
Review Detail of dancematdan in Renegade Jenny (Pokemon Fanfic)

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Shameless self review. This is a side project and spur of the moment idea I came up with and posted so do not expect regular updates, excellent grammar and it to be free from errors. (Though it should be readable) I have many projects ongoing and they upload chapters regularly through the week with one of them being 8 chapters a week while the other three having between 1-4 chapters a week each. If I do continue this in my free time then please show it your support and be patient with the releases! Thanks!

Renegade Jenny (Pokemon Fanfic)


Disukai oleh 20 orang




There are currently five chapters and one will be released every four days so there could be 1-2 chapter releases a week. If there is an excess of chapters in the drafts or there is a lot of power stone donations then I may release another chapter.


Can’t wait to read this I just hope it get consistent updates as it seems interesting


Present lengths of books/webnovels which have a chapter word count of 800 to 3500 Bombyx: Return of the Vengeful First Daughter - 337+ chapters (mid to late stages) Kan-Gar-Chu! - 331+ chapters (mid to late stages) Pi-Gar-Chu! - 43+ chapters (early stages) Dr who is where now? - 16+ chapters (introductory stages) Renegade Jenny - 10+ chapters (introductory stages) Apotropaic in Danmachi - 4+ chapter (introductory stages)


Present update, one chapter will be released every five days without delay and will continue like that unless there are any changes made to the release schedule. +here is a little Picrew character image of Kimi Jenny in a more grown up state.

dancematdan:Present lengths of books/webnovels which have a chapter word count of 800 to 3500 Bombyx: Return of the Vengeful First Daughter - 337+ chapters (mid to late stages) Kan-Gar-Chu! - 331+ chapters (mid to late stages) Pi-Gar-Chu! - 43+ chapters (early stages) Dr who is where now? - 16+ chapters (introductory stages) Renegade Jenny - 10+ chapters (introductory stages) Apotropaic in Danmachi - 4+ chapter (introductory stages)

Hey, the new novel cover image isn’t as good as the last one, can you switch it back to the original or change it to a new one.


Do not know if I have any free attempts left on the AI image generator discord to make a new one but will test it later. Though you are the only one to complain about the current one so far so not in a hurry to replace it so soon.

Wilder6:Hey, the new novel cover image isn’t as good as the last one, can you switch it back to the original or change it to a new one.

Putting some others that were generated among the last batches on latest chapter. So pick among/vote on those for now.

Wilder6:Hey, the new novel cover image isn’t as good as the last one, can you switch it back to the original or change it to a new one.

3 original novels that have release date between every 5-7 days. 4 fanfics released every 5 days which are dragon ball, Pikachu One Piece, danmachi and Pokémon fanfics. Main fanfic which has more frequent releases every 3-4 days is Kan-Gar-Chu! Which is a One Piece fanfic. Most of them are updated and in drafts ready to be released on time and regularly. + some AI image generator covers of Kimi.


Hey Author, I have question: will there be a romance?


I have yet to work on any close relationships or original character relations to her with how much I have planned out or written already besides what have already been shown. It is not that there is no possibility of it but I am lacking in a direction that can include romance right now when the story and world building is still ongoing in the early stages. Always open to hearing the readers opinions or suggestions so I can get some idea of where I can work on certain areas or create connections with an existing character. If there is a romance with an original character then suggestions on what would suit her or their character design. E.g. using a previous anime character and making some changes here or there while adding a backstory etc to it. (Not telling you to do my job of course but it does help to spark some ideas and lets me understand my audience more.)

trudny1:Hey Author, I have question: will there be a romance?

Okay, will do so as I read. Thank you for answer.

dancematdan:I have yet to work on any close relationships or original character relations to her with how much I have planned out or written already besides what have already been shown. It is not that there is no possibility of it but I am lacking in a direction that can include romance right now when the story and world building is still ongoing in the early stages. Always open to hearing the readers opinions or suggestions so I can get some idea of where I can work on certain areas or create connections with an existing character. If there is a romance with an original character then suggestions on what would suit her or their character design. E.g. using a previous anime character and making some changes here or there while adding a backstory etc to it. (Not telling you to do my job of course but it does help to spark some ideas and lets me understand my audience more.)

Discord link is in the synopsis/novel description for further discussions, q&a, polls or updates if you or others wish to join for whatever reason. :)

trudny1:Okay, will do so as I read. Thank you for answer.

As always, if your character's relations turn out male, I won't read, but I do hope you get the best!

dancematdan:I have yet to work on any close relationships or original character relations to her with how much I have planned out or written already besides what have already been shown. It is not that there is no possibility of it but I am lacking in a direction that can include romance right now when the story and world building is still ongoing in the early stages. Always open to hearing the readers opinions or suggestions so I can get some idea of where I can work on certain areas or create connections with an existing character. If there is a romance with an original character then suggestions on what would suit her or their character design. E.g. using a previous anime character and making some changes here or there while adding a backstory etc to it. (Not telling you to do my job of course but it does help to spark some ideas and lets me understand my audience more.)


dancematdan:I have yet to work on any close relationships or original character relations to her with how much I have planned out or written already besides what have already been shown. It is not that there is no possibility of it but I am lacking in a direction that can include romance right now when the story and world building is still ongoing in the early stages. Always open to hearing the readers opinions or suggestions so I can get some idea of where I can work on certain areas or create connections with an existing character. If there is a romance with an original character then suggestions on what would suit her or their character design. E.g. using a previous anime character and making some changes here or there while adding a backstory etc to it. (Not telling you to do my job of course but it does help to spark some ideas and lets me understand my audience more.)

No relationships for her yet due to her present age in the story which is only ten despite her mental age being older. If there is any kind of romance then it will not be until later when it is more appropriate to write it into the story.


Okay , future Yuri?

dancematdan:No relationships for her yet due to her present age in the story which is only ten despite her mental age being older. If there is any kind of romance then it will not be until later when it is more appropriate to write it into the story.

Haku_Ouroboros:Okay , future Yuri?

No me gusta leer "No Yuri" si no puedo saber si Yuri , no lo leo


Well I cannot exactly tell you it is yuri when I have yet to get that far into the novel. It would be unfair of me to tell you or others that it is yuri if I could decide against it later or choose not to add any romance at all. Your preferences are your own and it is your right to decide what you want to read but if I had decided that route then it would have been already added to the tags and relationship part of the novel information.

Haku_Ouroboros:No me gusta leer "No Yuri" si no puedo saber si Yuri , no lo leo