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i think the hunter class would have synergized very well, like a sniper assassin
"finally a character I can relate to" I'm not sure I have a milk fetish(won't find out until my girl is pregnant and making milk lol) but God I love milk, top 3 drink out of all drinks not including water.
probably put $30 into this because I couldn't stop reading, (I also bought privilege thinking it unlocked all the previous chapters I should have read that better 😔) , anyway , I'm a sucker for ever evolving aliens so finding another book with that as the main character was great ,,, it helps that it's pretty intense on the over 18 scenes and the fights are decent too. the system is in the background usually as it should be and the character designs seem fun. my only wish is for the author to include boy love, i can never find a bi protagonist in these books and the other men are feminine for once 🙏🏻 :wrote about 75 chapters in:
no boy love in the novel 😞
well what if he could turn into a lizard AND shoot fireballs like in AB or some random junk in O
i would think so too, I'm imagining the tip is like a razor and he's cutting with the edge
with drip stone you can make a lava generator farm
ah yes, the last dragon, Vesuvius D. I. C.
there are many things you can give, your sight and other senses , your limbs or certain body parts, your emotions, your connections or possessions, there are two of the most powerful things one can give up however .your soul, and your freedom imo