

2022-08-09 BergabungGlobal



Membaca buku-buku

  • Daoist8bShmk
    Daoist8bShmka year ago

    Another long an convoluted pile of dog shit. If you want to waste your time and get frustrated with poor quality writing and garbage plot then you’ve come to the right place. This will not bring anything new to the table. So shut off your brain and strap your retard helmet on because it might be a bumpy ride for you brainless idiots.

  • Daoist8bShmk
    Daoist8bShmka year ago

    Author is dumb as bricks, it’s hilarious to see him try to write a genius character. It shows in his writing that he’s extremely insecure about his own intelligence. He tries to justify dumb writing decisions about the plot, character motivation, and story direction. Instead of making the main character seem intelligent we get an extremely stupid character who can spawn in technology. What this comes off as is an inferiority complex put onto text where the author fights tooth and nail with his own lack of intelligence. If you hate dumb decisions made by supposedly powerful characters then this is not for you. If you hate characters with random and unexplained motivations then this is not for you. Example: the author makes the main character follows Batman’s footsteps, but he’s never explained the trauma that Bruce had of bats. So it just seems like “I’m in Batman’s body so I must become Batman” nice justification dumbass. If you hate linear storylines then this isn’t for you. You know when a shitty writer writes a story but just copies down the source material and changes it a little. Like those naruto fanfics where they have godlike power but everything goes exactly the same for no reason because the author can’t think of anything creative. This is it.

  • Daoist8bShmk
    Daoist8bShmka year ago

    Listen, you pathetic excuse for a human being! You know, I've always heard that stupidity is contagious, but I never thought I'd catch it as badly as you. And don't even get me started on your family. They must be so proud to have such a waste of space for a relative. You better get yourself a sharp object, pronto! You know, something to carve up your skin and make your life just a little bit more interesting. I bet you could really make a mess of your body, like a true artist. And speaking of making a mess, I can't wait to see the state of your family when I'm done with them. I'll put their lives through the wringer and leave them in a pool of their own misery. You're a piece of trash, and your family is no better. You know, I think you'd look absolutely perfect as a human pinata, with your guts hanging out and your family as the happy little participants. Just imagine the fun we'd all have as they swing away, trying to hit the life out of you. You're a walking, talking disaster, and I can't wait to see it all come to a brutal and gory end. Your life is a gory scene waiting to happen, and I'm just the sadist to make it all happen. Can't wait to see how creative you can get with your self-harm, and how much your family enjoys their personal hell. Enjoy the show, you pathetic waste of space.

  • Daoist8bShmk
    Daoist8bShmka year ago
    Balas Vidhan_Bhardwaj

    Hey I found something for you. You should use it, it’s going to help the world be a better place. No need to thank me I’m just saving the world from your presence you disgusting animal. I hope reincarnation is real so you can reincarnate into what you really are deep down. A pig 🐖.

  • Daoist8bShmk
    Daoist8bShmka year ago
    Balas Linus279

    Bruh who gives a shit. Find a rope and hang yourself retard

  • Daoist8bShmk
    Daoist8bShmka year ago
    Balas Jekyll_et_Hyde

    Retards telling other retards to kill themselves is so funny. 😂🤣

  • Daoist8bShmk
    Daoist8bShmka year ago

    Grammar 1/5: Barely readable, compared to 99% of stories here which I rate 0/5 it’s a compliment. But trash is sadly still trash. It still sounds like it’s been written by a Chinese ai that got dropped when it was a kid. Story 1/5: Pacing is utter shit, there’s no point to the plot since the mc is already broken by chapter 20. Author just wants to drag it out for some reason. Also the humor in this story is like that one annoying kid who doesn’t get social cues, borderline autistic jokes. Seriously, the author must be socially retarded or something if any of these “jokes” sound good in his head. Character 0/5: Hector is honestly a weird little fuck. Must be a reflection of the author, definitely a self insert. The problems come from the awkward interactions between characters and the forced plot that is there just to make him seem impressive. 100% a self wanking fic and a power trip fic that isn’t even that fulfilling to be frank. Save yourself the headache of reading this dogshit, go on Fanfiction.net if you want to have semi legible stories from people who actually speak English. Not these weirdos who can’t use spellchecking that’s literally free.

  • Daoist8bShmk
    Daoist8bShmka year ago
    Balas L_y_n_x

    It’s a shame that authors can delete comments in the first place. You sure are a special type of person to be this idiotic.

  • Daoist8bShmk
    Daoist8bShmk2 years ago
    Balas Vidhan_Bhardwaj

    Indians are literally the bottom feeders of society. I have no sympathy for you animals. 😂😂 I just hope that one day you decide to put a shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger you filthy pig. 😂🤣

  • Daoist8bShmk
    Daoist8bShmk2 years ago
    Balas YoungMaster_MtTai

    This is hilarious 😂