Membaca buku-buku
in the original, once someone reaches a level divide they get grouped with the next level so he should be in the Ancestor group
Pretty good story, one problem I've noticed is the dialog seems to jump and it's as if we're missed a few lines here and there. Sometimes the dialog just duplicates and they say the same thing twice. Also they forgot what been spoken just a few lines back, Just after meeting Emma and having a hot night in the flashback scene Emma calls him Dave then in the next line he asks her to call him Dave even though she just did.
It's a New Year Man, How'd Uni go for you?
he didn't pay though
have my stones
ah a real chapter nice, the same chapter updating like 3 times yesterday almost drove me mad
cool looking forward to it
thanks for the chapter, have you posted the potter fic and where can I find it ?
STOLEN WORK. Originally posted by justbored21 on as " Reborn ". I read till the latest chapter before realising this was very familiar, he's chopped up the chapters. so for every chapter of the original there's 3-4 here probably cause the original only has about 70 chapters. I don't see any differences or credits given.