
Review Detail of BrabbitX in Reincarnated Into A Dead Woman's Body In Another World

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Hahaha, deleted my review after seeing my response to his own malding reply. Shameless, it should be illegal to delete negative reviews. MC doesn't change his name and is still Jotou in a girls body. Not only is it a moronic name, it's a moronic male name in a females body. Disgusting trash. Next is my response to his unhinged reply to me. Too bad I don't have picture of his comment, it was hilarious. TLDR He left a 500 word rant/mald about my comment :D " What should I've named her? BrabbitX?" ??? How about Eletro101? :D What a stupid point you just made. How about give a girl a girls name? I don't think I'm asking for much. Want constructive criticism? Why did the detective go to a place where a velatos will probably spawn without any weapons, backup, experience or power? Like if velatos spawn or don't spawn, either way its got nothing to do with MC (as it's already established how velatos look). Why did she and MC go there? What could she possibly achieve by investigating a possible velatos? NOTHING. The MC had to fight and save her. All you did there was pull a cliche MC saves heroine situation, and worse is, you artificially made that situation by making your characters moro-nic. Name was just the last straw. Then again, even if it wasn't I still would have dropped, as I have no plans about reading about a Jotou in a yuri novel, if it was atleast an androgynous name then it would have been readable.

Reincarnated Into A Dead Woman's Body In Another World


Liked it!


TLDR. You are talking so much nonsense. Pointless to respond here as you will just delete this review later on :D stay mad kid.

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