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That “foreign appearance“, what does it mean? Because they say that but never say what is weird about him.
Why is his lvl 2? He got that spell. In the previous chapter he said that by getting a skill he gets the class too.
The choice was logical, the MC is pragmatic about this, he helps with what he reasonably can. A lot of authors are way too extreme, they see the world in black and white, this is a better approach. Not to edgy or Gary Stu.
"It is generally accepted that the Inquisition only solidified into its truly modern form some time in the middle of the 32nd Millennium after the formal birth of the Imperial Cult as the state religion of the Imperium, some 800 Terran years after the end of the Horus Heresy." Your argument is "Trust me bro, I totally know about Warhammer". It's obvious you don't.
Why is he acting like he doesn't know that it was Sylph? I hope the author doesn't start making him oblivious about the plot for railroading.
If you want to know a bit about lore look this up and you will understand why its idiotic that the inquisition exist.
It seems you don't know much about Warhammer yourself. The Emperor despises religion, he would never permit it. The author doesn't know Warhammer 30K lore 100% in this case.
What the hell was wrong with him? The Kokio girl said that he saved her, and then there comes that bitch to interrogate him in a rude maner? and he just acts like a weak beta MC? How repetitive and cliche.
To much drama, people can not connect with this, it's to outlandish. Less is more
The problem of this story is that the author doesn't know the source material. He doesn't know that there was no inquisition in the 30 millennium. That's not all but the most glaring one. Basically, he knows a bit about Warhammer 40k and tries to write a story about 30k without knowing that 30k pre heresy and 40k are vastly different.