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Bro we've seen the tag since the beginning, accept it. This crap happens in real life whether it's sustainable or not. The great thing about this is it's fiction so it can work. Just like if it were only a single FmL, accept it and move on. Both of the sects are annoying. We're 50 chapters in for you to be trying to debate this. We have multiple terms for relationships for a reason, the majority does not always rule. Just let it go. The others who like Single FmL have accepted and still read this. And so what if drama crops up. It comes in regular relationships also. Humans are emotional creatures, who seldom focus on logic. It's a part of the experience of living. So please don't use that as an excuse, that's cherry picking
Bro you had me until "it is not in his character to love again". If that's the case romance wouldn't be in this. We know toji was traumatized and abused as a kid. He fell in love with one woman and had megumi, then married another to become a stepfather to tsumiki. So where is this only one woman coming from. He may not have loved tsumiki's mother but this creates a precedent. I get it we all like Toji but there is still a lot we really don't know about him. That's why there is a lot of wiggle room. He's had 15 years in this fic, if you don't change in that amount of time I don't know what to say. Like usual I don't care If this is Single FmL, Two girlfriends, Harem, or Polyamory. As long as it's good it's good. There aren't enough good fics out there to limit my scope.
For me personally, it would have been better just using another oc if you're trying to give emmet a partner. Just because her blood smelled good doesn't mean she had to be his partner. But I understand that's how life goes sometimes. So I'm not against it.That's why the soulmate thing irks me, especially in this universe.
Eh, depends on the author. As long as the story and character development don't fall off I'm great. Whether if it's a single lead(which I like for this one) or two girlfriends or even a harem. We have to learn to accept some things that we don't like and not crash out like others would. If we don't like an aspect of a fanfic and no longer want to read, leave silently. And if we do happen to stick around not harp on said subject.
So does this mean Kaguya lost to the other dude and has to run for student council with him. Bro is pretty smug thinking he's the MC, and can get Kaguya lol. Makabe isn't letting that happen
I hope Kaori isn't actually preggo, that kills stories fast. There's a reason why offspring are relegated to the end of a novel or the very beginning(being that the mc is being born). I like the aspect of realism and that actions have consequences/reactions, but this isn't one of them for me personally
This is what happens when authors know how to write interpersonal relationships with a multi/ship. It doesn't come across as gotta catch'em all. Although I'm truly surprised by the Ochako one. Usually people deadlock her with midoriya
Not here to knock it. Midoriya isn't really analytical, he makes basic observations that others could make. What happened to Horikoshi kouhei happens to other authors, it's hard to make smart characters smarter than yourself. So he had to dum some of the others down to make it seem as if Midoriya was really like that. Even throughout the manga and anime he made observations a lot(not all) of them should have been able to make.
If you have two children in a dangerous situation who would you prioritize? Also I would like to point out that 2 isn't a harem. The Author is pretty good at writing relationships single or otherwise, he just lost the buck for a little while. Like the other dude stated it comes down to writing ability, which I know the author has. You still being here even though you dislike multi relationships, is a testament to how good Emmanuel Capricorn is. Personally I don't look for things like single woman lead/harem that narrows down from the already small pool of good authors. As long as they write exceptionally well, and align with what I like storywise I'll read.
You had a few grammitacal errors this time, compared to previous chapters