

2023-03-06 BergabungGlobal





Membaca buku-buku




  • Myst_Rinnontoya
    Balas ManekiNekooo

    And who knows what? Cyra..Cyra..Cyra what are you thinking or planning?

    Ch 83 fight and act
    The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness
    Fantasi · Myst_Rinnontoya
  • Myst_Rinnontoya
    Balas ManekiNekooo

    Thank you, I try my best between actions and dialogue.

    Ch 78 Following the script
    The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness
    Fantasi · Myst_Rinnontoya
  • Myst_Rinnontoya
    Balas ManekiNekooo

    I will try my best, it's my first time doing anything like this and in reality I'm quite uninterested in physical romance so trying to depict everything as plausible needs some thinking over, despite the fact it looks interesting in some animes's, moments,.. Don't hesitate to correct me.

    Ch 79 A moment of so called bliss
    The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness
    Fantasi · Myst_Rinnontoya
  • Myst_Rinnontoya
    Balas ManekiNekooo

    I'm already very pleased with your chapter, it was fun. You did a great job, don't forget to take a rest as there is no need for more when one is already considered perfect.

    Ch 77 It's so exhausting, trying to survive
    The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness
    Fantasi · Myst_Rinnontoya
  • Myst_Rinnontoya
    Balas ManekiNekooo

    It is my greatest honour. I hope you continue to support me and give me tips whenever needed.

    Ch 77 It's so exhausting, trying to survive
    The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness
    Fantasi · Myst_Rinnontoya
  • Myst_Rinnontoya
    Balas ManekiNekooo

    So I finally had the time to watch Robocco and me. I was quite confused at te fact each episode is just a few minutes. (thought I just couldnt'tfind the full ones) Either way I watched and I read your story. Good job! I could actually see that being an episode. In fact the supermadoka who plays shogi in air would be quite lit. Btw after watching I understand the knee reference(KNEEver) nice touch!

    Ch 77 It's so exhausting, trying to survive
    The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness
    Fantasi · Myst_Rinnontoya
  • Myst_Rinnontoya
    Balas ManekiNekooo

    Still learning how to write better and such so thank you. awesome to hear you have written your own. I still havent' had time to watch or read yet so thank you for the warning. I'm hoping maybe tomorrow or overmorrow. Either way I will read it and will let you know. Great job and thanks for letting me know.

    Ch 77 It's so exhausting, trying to survive
    The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness
    Fantasi · Myst_Rinnontoya
  • Myst_Rinnontoya
    Balas ManekiNekooo

    Now I definitely have to watch it with how enthusiastic you are. Be sure to give the link of your fanfic in the future. I'm real curious what character will be mine fave.

    Ch 76 A step further
    The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness
    Fantasi · Myst_Rinnontoya
  • Myst_Rinnontoya
    Balas ManekiNekooo

    I searched it up because frankly I was quite clueless as to what you meant. So it's a manga and an anime? It sounded interesting and funny when I read the description so I might just watch it in the future.

    Ch 76 A step further
    The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness
    Fantasi · Myst_Rinnontoya
  • Myst_Rinnontoya
    Balas Zenithnovels

    If you don't mind I shall look upon this text and additional information in deeper depths in the future.Unfortunately my own schedule right now doesn't permit me too.

    The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness
    Fantasi · Myst_Rinnontoya
  • Myst_Rinnontoya
    Balas Daoist2MagJ2

    There you go. I tried to change it. Tell me what you think. I'm not perfect so there will still be mistakes, point them out so I can further improve myself.

    Ch 3 Embracing rebirth
    The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness
    Fantasi · Myst_Rinnontoya
  • Myst_Rinnontoya
    Balas Daoist2MagJ2

    First time experience. We all need to learn and that we do trough mistakes. Be sure to let me know how you would go about it. Then I'll take your ideas with me when I renew this chapter and delete the repeated.

    Ch 4 Reliving the best and worst
    The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness
    Fantasi · Myst_Rinnontoya
  • Myst_Rinnontoya
    Balas Daoist2MagJ2

    He did just die so.. you're totally right.one of my first chapter and very lacking.I have much to learn but I mostly do it for myself. Either way if you have tips do tell.Further down to road I might just do everything anew since I have more knowledge of my own ideas know.Please be patient if you continue with this story with me.

    Ch 3 Embracing rebirth
    The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness
    Fantasi · Myst_Rinnontoya
  • Myst_Rinnontoya
    Balas ManekiNekooo

    Well it is after all a big part of fantasy and everywhere that is reality follows. Disappointing most of the times as it leaves you feeling ostracized.Small things become big and just like that you feel the cruelty and unfairness that lives within us all. Society and it's norms worsening it, not caring about reason or your choice in said matters.Although I am aware that the quote also served as funny memes countless times.But this is slice of life so there will be serious things happening.

    Ch 29 rewrite
    The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness
    Fantasi · Myst_Rinnontoya
  • Myst_Rinnontoya
    Balas ManekiNekooo

    Very precise and isn't that just suspicious?

    Ch 22 A deal with the devil's advocate
    The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness
    Fantasi · Myst_Rinnontoya
  • Myst_Rinnontoya
    Balas ManekiNekooo

    He is really precious isn't he?Right now he should be about 1072, 9 months and 99 hours.Do keep in mind just because his older, doesn't mean that he is stronger.Who in the world could stand the ability that annuls your magic?

    Ch 22 A deal with the devil's advocate
    The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness
    Fantasi · Myst_Rinnontoya
  • Myst_Rinnontoya
    Balas ManekiNekooo

    Well life in general is sad sometimes so why would fantasy be any different?There will be good and bad moments as such is life.

    Ch 21 Uncovering the secrets of the village
    The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness
    Fantasi · Myst_Rinnontoya
  • Myst_Rinnontoya
    Balas ManekiNekooo

    Right now? Covered with bruises,cuts and burns. Overall a mess.Once his body ''heals'' will I do a description in the story. (length,face,...)I have that part planned out.

    Ch 21 Uncovering the secrets of the village
    The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness
    Fantasi · Myst_Rinnontoya
  • Myst_Rinnontoya
    Balas ManekiNekooo

    Well then I quess I should warn you to keep tissues with you for the future just to be sure. It's always nice to see you comment so thank you.I will keep trying my best on updating and who knows a few more great songs here and there.

    Ch 20 The curse of Blackwood village
    The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness
    Fantasi · Myst_Rinnontoya
  • Myst_Rinnontoya
    Balas ManekiNekooo

    Well that's sweet and you're definitly right this is just getting started.

    The Dark Rebirth: A Vampire's Descent into Darkness
    Fantasi · Myst_Rinnontoya