
Review Detail of Alekzi in Martial Arts System

Ulasan detail


Shameless review once again~ I am not english speaking native, so some grammar mistakes is to be expected, but i am sure you guys will be able to understand my writing. Also No harem! Yay anyway i hope you guys enjoy my book!

Martial Arts System


Disukai oleh 170 orang




are you going to continue this book I kinda like this one more than your other works


romance ...? about story it's too good and Lucas and his father lol I can't stop laughing when they get jealous 😂


First of all, the reviews are mostly made by fake accounts. Second of all, you're obv not japanese so why t f do you use those names?


Is there a harem?


I had to decide a nationality for my MC, I cant make finnish MC bcz no one would understand his name, I wanted to make japanese name bcz Imo it sounds cool

Reimoss:First of all, the reviews are mostly made by fake accounts. Second of all, you're obv not japanese so why t f do you use those names?

and Idk who are fake and who aren't, I am not the one who is doing the so-called fake reviews either. I like honest reviews bcz it tells me where how I can improve my writing. Like it is nice to know does the dialogues feel robotic, etc.

Reimoss:First of all, the reviews are mostly made by fake accounts. Second of all, you're obv not japanese so why t f do you use those names?

And you chose the worst one, when I see japanese names I skip. You could've chosen the most basic english name but you had to go japanese.

Alekzi:I had to decide a nationality for my MC, I cant make finnish MC bcz no one would understand his name, I wanted to make japanese name bcz Imo it sounds cool

hey sorry to bother you but can you explain to me why fighting a rankless king START A WAR??


lol who cares if u skip?, the author likes the name so you put up with it or you leave xD

Reimoss:And you chose the worst one, when I see japanese names I skip. You could've chosen the most basic english name but you had to go japanese.

exactly haha😂🤣

arekuruutento:lol who cares if u skip?, the author likes the name so you put up with it or you leave xD

Meh, weebs

arekuruutento:lol who cares if u skip?, the author likes the name so you put up with it or you leave xD

no harem? and here it goes in my reading list and author san will there be romance or subplot(I hope there is atleast sub) and if there is will their be many love interest (girls intrested in mc) or not and will the fl be introduced early or later in the novel if there is any that is. and if there I will suggest not to have a weak fl to whom mc have to save evertime(one twice is ok or how our mc will impress her) plzz give answers of u can and yeah I don't understand how can a mc name be a problem to people?🤷🏻‍♂️


and yeah I forgot to ask and mc character will he be a knight in shining armour who save every damsel in distress or will he be a gray mc who is not ruthless but also not soft or a ruthless one who will do anything to achieve his goal?


Cause the name is cringe

its_L:no harem? and here it goes in my reading list and author san will there be romance or subplot(I hope there is atleast sub) and if there is will their be many love interest (girls intrested in mc) or not and will the fl be introduced early or later in the novel if there is any that is. and if there I will suggest not to have a weak fl to whom mc have to save evertime(one twice is ok or how our mc will impress her) plzz give answers of u can and yeah I don't understand how can a mc name be a problem to people?🤷🏻‍♂️

there are whole stories out there cringe let alone a name so ya that's bearable

KornKob:Cause the name is cringe

Still doesnt change the fact that its cringe 💀

its_L:there are whole stories out there cringe let alone a name so ya that's bearable

can you say who is the fml ??i currently at ch 80 still doesn't no who is it


Who said Japanese names are cool? only weebs 😆 🤣

Alekzi:and Idk who are fake and who aren't, I am not the one who is doing the so-called fake reviews either. I like honest reviews bcz it tells me where how I can improve my writing. Like it is nice to know does the dialogues feel robotic, etc.

I was going to say something but I forgot what it is but we people has our own preferences, personally, when a name is too cringe, I won't pay attention much to the name and focus more on the story then I would forgot about the cringey name after I do that... hmmmm, it seems I remembered what I was going to say, lol

Reimoss:And you chose the worst one, when I see japanese names I skip. You could've chosen the most basic english name but you had to go japanese.

reduce the fillers pls author


Oh cool you're finnish!! here's a finnish reader! I love this novel

Alekzi:I had to decide a nationality for my MC, I cant make finnish MC bcz no one would understand his name, I wanted to make japanese name bcz Imo it sounds cool