantasy. So technically speaking the main focus should be on his life and the use of the system.

SauceMaster64:Slice of life. Heard of it?

It’s a review can I not state my opinion?

Objectively_Wrong:If you want face slapping, there are tons out there. This is an easy-going comedy slice of life. Calm down.

Sorry, you wanted MORE face slapping?


Focusing on face slapping, the system and his dad would make the story more interesting. It has a good concept, it just needs to do better in realizing it

uflesh940:Sorry, you wanted MORE face slapping?

Face slapping is the cheapest kind of conflict, and adding it here would, if anything, decrease the quality of the novel.

Bootlicker69:Focusing on face slapping, the system and his dad would make the story more interesting. It has a good concept, it just needs to do better in realizing it

Degrade it when it’s boring to the lowest extent. At least face slapping is interesting. This is just tasteless

uflesh940:Face slapping is the cheapest kind of conflict, and adding it here would, if anything, decrease the quality of the novel.

Bro is the kind of guy who doesn’t like an anime or novel because nobody dies in the first chapter/episode. It doesn’t need an interesting deep secret of the world to be an interesting novel. I don’t think you’ve ever heard of a romance or slice of life genre in your life.

Bootlicker69:Degrade it when it’s boring to the lowest extent. At least face slapping is interesting. This is just tasteless

magical realism. And for the record most slice of life novels I read are grades above this in quality. No one has to die first chapter but it at least needs to keep me engaged at least in the first 40 chapters . If they can't do that then what's the charm of the story?

Objectively_Wrong:Bro is the kind of guy who doesn’t like an anime or novel because nobody dies in the first chapter/episode. It doesn’t need an interesting deep secret of the world to be an interesting novel. I don’t think you’ve ever heard of a romance or slice of life genre in your life.

This clearly isn't the book for you. Nothing wrong with that. I like many others take offense though because you seem to indicate that the story is at fault rather than just not being the kind you like. To that end I'll kindly ask you to make a list of those face slappy and shallow novels that you so love. I'll use said list to know which novels I should avoid.



Mithren:This clearly isn't the book for you. Nothing wrong with that. I like many others take offense though because you seem to indicate that the story is at fault rather than just not being the kind you like. To that end I'll kindly ask you to make a list of those face slappy and shallow novels that you so love. I'll use said list to know which novels I should avoid.

Hm, yes. Just like a casual Attack on Titan reader who doesn't like how the Main Character becomes in the very last episodes/chapters.