Membaca buku-buku
flow isnt't action in simpler terms it is the connectivity of your novel meaning the scenes from one point to Another should be connected integrated to one another to ehnace the readers reading .*
alright i can say this you tried and the effort put in this is commendable the background is good but the flow. one thing about your novel is the flow isn't really there. meaning i can't concentrate on integrating my self in your novel .. thats'sjust what iIhave notiyced other things are not bad but can be improved one way or the other
can iIsay something
can we talk privately are you on discord
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
There was at first kael had no memories of this body and how it reacted but then later he got the memories of the crown prince and not only that but he saw how this world was supposed to play out normally
alright Roger that thanks