Critical reader.
Membaca buku-buku
30 min 25% boost vs 12 seconds less than 10% boost only to 1 stat. Yeah, they definitely seem like the same thing. I know retards love to agree with other retards, but c mon, there should be a limit to how retarded one be and still be able to comment.
ofc it's sarcasm. Like look at the picture, how could u think i was being serious...
Ty for saving my time. Judging from authors replies it's clear he is stupid and can't read or respond to the actual criticism. Bless you.
Holy cow the writing style is trash. the fight scenes are unreadable. learn to write or use ai. bye trash
bye. the POV is trash. How do you even call this POV? 3rd person from 1st persons perspective? Like it's so trash it's sad.
so far. ch1 is absolute trash.
Beautiful lady? She is a kid, 6ish years old? the word is cute, and the other word is kid/girl. not beautiful or lady. Almost dropping and it's barely half a chapter in.
She has plans for him
"I've made clear that he knew of some of the shady shit he had done previously. " wherE? :D In other comments? So i have to check all the comments in all the previous chapters to know your context??? Ur a clown.
why tf did MC let danzo escape... retardation