


Ajoutons un peu de fiction et de magie dans ce monde de merde.

2021-11-25 BergabungFrance





Membaca buku-buku




  • LucyFiction

    A ok, juste pas la partie combat ? un peu nul.

    I also saw three black trucks travel down the road to where I strung up Electro, the SHIELD logo proudly displayed on the side of the truck. Guess Fury was keeping an eye on me.
    "Caught in the Web of the Spider."
    Komik · ShihaoGamer
  • LucyFiction

    un type me dit ça je me dit : c'est tellement pas suspect ...

    "Sensei Bakuto here runs a very wealthy non-profit organization," Colleen explained with an excited smile, "he usually takes my best students and offers them a scholarship, the full ride."
    "Caught in the Web of the Spider."
    Komik · ShihaoGamer
  • LucyFiction

    J'espere tellement que MJ finisse aux oubliettes.

    Ch 57 Chapter 56
    "Caught in the Web of the Spider."
    Komik · ShihaoGamer
  • LucyFiction

    Ce qu'il dit n'est pas faux, dommage qu'il lui à fallut 60 ans pour sans rendre compte ...

    He has actually had a good impression of Tsunade, but Tsunade has always rejected him. Perhaps if I were more innocent, not flirting with other women, would she have accepted me long ago?
    Revival of Uchiha, Starting with a Harem
    Komik · TitoVillar
  • LucyFiction

    pas étonnent venant du raciste ultime.

    Natsuo discovered that many of the techniques developed by Second Hokage were aimed at the Uchiha clan. This technique was born to limit Sharingan's illusion.
    Revival of Uchiha, Starting with a Harem
    Komik · TitoVillar
  • LucyFiction

    Même chapitre auteur.

    Ch 54 Chapter 53
    "Caught in the Web of the Spider."
    Komik · ShihaoGamer
  • LucyFiction

    Oui, oui, houste la perdante.

    At this point, Kara walked to the door. "I am visiting my cousin. I will be far away, so scream your hearts out." She said slightly seething and jealousy peeking through it. With a burst, she jumped off the ground a bit more harshly than usual, causing the wind to be stirred as she took off.
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Komik · Draugzel
  • LucyFiction

    Avent de faire le malin, tue le déjà avent que son Zenkai le rend 10 fois plus fort que toi ...

    "Yep. The big and mean type. Stronger than most of my kind even among those that are still alive. In the end, I almost thought he was going to get even more powerful and surpass me. Fortunately, I was more hax than he was." I said with a smile, already missing our battle. However, since he was already this powerful now, after the beating I gave him, he would probably rise to another level.
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Komik · Draugzel
  • LucyFiction

    Hippolyte est vraiment une chienne anti-homme dans les bande dessiné, ou ce n'est que dans cette fanfiction qu'elle est dépeinte ainsi ?

    I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at that. I wouldn't have dreamed of Diana's mother, Hippolyta to say anything good about a man, especially since I had 'seduced' her daughter.
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Komik · Draugzel
  • LucyFiction

    Je ne savait pas que trop de soleil jaune pour un Kryptonien était mauvais, je pensais que plus il etait exposé mieux c'etait.

    Until now she hadn't really dipped into the sun since we had realized that too much sun wasn't too healthy for her, but it seemed the more she did it, the longer and more often she could stay near or even inside the sun. With the ki training, she even seemed to be able to suck in a bit of the sun's energy, making her absorption rate a lot more efficient. Perhaps she would be able to drain an entire sun's power with a single thought in the future.
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Komik · Draugzel
  • LucyFiction
    Balas Gan_Dirstender

    Oui j'allais dire pareil.

    The enormous growth in power should indicate Super Saiyan 3, but he clearly wasn't a normal Saiyan, so I wasn't too sure if the normal strength increase applied to him. There was also the fact that I had skipped Super Saiyan 3 or rather I followed Vegeta's example and jumped to Super Saiyan 4, so I didn't have the experience to tell them apart. Perhaps it was another transformation entirely.
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Komik · Draugzel
  • LucyFiction

    C'est stupide… avant cela le blesser, mais pas gravement, mais après avoir fait ses idioties, maintenant cela le blesse plus que cela le soigne. À se rythme là, il va finir par couper la queue puisque toute l'énergie légendaire y est réunie ...

    I had the feeling once the legendary ki erupted in rage again, I would have to contain it again or let it run amok and kill me. With nowhere to vent this energy, I would die before my body could transform unless my body accepted the energy as seamlessly as the godly ki-
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Komik · Draugzel
  • LucyFiction

    Qu'elle regale de voir Kara sans prendre pleint la face.

    "Either get out of the way or get with the program. This is what you have caused at least partially. Besides, even if you want to stop it now. There are still at least two more that are going to join this little group and you won't be able to do anything without causing him pain and we clearly established that you are too insecure to do that. After all, what would happen if he started to resent you? He now has other women that can replace you."
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Komik · Draugzel
  • LucyFiction

    Elle a tellement raison ... c'est Kara qui fait n'importe quoi en le poussant à être avec d'autre fille, juste une idiote ...

    She took a deep breath as she calmly looked at Kara with a tinge of pity, which caused the other women to grimace. "If I had been in your position... If he had loved me as he did you, I would have tied that shit down. A month in and I would have put a ring on him regardless of how they do it in Saiyan culture. I would have locked it down and never let him go. I wouldn't even have to worry about any other bitch since he would have only eyes for me."
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Komik · Draugzel
  • LucyFiction
    Balas PursueImmortality

    faut dire qu'il est restait avec 1 ou 2 fille trois plombe et que tout à coup en 10 chapitre il t'en rajoute quatre autre comme ça, bim 1 acheté trois offerte xD

    "Yeah, right. You know I am right. Besides, in the end, I didn't even have to do anything. You had ruined your relationship with him just fine."
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Komik · Draugzel
  • LucyFiction

    cela ne sait plus répliquer alors sa menace par la violence, c'est dingue que plus l'histoire avance plus je me retrouve à mépriser Kara, alors que de base c'est un personnage que j'aime bien, mais je ne la supporte pas dans cette histoire.

    Kara hovered a bit as her eyes glowed intensely. "Choose your next words carefully."
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Komik · Draugzel
  • LucyFiction

    évidement quand un hypocrite à tort, il/elle cherche quand même à avoir le dernier mots ... pitoyable.

    Kara's eyes glowed red and she would lie if it wasn't intimidating. A single lapse of control and she would be toast. Fortunately, it faded quickly. "At least, I would do anything for him. I would give up any and everyone for him. You would just run to the next best person."
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Komik · Draugzel
  • LucyFiction

    Bimmmm dans ta face, bien renvoyé franchement, juste ce que je pensais.

    "What kind of logic is that? If Nate didn't catch your spaceship and introduced you to your cousin then you would have gotten without someone else and he would be with Diana as he did in the other timeline."
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Komik · Draugzel
  • LucyFiction

    C'est ironique d'entendre cela de la part de la fille qui a sauté littéralement sur le premier mec à lui avoir porté de l'attention avant de retrouver son frère, c'est tellement hypocrite. Je ne l'aime tellement pas Kara à toujours faire soit la pleurnicheuse, soit la maitresse de Harem insupportable ...

    "Your love isn't like ours at all. If there was someone else that saved you from those thugs that night, and had some dick you could cry on, it wouldn't have mattered if it was Nate."
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Komik · Draugzel
  • LucyFiction


    If I had thought I was strong before than I had no idea how much potential I had wasted, how much strength I could have had if I wasn't fundamentally limited. My blood was boiling as more and more energy just announced itself. A divine might slowly spread throughout my body and with ridiculous ease it suppressed the legendary transformation I had previously used.
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Komik · Draugzel