


Avid hater of writing and hockey lover

2024-03-11 BergabungUnited States





Membaca buku-buku




  • markoos
    Balas Entrail_JI

    I think emphasizing a motive would also do wonders for the cohesion of the story. The entire story up till this point has been extremely confusing to read, focusing more on emotions and dream sequences which are a little eh but I understand it. Having a super clear motive or something else that the character has be clear and emphasized would better ground the readers in an otherwise confusing and tough-to-read intro, which certainly turns off a lot of people.

    Ch 26 The one the world rejects [4]
    Advent of the Three Calamities
    Fantasi · Entrail_JI
  • markoos
    Balas Entrail_JI

    Through his reincarnation sure, he’s been put at the top. But it’s obviously a position he’s been thrust into, in a world entirely foreign to him, people he doesn’t truly know. Needing to get stronger is one thing, but this is an extremely polar form of that with little to ease into this. It’s very obsessive and intense, which you could rationalize as being an effect of emotive magic. I don’t have the plot entirely figure out as much as you do, but maybe making it clear the reason he wants power is so he can find a way back to his old life and see his family would be enough to make it convincing that he would take these actions (if that makes sense in the context of the plot)

    Ch 26 The one the world rejects [4]
    Advent of the Three Calamities
    Fantasi · Entrail_JI
  • markoos

    While I respect the ’rule of cool’ writing approach I just wish it was done better. Maybe I’m missing something but so far there’s just been 0 motive for him to torture himself like a brain dead ape every chapter it’s just cool and edgy so it happens

    Ch 26 The one the world rejects [4]
    Advent of the Three Calamities
    Fantasi · Entrail_JI
  • markoos
    Balas Tenzing_Choeying_5139

    Morality is a fundamental part of social psychology. Though thinking about it now, Jett’s end progression may incorporates these aspects, it wouldn’t be absolute because he will always remain human, and as such will be subject to feelings which prevent such drastic changes. However I do see a future where Jett tackles the struggles of being at the pinnacle of power, I ultimately find the ‘immoral edgelord who chases power’ to often be done incorrectly and end up very shallow and edge for the sake of edge Immortality as a desirable concept has been ruined for me mostly because of how easily challenged it is from a philosophical standpoint. Ultimately, power and immortality are futile once you obtain it. Ultimate power is useless as it marks the absence of struggle, and life along with stories are series’s of struggles. While being a power fantasy, my story is quite grounded, trying to hold onto that gritty and real feel and tone. Not to say that immortality and no morals is out of the question, but it would definitely need to not only be earned through the culmination of the entire series but also properly built up to, which would all be determined by the natural progression of the story. I do see a universe where these ideas would be implemented however

    Ch 1 Uproot and Uplift
    Ladder of Ascendance
    Fantasi · markoos
  • markoos

    Incredibly soulless diogue combined with a severe lack of motives and common sense just hurts man it hurts to read

    Ch 8 Skills
    Rise of the White Devil
    Fantasi · Crypthh
  • markoos

    Five year olds can’t grow muscle you moronic 5 year old

    'Too weak.'
    Obtaining 10x rewards! Reincarnated into a novel as a side-character!
    Fantasi · WinterDragon_1
  • markoos
    Balas Shiba_Tatsuya_0294

    You need serious help

    "Oh, I don't have any toys to play with… what should I do…?"
    Obtaining 10x rewards! Reincarnated into a novel as a side-character!
    Fantasi · WinterDragon_1
  • markoos

    Brother you’re literally a toddler

    "Show yourself," Nadia spoke, her voice as cold as ice.
    Obtaining 10x rewards! Reincarnated into a novel as a side-character!
    Fantasi · WinterDragon_1
  • markoos

    Grammarly can help!

    Although he had not shown any talent in being an exorcist, he had shown brilliant academic brilliance.
    Obtaining 10x rewards! Reincarnated into a novel as a side-character!
    Fantasi · WinterDragon_1
  • markoos

    Comes out of left field

    "...I would only destroy someone if they would dare to harm someone I care about," Lucas suddenly said with a cold tone that sent shivers down the spine of the driver and surprised Lucielle even further, since she could see the bloodlust coming out of Lucas.
    Rise of the White Devil
    Fantasi · Crypthh
  • markoos
    Balas Harry_Mittal

    Because the setting is identical to every other fantasy story of similar tropes

    Civilians could be seen walking through the city, but today was an unusual day. A rumor was circulating that someone extremely important was in the city. How did they know this? Because of the media. Several photos were uploaded of three extremely expensive and luxurious cars driving through the city. Now, it's normal for important people to visit cities, especially Moon City, but this was different... because the car in the middle had the Nightstar plate on it! This meant that there was a huge chance that someone from the Nightstar family was inside the car.
    Rise of the White Devil
    Fantasi · Crypthh
  • markoos

    Peak 8 star mage who decides to change a snobby kids diapers for her grand aspirations in life

    Lucielle, a peak 8-star level mage, would be the perfect teacher for Lucas, as she knew him almost as well as his own parents.
    Rise of the White Devil
    Fantasi · Crypthh
  • markoos

    Sure the physiqueless 12 year old with zero physical prowess is a gym rat calisthenics god among men

    "659,660,661,662,663,664,665,666" The boy counted while doing his sit-ups, sweat could be seen over his whole body and even on the ground as he was fully focused at completing his sit-ups after doing 1000 push-ups and squats.
    Rise of the White Devil
    Fantasi · Crypthh
  • markoos

    Seems a little silly to have him have full control over chaos for doing absolutely nothing. If chaos was kept as powerful yet caused extreme backlash to the user it would be an intriguing power to use, now it’s just gonna be go go gadget! win the fight with the power I didn’t earn !

    (AN: It was a short chapter; I apologize for that. I'll strive to write longer chapters in the future. For those who are confused, Lucas's Chaos element needed to be awakened since he had no control over it and didn't know how to use it. But now, he finally understands how to use Chaos. The next chapters will be him finally focusing at getting stronger.)
    Rise of the White Devil
    Fantasi · Crypthh
  • markoos

    So the progenitor intentionally misuses chaos to show its harmful effects then is like nah you can’t do that anyway haha. What was the point

    "No worries. Now, you can wield it as you wish without something like that happening again, well, unless you do it on purpose. But at your current level, that's impossible," he said.
    Rise of the White Devil
    Fantasi · Crypthh
  • markoos

    Hey I’m the progenitor of chaos I know everything about the chaos element, but I’m not gonna tell you cause Nuh uh don’t feel like it

    "The Chaos element you possess is one of the most powerful. It embodies both positive and negative energies. I won't delve into its details; you must forge your own path with Chaos and decide its use," the man advised.
    Rise of the White Devil
    Fantasi · Crypthh
  • markoos

    Why is mc called the progenitor of chaos when brother admits to his face that he’s the inheritor

    "No, you are the second—the only one who inherited the Chaos element after me," the man clarified.
    Rise of the White Devil
    Fantasi · Crypthh
  • markoos

    Say fufu one more time and I’m gone ☠️

    "Fufu, very well. But I am worried. I can see that he hasn't shed that lazy attitude of his," his mother admitted with a bitter smile.
    Rise of the White Devil
    Fantasi · Crypthh
  • markoos

    Whole family is a bunch of delusional troglodytes

    "Don't worry, my dear. Those eyes of his seemed determined and brimmed with confidence. I'm sure he knows what he's doing and has finally found the path he wants to walk," his father reassured her, trusting their son without any hesitation.
    Rise of the White Devil
    Fantasi · Crypthh
  • markoos
    "Very well, you can have access to the library. I will also provide you with a training schedule from now on. You will wake up early in the morning at 7 a.m. and head to the training grounds. I will have William be your personal instructor from now on," his father declared.
    Rise of the White Devil
    Fantasi · Crypthh