
Review Detail of Dao_Master_Penguin in Harry Potter: The Boy Who Eats[COMPLETE]

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AUTHOR DELETES NEGATIVE REVIEWS, they were just giving some honest criticism!

Harry Potter: The Boy Who Eats[COMPLETE]


Disukai oleh 25 orang




Tbh, 5* reviews are useless for me. Negative ones usually gives a bit of info so I can search if the fanfic has red flags.


Are you serious? Honest criticism? Did that guy send you? Dude comprehends nothing in the story and just rambled about what "He believes" should be in the story. MC has been blessed by the power of Luck. And everything in the story makes sense respectively to that. It was made clear in chapter 1. What did you expect? He claims the MC dy ing was a problem before being reincarnated. The dude had cancer. How is that a problem? Every story of mine has the same god. That's the theme. His review was less of a review and more of a spoiler fest, detailing everything that is in the story. He claims there the protagonist has no interesting abilities. He only relies on luck, and there is no conflict. There ARE huge conflicts! He simply didn't have the patience to read it until then. I mainly write slice-of-life fanfics, and things progress slowly in them. He claims MC is very immature and naive. Of course, he is going to be that. The kid spent his life in a hospital before his new life. He's a kid! It takes time to grow and mature. It's called plot and story progression. You want an OP MC from chapter 1. You won't find it here. I didn't put that tag on it. His entire review was just a spoiler. By doing this, you are only becoming a negative review spammer.




You are defending this guy. A 1-star review spammer who thinks reviewing = detailing(Spoiling) everything that he read until then.


The point is that the review section is ment for critism, I can understand lies but he was not completely wrong, although a bit twisted in thought, he had the right to comment his reveiw. You deleting your critism is not a good look, and I know you’ll take my comment as ‘another hater’ who doesn’t know what he is talking about but I just wanted to let people know that you delete reveiws, I lost respect man, and I know. You don’t care.

MisterImmortal:Are you serious? Honest criticism? Did that guy send you? Dude comprehends nothing in the story and just rambled about what "He believes" should be in the story. MC has been blessed by the power of Luck. And everything in the story makes sense respectively to that. It was made clear in chapter 1. What did you expect? He claims the MC dy ing was a problem before being reincarnated. The dude had cancer. How is that a problem? Every story of mine has the same god. That's the theme. His review was less of a review and more of a spoiler fest, detailing everything that is in the story. He claims there the protagonist has no interesting abilities. He only relies on luck, and there is no conflict. There ARE huge conflicts! He simply didn't have the patience to read it until then. I mainly write slice-of-life fanfics, and things progress slowly in them. He claims MC is very immature and naive. Of course, he is going to be that. The kid spent his life in a hospital before his new life. He's a kid! It takes time to grow and mature. It's called plot and story progression. You want an OP MC from chapter 1. You won't find it here. I didn't put that tag on it. His entire review was just a spoiler. By doing this, you are only becoming a negative review spammer.

Open his account and tell me he's a sane man leaving reviews.

Dao_Master_Penguin:The point is that the review section is ment for critism, I can understand lies but he was not completely wrong, although a bit twisted in thought, he had the right to comment his reveiw. You deleting your critism is not a good look, and I know you’ll take my comment as ‘another hater’ who doesn’t know what he is talking about but I just wanted to let people know that you delete reveiws, I lost respect man, and I know. You don’t care.

Open any of my other books and you will find open criticism there. Even 1 star reviews. In all of them. But they have to be reviews. Not spoilers for all readers. I respect your opinion. Yes, criticism is good for all. I have no problem with it. I wouldn't be here if I hadn't accepted criticism brother.

Dao_Master_Penguin:The point is that the review section is ment for critism, I can understand lies but he was not completely wrong, although a bit twisted in thought, he had the right to comment his reveiw. You deleting your critism is not a good look, and I know you’ll take my comment as ‘another hater’ who doesn’t know what he is talking about but I just wanted to let people know that you delete reveiws, I lost respect man, and I know. You don’t care.

It does not matter if he spams reveiws, his reveiw on YOUR story was not complete lies. Although a bit exagerated and negative, they were by all means LEGITIMATE veiws on your story. I can understand blatantly lying and falsifying the story, but he was not. And you deleted it regardless. That’s a bad look.

MisterImmortal:Open his account and tell me he's a sane man leaving reviews.

Do you know how Webnovel reviews works? A 1 star holds a much more significant effect on ranking than 6 five-star reviews. So each bad review really matters if it's real constructive criticism. The way you didn't make it a 1 star is honestly commendable, whatever your intentions were. He is, by all means, welcome to criticize the book. But it irks me when he states things that aren't true as a fact(Like there not being some greater plot, or struggle for MC). Because I wrote it, man, I've already written those chapters. Yes, there is a life-threatening plot to MC. But does he even care? Peace out, man. Go ahead, leave whatever reviews you want. I need to write chapters. Thanks for talking.

Dao_Master_Penguin:It does not matter if he spams reveiws, his reveiw on YOUR story was not complete lies. Although a bit exagerated and negative, they were by all means LEGITIMATE veiws on your story. I can understand blatantly lying and falsifying the story, but he was not. And you deleted it regardless. That’s a bad look.

No. You are misquoting me. I said 1 star is fine. It must be constructive criticism. That's it.

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Ah well it was though, it was valid criticism, I’ll delete the last reply as to not confuse people.

MisterImmortal:No. You are misquoting me. I said 1 star is fine. It must be constructive criticism. That's it.

Not really, bro. I read it many times. Yeah, he made one or two good points. But then most of it was just repeating the summary of the starting 3 chapters. "His organ randomly explodes" never happened. He said MC rejected wand. What he didn't understand was that it was Harry Potter's wand. MC's luck backfired right there. So he rejected it. As for the pet part. Every single one of my book has MC with a special pet. He says there are meaningless conversation. That's just Slice of Life my friend. Writing interactions between characters. It's not always supposed to be about main plot. As for calling MC shallow and without any goals. Yes, it may seem that way if you only read the beginning chaps. He's a clueless reincarnated kid who came to HP world to eat food. It will take time for his mindset to develop. Constructive Criticism is positive and negative feedback with the intent to improve the work. Destructive criticism is something that harms, undermines and damages the work. You decide which side it fell. My bro, I'm not against bad reviews. 1 star are also welcome. The only thing I ask is that it not be destructive, damaging and misinforming. Sure, one can be a bit bullish when writing. Show their dislikes. That's alright.

Dao_Master_Penguin:Ah well it was though, it was valid criticism, I’ll delete the last reply as to not confuse people.

That is definitely not criticism, nagging and expectations yes, criticism involves actual thought and not just 1 star spamming with random thoughts about how you’d do the story lol

Dao_Master_Penguin:Ah well it was though, it was valid criticism, I’ll delete the last reply as to not confuse people.

Those reviews were an eye sore to read but I felt I had to just to see if there was any validity. Thankfully, it looks like our Immortal Monkey is in the clear. The 1 or 2 criticisms they gave didn't even come with methods to mitigate them and certainly alone weren't warranting a 1 star. Looks like just a jealous reviewer who didn't get his wish fulfilled in another fanfic but is too lazy to write one themselves.


I remember this guy he was one of the reasons why one of my closest friend moved his fanfic onto Wattpad instead of remaining on Webnovel. I took a look at his profile awhile back this guy never writes anything in a positive review it’s always just one star reviews.

MisterImmortal:You are defending this guy. A 1-star review spammer who thinks reviewing = detailing(Spoiling) everything that he read until then.

A review is a review.

MisterImmortal:Are you serious? Honest criticism? Did that guy send you? Dude comprehends nothing in the story and just rambled about what "He believes" should be in the story. MC has been blessed by the power of Luck. And everything in the story makes sense respectively to that. It was made clear in chapter 1. What did you expect? He claims the MC dy ing was a problem before being reincarnated. The dude had cancer. How is that a problem? Every story of mine has the same god. That's the theme. His review was less of a review and more of a spoiler fest, detailing everything that is in the story. He claims there the protagonist has no interesting abilities. He only relies on luck, and there is no conflict. There ARE huge conflicts! He simply didn't have the patience to read it until then. I mainly write slice-of-life fanfics, and things progress slowly in them. He claims MC is very immature and naive. Of course, he is going to be that. The kid spent his life in a hospital before his new life. He's a kid! It takes time to grow and mature. It's called plot and story progression. You want an OP MC from chapter 1. You won't find it here. I didn't put that tag on it. His entire review was just a spoiler. By doing this, you are only becoming a negative review spammer.

I am in complete agreement with you that his review was less than acceptable, but who is to say you don't abuse this yourself? what if you do one day actually delete a review just because you don't like what it has to say?

MisterImmortal:Not really, bro. I read it many times. Yeah, he made one or two good points. But then most of it was just repeating the summary of the starting 3 chapters. "His organ randomly explodes" never happened. He said MC rejected wand. What he didn't understand was that it was Harry Potter's wand. MC's luck backfired right there. So he rejected it. As for the pet part. Every single one of my book has MC with a special pet. He says there are meaningless conversation. That's just Slice of Life my friend. Writing interactions between characters. It's not always supposed to be about main plot. As for calling MC shallow and without any goals. Yes, it may seem that way if you only read the beginning chaps. He's a clueless reincarnated kid who came to HP world to eat food. It will take time for his mindset to develop. Constructive Criticism is positive and negative feedback with the intent to improve the work. Destructive criticism is something that harms, undermines and damages the work. You decide which side it fell. My bro, I'm not against bad reviews. 1 star are also welcome. The only thing I ask is that it not be destructive, damaging and misinforming. Sure, one can be a bit bullish when writing. Show their dislikes. That's alright.

Honestly dude, nobody can guarantee that. For my defence, I can just say that there are bad reviews in all of my books. They are still up. Meanwhile, in some books you won't find any review less than 4 stars, especially in many CN translated book. It's just a feature WN gave authors to deal with trolls.

jhsilver:I am in complete agreement with you that his review was less than acceptable, but who is to say you don't abuse this yourself? what if you do one day actually delete a review just because you don't like what it has to say?

Which is why it's better to leave the review alone. I get the review was nonsense, but there are also 5-star reviews that are nonsense as well and contribute nothing.

MisterImmortal:Honestly dude, nobody can guarantee that. For my defence, I can just say that there are bad reviews in all of my books. They are still up. Meanwhile, in some books you won't find any review less than 4 stars, especially in many CN translated book. It's just a feature WN gave authors to deal with trolls.

Would you say the same if a polativian said something about something and it be twisted

Dao_Master_Penguin:The point is that the review section is ment for critism, I can understand lies but he was not completely wrong, although a bit twisted in thought, he had the right to comment his reveiw. You deleting your critism is not a good look, and I know you’ll take my comment as ‘another hater’ who doesn’t know what he is talking about but I just wanted to let people know that you delete reveiws, I lost respect man, and I know. You don’t care.