
Review Detail of catvi in My Fierce Tigress Wife

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Good story. was really looking forward to it. Then CHINA happened. Only in China does spiritual power increase more than normal. MC has no qualms about killing Russians because they are 'whites' but for Chinese people, they are friends. Higher realms all Chinese. China not a simple country, but it's fine to pick fights with the other ones. In any case..... I am sure this won't be picked. However good the story is as a non-china person, this novel is just too bad to even try :V

My Fierce Tigress Wife

Stellar Rain

Disukai oleh 201 orang




Bro if you can't handle the term nationalism then you should basically confined to you section of novel ...many has the same theme as nationalism is what being promoted more highly around world (China,America,India,Britain) if you do go for these countries novels now a days you will find the theme almost in everything so I think just ingnore if you can or change something else...but don't exagragte the course of nationalism in this novel

catvi:I don't think I am overeggarating. Every time the perspective shifts from the MC to 'China', it inevitably shows some small clues here and there that China is better than the rest of the world. Over nationalism is worse than being direct. Cause it assumes the reader is brainwashed and can't read between the lines. The nationalism in this story is patronizing.

I disagree with the point that racism and nationalism is in the novel with its current chapters. The reason why the MC wanted to kill the people from Russia was because that country sent undercover soilders/agents to capture the MC as stated novel. The reason why MC wanted to have the right to pick fights was because not every country would approach the MC with good intentions. For the topic that China isn't simple, it was because of the new historical remanent they discovered which had a huge influx of spiritual energy and that they had produced/cultivated a stage 2 expert in a short period of time. Also, the power of other countries were not mentioned so calling this nationalism is a bit too far with the existing information that is made availible.


the mc made up his mind that it was okay to kill russians and not chinese WAY BEFORE the soldiers came. When he was moving northward to find new cave. Actual Russians came waaaaay later. Read the novel before you speak :V

DemonizedDemon:I disagree with the point that racism and nationalism is in the novel with its current chapters. The reason why the MC wanted to kill the people from Russia was because that country sent undercover soilders/agents to capture the MC as stated novel. The reason why MC wanted to have the right to pick fights was because not every country would approach the MC with good intentions. For the topic that China isn't simple, it was because of the new historical remanent they discovered which had a huge influx of spiritual energy and that they had produced/cultivated a stage 2 expert in a short period of time. Also, the power of other countries were not mentioned so calling this nationalism is a bit too far with the existing information that is made availible.

the nationalism isn't even that bad in this most of it can be seen as him knowing a lot about china since hes from there but not knowing about other countries. As far as I read sure its telling tabs on china but its not saying other countries are crap blah blah. If a small amount of nationalism bothers you then I don't understand why you read basically any Chinese novels...


Don't exaggerate. There is truly not much nationalism until now. A little bit is fine. This story is much much better compared to a few other novels.


I don't think I am overeggarating. Every time the perspective shifts from the MC to 'China', it inevitably shows some small clues here and there that China is better than the rest of the world. Over nationalism is worse than being direct. Cause it assumes the reader is brainwashed and can't read between the lines. The nationalism in this story is patronizing.

Worldwolf67:Don't exaggerate. There is truly not much nationalism until now. A little bit is fine. This story is much much better compared to a few other novels.

He said he would be MORE WILLING, not that he must kill people from other countries other than China. How can you fault someone for favoring the country they lived in for most of their life? He had nice experiences and memories living in that country; how could it be compared to other foreign countries that he had no connection to?

catvi:the mc made up his mind that it was okay to kill russians and not chinese WAY BEFORE the soldiers came. When he was moving northward to find new cave. Actual Russians came waaaaay later. Read the novel before you speak :V

Faulty argument there. Just because the novel didn't show the perspectives of other countries, it doesn't mean that China is better than the rest of the world. It just shows the situation happening in that country. Another point is that it contributes to the plot of the story, since it shows the reader the occurrences inside that country that later has interactions later with the MC. You are exaggerating. There is no evidence for your argument. All that you proposed are speculations, and only speculations, nothing more.

catvi:I don't think I am overeggarating. Every time the perspective shifts from the MC to 'China', it inevitably shows some small clues here and there that China is better than the rest of the world. Over nationalism is worse than being direct. Cause it assumes the reader is brainwashed and can't read between the lines. The nationalism in this story is patronizing.

if you know slightly about china from you would know that every thing about china in this story is bullshit. china being friendly to tigers then who the hell kill them for drinking tiger pinus wine. and i am skipping everything about china in story and it make story much better

DemonizedDemon:Faulty argument there. Just because the novel didn't show the perspectives of other countries, it doesn't mean that China is better than the rest of the world. It just shows the situation happening in that country. Another point is that it contributes to the plot of the story, since it shows the reader the occurrences inside that country that later has interactions later with the MC. You are exaggerating. There is no evidence for your argument. All that you proposed are speculations, and only speculations, nothing more.

he would be more willing and that's why he wants to go to Russia 🤣😂🤣😂 plz

DemonizedDemon:He said he would be MORE WILLING, not that he must kill people from other countries other than China. How can you fault someone for favoring the country they lived in for most of their life? He had nice experiences and memories living in that country; how could it be compared to other foreign countries that he had no connection to?

yeap.... i mean seriously 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

Nimblegalaxy:if you know slightly about china from you would know that every thing about china in this story is bullshit. china being friendly to tigers then who the hell kill them for drinking tiger pinus wine. and i am skipping everything about china in story and it make story much better

Okay, what you are talking about is the populace, not the government. The populace would kill tigers for wine, but would the government do so?

Nimblegalaxy:if you know slightly about china from you would know that every thing about china in this story is bullshit. china being friendly to tigers then who the hell kill them for drinking tiger pinus wine. and i am skipping everything about china in story and it make story much better

??? Please elaborate more on your statement, I'm confused.

Md_Arafat_Alam:he would be more willing and that's why he wants to go to Russia 🤣😂🤣😂 plz

SPOILER from mtl: this is the conversation just after the Japanese Emperor and survivors who escaped with his got nuked in their sub from chapter 200. In the distance, San Dao was hidden in the bottom of the sea, covered in black clothes, and looked at him indifferently. "Five nuclear bombs are really cheap for them." One person said coldly. "Looking at this scene, I feel comfortable in my heart." Another person said with a smile. "I also feel refreshed." The first person also laughed.

ramp_seeker:Bro if you can't handle the term nationalism then you should basically confined to you section of novel ...many has the same theme as nationalism is what being promoted more highly around world (China,America,India,Britain) if you do go for these countries novels now a days you will find the theme almost in everything so I think just ingnore if you can or change something else...but don't exagragte the course of nationalism in this novel



that is fact Mc is retard he still think he is a human kind he already forgot his master chinas people eating hobbit HAHAHAHA

Nimblegalaxy:if you know slightly about china from you would know that every thing about china in this story is bullshit. china being friendly to tigers then who the hell kill them for drinking tiger pinus wine. and i am skipping everything about china in story and it make story much better

Decrease in number of the Siberian tigers in china since 1990 make the Chinese government stand clear on this matter and I think this is the time period when protecting animals from extinction is at its peak

DemonizedDemon:Okay, what you are talking about is the populace, not the government. The populace would kill tigers for wine, but would the government do so?

Yes, there you have it. Japan got nuked in this world too. Fking racist ass novel full of chinafag propaganda.

AzureConqueror:SPOILER from mtl: this is the conversation just after the Japanese Emperor and survivors who escaped with his got nuked in their sub from chapter 200. In the distance, San Dao was hidden in the bottom of the sea, covered in black clothes, and looked at him indifferently. "Five nuclear bombs are really cheap for them." One person said coldly. "Looking at this scene, I feel comfortable in my heart." Another person said with a smile. "I also feel refreshed." The first person also laughed.

Every 'good' country with a properly functioning government is one that REPRESENTS its population. There is no complete disconnection between them. But China, an authoritarian dictatorship, on the other hand, doesn't give a fk about representing its people. All they want are ant slaves who do what they tell them to and die when they tell them to. This novel sang praises of China because if it didn't, the author's organs would probably be harvested or something.

DemonizedDemon:Okay, what you are talking about is the populace, not the government. The populace would kill tigers for wine, but would the government do so?

I don't understand. Why are you defaming a country in real life verbally? I can understand that we are all entitled to our own opinions, but we're talking about the novel currently, not about how a certain country's government works; however, I do find your point of view very interesting. In response to the first part of your comment, "Every 'good' country with a properly functioning government is one that REPRESENTS its population" is very vague. There are varying levels of representation, and each level of representation, which leads to the second part of your comment, "But China, an authoritarian dictatorship, on the other hand, doesn't give a fk about representing its people", which is simply untrue. There is definitely representation, not in a small amount either, however, it is definitely lesser than what America has offered. For the third part of your comment, "All they want are ant slaves who do what they tell them to and die when they tell them too" is hogwash. No country in the world want its citizens to be their slaves because it has too many drawbacks and consequences in doing so. One example would be an undeveloped economy. Without wages and circulation of goods in the country, it would fall behind other countries very, very quick. Implementing slavery would cause efficiency to fall too. These examples may be extreme, but it is in response to your extreme views of the country. Now if it wasn't as extreme, I would like to loop back to my response of the first and second part of your comment. There are varying levels of representation and although the amount of representation China has given to its people may not be as much as America, it is still present. Just because you may be used to high levels of representation, it doesn't mean that when other countries give their people lower levels of representation, it turns their citizens into slaves. That is just too extreme Maybe the comparison between the amount of representation in America and China caused you to have such an extreme view or for some other reason. I have no idea of what your thought process is, but this is my response to your comment.

catvi:Every 'good' country with a properly functioning government is one that REPRESENTS its population. There is no complete disconnection between them. But China, an authoritarian dictatorship, on the other hand, doesn't give a fk about representing its people. All they want are ant slaves who do what they tell them to and die when they tell them to. This novel sang praises of China because if it didn't, the author's organs would probably be harvested or something.