


Curbing my boredom with excessive amounts of power fantasy trash. :(

2022-04-09 BergabungGlobal



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  • BobbyBrowne
    Balas Arawn34

    My point still stands that he gets stronger at a snails pace compared to everyone else. If at 200 chapters he's not even a chunin the issue is even worse than I thought. In the anime Sakura becomes a chunin by only punching people and using next to no jutsus, horrible when you look at the mc. If he stands out in a class where everyone is a failure, that doesn't make him a genius, just barely average. I think its major cope to think that he is anywhere near strong if after 200 chapters of relentless, 24 hour training for what I'm assuming to be years, he loses to a single punch from 10 year old Sakura who doesn't train at all.

    Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve
    Komik · FictionOnlyReader
  • BobbyBrowne

    An all-round good novel however the pacing and power levels are terrible in my opinion. The author writes scenes well, with interesting descriptions, but they just go on for way too long. His journey to start his training literally takes nearly 100 chapters, and he only uses a crossbow and hope as his weapon before that, mostly after aswell. The system is honestly a curse rather than a blessing, since he can't really grow his stats organically past a normal human, and to put the stats into perspective, normal human is 5, he is 10 after becoming a witcher, normal/most witchers are mid 20s/30s. This is a problem because he gets 1 stat point per level up, and past level 4, it would take about 150 drowners/10 leshen to level up once, which doesn't happen much with the pacing, and only gets worse. At chapter 300 he is still only about level 7/8, which is just kinda ridiculous. To make it clear, I think slow pacing can be okay, but to pull that off, the author would've had to start the story about 20/30 years earlier, to make the power system work, however the MC is only 5 or so years older than Ciri, which really highlights my issues with the power system. In conclusion I think the author has some good ideas, and writes well, but some of his idea's clash in this novel, ruining an otherwise fulfilling novel. Thanks for reading

    The Witcher: The Divine Hunter
    Derivasi dari game · Leohart
  • BobbyBrowne

    If his stats don't grow from training how is he ever gonna get even somewhat strong. He could literally murder 100 dagons and he wouldn't even be at the level of an average witcher. Seems kinda ridiculous especially when normal witchers can grow themselves through combat and time, but he can't. Aside from the insta heal the system seems like it doesn't benefit him much at all

    Auckes' training was a bit special, and he'd always talk after he was done, so Roy gleaned some sort of fun from it. He could feel himself improving every day. It wasn't a growth in stats, but a growth in battle sense, and that would only show in battle.
    The Witcher: The Divine Hunter
    Derivasi dari game · Leohart
  • BobbyBrowne

    The novel starts off really exciting but slowly dwindles into a slow, monotonous pace. When the concept of magic is introduced its exciting and you want to see him progress, but the majority of the chapters are just boring occurences and accounts about people that just pale in comparision to him improving. The academy arc is also probably one of the worst ive ever seen, where instead of getting stronger, it seems to exist to make every character catch up to him, all laws are bended so that the MC can't appear too strong, pretty ironic imo. He also starts off in the academy as the strongest student, which just makes the arc inherently irrelevant lol. Acting in tandem with boring nonsense, there is a lot of ridiculous logic in this story. The academy he goes to is this fortified castle that can protect against any danger, except apparently just the strongest person there being a villain, like what? I get trying to make an interesting arc, but there is no way you would build this massive fortified estate, and then not accurately scope out the person running it, especially if every child in your family goes there, it is so unbelievably stupid, like a criminal guarding a bank. The MC also randomly shifts between hiding his power and not, where he hides it from his family for years(for no reason btw) and then randomly brings it up to his cousin about a year before he leaves for the academy?????? Crazy idea, why don't you just go to your extremely loving and all powerful grandad, and just ask him to help you out and show him how talented you are? It's literally the yellow-brick road to success, and he's wading in sh*t thinking it's helping. I could go more but this would be too long, thanks for reading anyways

    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Fantasi · RealmWeaver
  • BobbyBrowne

    Reading this novel is so incredibly frustrating. For the first 30 chapters or so I was really enjoying him grinding his way from rock bottom to become something, but my man is literally the most nerfed thing in existence. He trains for 18hrs a day and his progress is literally snails pace compared to the other kids who just sleep in class and do some basic exercise. I have never seen an mc with worse talent, but then something happened. The MC awakens his chakra and performs a jutsu incredibly quickly! Ok I'm fine with him being human trash as long as he has at least one strong talen..... Nevermind author said no and he immediately gets nerfed so the snail's pace continues. Even his intelligence gets nerfed somehow and he goes from being smart to an actual primate who is loud and obnoxious, cheers author thought you were going to give him something but nah, how stupid of me. This is already a pretty long scathing review but I can't help but touch on the side characters, they suck. Aside from the old man who i like the side cast the author comes up with(not in naruto originally) are genuinely just terrible, awkard cardboard cutout attempts at characters. They are like a trash harem cast, their personalities can be explained in 2/3 words and i would genuinely prefer if the author replaced them all with nerfing the mc even more. Like why even write a naruto fanfic and just make walmart versions of the original characters instead of using the originals. It would be like me making a bleach fan fic with my new main character ichibo kugosaki who uses a spear and is loud and belligerent, not to be mistaken for his sidekick rubio who has double d breasts and can't stop saying b-b-b-b-bbbaka when Ichibo gets too close to her. I get making up an original character or two to add some spice but just pretty much replacing the main cast makes no sense. This is way too long lol but thanks for reading

    Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve
    Komik · FictionOnlyReader
  • BobbyBrowne

    The novel has so much potential but it just gets caught up on the worst things possible. After a while cultivation doesnt exist and filler takes its place, at one point he goes up one minor realm and gains no powers in 70 chapters, That is just beyond disgraceful in my opinion. The highest cultivation realms are also just never explained, even the highest ranked disciple in his sect is in soul formation realm, but every elder and person he meets later on is at minimum 2 major realms ahead, which makes no sense sect wise. Even the demoness never has her realm revealed and is somehow like 10 major realms ahead of the mc at all times, with no progress in their relationship to look forward to either. I think the novel has immense potential and there are some great characters, but it just feels like there is little to no pursuit in actual cultivation, and instead a pure focus on just filler character interactions, which lose their flare a couple hundred chapters in. Thanks for reading

    Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness
    Fantasi Timur · Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy
  • BobbyBrowne

    Honestly this could be a good story but I just genuinely can't read it. Nothing makes sense at all and the way the author describes things just leaves me more confused. Like Zuri is a 10cm being who is an ai that gathers info for him and swings his sword for him?? or does she help him swing his sword?? i honestly don't know. The fight scenes are so poorly explained it's like he writes out a whole fight scene, then deletes parts to make it as confusing as possible. The MC will do something you don't understand, then the enemy will put both hands on the ground to brace for impact, then the MC will just attack them from behind, like what?? Even the characters will just completely change their expressions and actions within seconds, someone will be introduced as cool and calculating then act like a literal child 2 secs later, MC included. I just don't understand this novel. Thanks for reading

    The Villain Can't Lose
    Fantasi · Jeri_
  • BobbyBrowne

    I feel like the author writes this story more on a whim, without much coherent thought behind it. It feels like he just tosses a bunch of information at you at the start of the novel, and then goes off and writes random plot twists dependent on his mood. Characters just perform actions outside of their explained personality, which personally i don't consider character development,character derailment maybe. Way too much time is also spent on random scuffles not really relevant to the story, being labelled as main scenarios, but could honestly be reduced to a chapter or 2 and nothing would change. I think the more egregious thing however is the author biting off more than he can chew. He spends several chapters building up this world based on a potentially predetermined story, and without the readers even knowing much about it, he sets about changing everything. I frankly don't understand setting up this world around certain characters to just add more supposedly, spicing up the novel however I just find it confusing. It's similar to wearing a full suit then just putting on a pair of pink underwear over it for flare, unnecessary. I think trying to add surprising elements to the Mc's background is ok, however shoving it into your face 20 chapters in is just so jarring and such an uncomfortable upset to the pace of the story. It's like if you're reading a novel about killing the demon king, then you spent 20 chapters on stopping some bullying not relevant, 30 chapters on a dungeon that could be 5, meaningless character interactions yes please give me 25, now why don't we make the mc's family secretly demon worshipers and the female lead's family a group of anthropomorphic hamsters, oh wait what was the main goal again, the demon king? The novel is now 100+ chapters and the author is getting tired, demon king is too far away and the hamster arc still needs to be solved, gg go next. If you don't have 600 chapters worth of effort and time to put into a novel, please don't write it as such with so many plot twists and turns before you've even properly started on the main path. Sorry bit of a rant at the end but thanks for reading, even this review could be shorter lol.

    Extra Pages: The Author's Odyssey
    Fantasi · Ink_Weaver122
  • BobbyBrowne

    The author just bites off way more than he can chew, and instead of fleshing out topics, he just adds more to the point where you forget the old ones. It's so infuriating when he talks about a cool mechanic like manipulating nether to create a core, a new energy, then 20 chapters later there's 20 new characters added, 20 new plotlines with the characters, 10 new potential abilities and now he's just playing with a cat that is definitely normal just trust me bro. a prime example is when he trys to recruit someone to a gang, and then before he goes back to finish it, nether manipulation is introduced, his past is exposed adding more characters and backstory to characters, Susan stalks him, conquers a dungeon with new abilities........... blegh just please finish what you start in a reasonable time, or at least don't clutter the story so much in the process.

    The Extra's Odyssey
    Fantasi · Ryukurou
  • BobbyBrowne

    Read up to Ch35 and I still did not feel invested whatsoever and found everything boring. The author tries to shove some psychological damage nonsense down your throat for about 10 chapters straight and I just didn't care. You get barely introduced to about 10 different characters and then are supposed to care about something that happened to the MC 20 years ago that just takes away from the main story progression. The story progression so far is him just coming up with random stuff from a 10 year old and everyone falls prey to the classic "just trust me bro". The only sort of knowledge I have about how the world and powers is from a info dump chapter that resembles a college students notes and doesn't flow well at all. Thanks for reading

    Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain
    Fantasi · DevilDarkness
  • BobbyBrowne

    I am around 70 chapters in and the story flows so unnaturally that it is hard to become invested. Major developments in the story happen with no warning whatsoever and you just feel like you're strung along by the authors impulses instead of this well thought out story direction. The character design is also very unnatural and every character transitions from idiot to super genius 200 iq 4 dimensional thinker every chapter or 2. Daughter of crime Syndicate aspiring assassin turns into 14 year old schoolgirl after seeing bf of 2 days hurt in spar? Author also tries to make Mc edgy for absolutely no reason he goes from pushover author to just not caring about human life whatsoever as long as it doesn't benefit him. Overall the story fails past the synopsis and I wouldn't recommend this personally

    Shadow Author
    Fantasi · Zach_Lecher
  • BobbyBrowne
    Balas moon_senpai

    I understand that's where you're going with it but I think it took way too long to reveal the reason, unless someone likes the psychotic killer type of MC, most people won't stick around for more than 60 chapters to understand why the MC is that way. I mean the MC is one of the most crucial parts of a story and I just think making the MC likable happened too late to really get me attached to the story, among the other things I posted about. Thanks for responding though man I understand criticism isn't the most fun thing to respond to, hope the novel goes well

    Author's Reincarnation in a Fantasy Setting
    Fantasi · moon_senpai
  • BobbyBrowne

    I genuinely find it extremely difficult to come up with anything unique or enjoyable about this novel. Every single character is either one dimensional or just unlikable. Mc's dad is just a doting father who gets shrugged off every scene he's in, Mc himself is just some psychopathic loser whose actions make no sense whatsoever. He likes torturing people for some reason which has still not been explained at ch 60 and he has just remained so unbelievably unlikable. Why is he hiding his power I literally can't fathom it there is not a single valid reason to do so if he wants to actually get strong. There is so much more to talk about but bottom line, any metric you can think of rating this novel with does not go over 3/5

    Author's Reincarnation in a Fantasy Setting
    Fantasi · moon_senpai
  • BobbyBrowne
    Balas BobbyBrowne

    Sorry messed up spaces I think lol

    The Unrecorded Extra
    Fantasi · iLhamzki
  • BobbyBrowne

    The book starts off okay but a lot of little annoyances start to quickly spiral out of control. The MC gets a pretty powerful ability, Clairvoyance, which is frankly necessary considering his abysmal starting stats. What follows this is the author randomly buffing and nerfing the mc for almost no reason at all, or any good reason in my opinion. there is a weird backstory about the mc being more powerful when he was like 8 years old, which literally just makes zero sense and somehow his potential also got nerfed? Even more idiotic than this is the author just introducing this easy to make solution to improve anyone's potential and decides to just make the MC sell it worldwide?? You're telling me this nigh unbreakable wall determined at birth can just be circumvented by a potion you could essentially find for the same price as a honda accord? Maybe a rangerover but still. If his potential was raised through a daunting challenge I could understand but it just feels very lazy as a whole. Just some Bulletpoints as I don't want to type too much: . Why does the MC have a magic talent but in about an entire year he has taken one class on how to control magic, nevermind even creating spells and exploring an incredibly interesting side of combat. Please just get him a teacher maybe even ask the headmaster. . Why is the MC talking to a ghost who looks like a real person as well as somehow a random cat? this just makes no sense this has been going on for way too long with almost no resolution and is just getting confusing and annoying. . Why does Emma exist? Why hype up the original MC of the story and cast to just completely bring the story in a different direction and add people the MC has no idea about whom are just the most talented people to walk the earth?? Why do I know the names of 10 or so side characters who are basically never mentioned for the real plot of stopping the demons. The original MC has been used in like one fight and everything else is just characters where you have no idea what they're thinking or planning, but oh wait they like the MC because of this situation 3 years ago, that somehow has more secrecy than area 51 and the author refuses to tell you much about. What's the point of this cast you've built up if every single one of them just hides what they're thinking but dw they like the MC. It just makes it so hard to like and relate to characters aside from the original ones, who are rarely properly used. Could say more but sorry this is way too long lol.

    The Unrecorded Extra
    Fantasi · iLhamzki
  • BobbyBrowne

    Nothing in this story makes sense, at the start of the story we instantly get introduced to a power system which the author just throws out the window 4 chapters later, and the author decides to make Izuku's mom want to have sex with her middle school son??? For the power system at the start Izuku is described as being quite intelligent with an 8 in intelligence, a 70 being among the 0.01% of humanity, and 3 chapters later everyone you meet is in the 30's at minimum, which is just so blatantly ridiculous, but not even the worst stat progression, with all might's stats reaching into the 200,000 range? This is written as if the author outsourced each chapter to a different person on fiver, telling them to do whatever they want with it.

    BNHA: Singularity
    Komik · Einlion