

2021-08-26 BergabungGlobal





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  • Luninu

    Uhh... there is a BL tag... So yes, it is.

    Illic being the third son of the duke from five is one of the reasons why I dare ask what I do – "Say, Illic, why don't you marry into my family?"
    Fantasi · Luninu
  • Luninu
    Balas kylo_stekreo

    He's his mentor, he will be mentioned again, but you don't have to worry about such a thing ^^

    "I told you repeatedly not to sleep late! Do you think I don't know that you are talking till late at night with Hua Shu? E-Even I don't spend time with Tian Xuan! It's been two months since the last time he visited, and still, I can finish everything! HUA XU! Where are you running? Do you think I don't know what you are doing with Hua Shu? Look at you, he is clearly older than you, but still keeping you awake at that time!" Complaining and upset, Hua Jing couldn't keep it in, clearly, they were both eunuchs, what did they do in the first place? Clearly, they are just messing around, and that Hua Shu! He is already 20 years old and still messes around with the innocent 17-year-old Hua Xu, when he just barely came of age! Surely, they are at a marriageable age, but who in these days would mess around at such an age, especially considering they both are eunuchs who vowed for abstinence! They vowed physically even, but clearly that wasn't enough. 
    Imperial Eunuch
    Fantasi · Luninu
  • Luninu
    Balas kylo_stekreo

    What? Why? I think I made it clear. There will be no romantical relationship for Ji Li, whether male or female or whatever.

    "I told you repeatedly not to sleep late! Do you think I don't know that you are talking till late at night with Hua Shu? E-Even I don't spend time with Tian Xuan! It's been two months since the last time he visited, and still, I can finish everything! HUA XU! Where are you running? Do you think I don't know what you are doing with Hua Shu? Look at you, he is clearly older than you, but still keeping you awake at that time!" Complaining and upset, Hua Jing couldn't keep it in, clearly, they were both eunuchs, what did they do in the first place? Clearly, they are just messing around, and that Hua Shu! He is already 20 years old and still messes around with the innocent 17-year-old Hua Xu, when he just barely came of age! Surely, they are at a marriageable age, but who in these days would mess around at such an age, especially considering they both are eunuchs who vowed for abstinence! They vowed physically even, but clearly that wasn't enough. 
    Imperial Eunuch
    Fantasi · Luninu
  • Luninu

    LOVE the book, really... but like, why the info dumps? It's so great to read, but past chapter 400 and you feel exhausted with every chapter. Like, it has no real content and it feels like the world building never stopped because the author does TOO much world building. We get 10chapters for like every second case, then even the 'short' ones take over three chapters. We get foreshadowed for so many things and there are hints here and there, but it also lacks drastically in following these hints because the author doesn't know how to progress the story. It also feels like the author doesn't read his own novel, because several times it was mentioned he levelled up, then he didn't do that apparently, then he would level up soon, but when is soon? Like, from the beginning of the novel till around chapter 400 we have been in the world like 1 month. Seriously??? In a novel where years are thrown in the thousands, we spent ONE MONTH in 400 chapters? Another thing that really annoys me (besides the missing grammatical skills) is the fact that the author seems to forget plot points he wrote and then makes it so that the mc seemed to forget these points (like ignore the fact that heir memory is hyperspeed), also it's super weird how the info dumps come in the middle of the fights and the talks partially seem to be minutes long while the enemy waits and doesn't do anything. Please explain why a hyperspeed brain needs minutes for three-sentence-discussions?? Like you could be talking with your spiritual sense for hours in other novels, and only a second passed, while here, it seems that spiritual sense talking takes longer than normal talking.

    Daily life of a cultivation judge
    Fantasi Timur · Daynightdreamer
  • Luninu

    I have some issues with this Novel - that is, from the chapters 500 and later. Before, the novel is pretty neat and can be read without any major problems in the plot. But even then, somethings are really explained poorly: mainly the power and cultivation system. I still have NO clue how the mc cultivates and becomes stronger, literally, he seems to just do it. (I did ask the Author privately and he admitted to it, but the plot and story progress, which was in the focus, has given me much fun) The larger plot 'twist' at around ch500~600 is pretty bad and has given me a bad taste, also being the reason why I stopped reading it. I do not comprehend the reason to do what the author did with the mc, but I could guess he tried to make the mc pope in a quick yet critical situation. Nonetheless, at least till ch600, it's a very interesting and good read.

    I Became The Pope, Now What?
    Fantasi · MisterImmortal
  • Luninu

    This is a new project I began while I took a break from my other novel (you can find it in the synopsis). The synopsis is more of an explanation of Lien, and less of how he will be doing... but don't worry! In the first 10chapters, it will be fully explained what the novel is about. To give those that checked the reviews for more information and a small summary: It's a novel about World Traveling and how Lien trades troughout all worlds!

    Wandering Caravan
    Fantasi · Luninu
  • Luninu
    Balas KingWoodedForest

    Ji Li himself has his own interpretation of his name, he was just named polite because people thought he was polite in his childhood. This will be explained later own in more depth.

    The Palace Eunuch looked at the indifferent and cold Ji Li as he told him "Tell us how you proceeded with the mission after you were sent out".
    Imperial Eunuch
    Fantasi · Luninu
  • Luninu

    Hey people (: I'm giving myself a review after... well, around 85.000 words? Honestly, I have stopped counting at this point. The story is so fun to me, I just keep writing and forget where I am and how much I've wrote. Let me tell a bit about what you will be reading - a story about an Eunuch that really likes his own role. Ji Li, my child, experienced barely a small part of what it means to be an eunuch, and wishes to see everything! Am I biased in my review as the author? Of course I am! Ji Li and this book are like my children, how could I not tell everyone I know how proud of them I am? But still, it's really a great read. I do have to tell you, that the novel is not action, at least not in the early chapters. There is some interesting fighting, but barely any. The first arc (which is till around chapter 60-65) is more about Ji Li finding his own place in the large Eunuch Palace and experiencing his first steps of being an Eunuch, learning how to act and becoming comfortable with it. The second arc... well, I won't spoiler! But I do wish that all those that really look for action to find their novel, as mine surely has different elements of that, but it's not the main focus. I hope that every single one of my readers has just as much joy reading it as I have while writing everything!

    Imperial Eunuch
    Fantasi · Luninu
  • Luninu

    This novel... I really like it! The MC is actually not just 2dimensioal and he has real thoughts and feelings, as well as the girls he approaches. Honest thoughts, I am not too big of a fan of Harem, as most of the time they are more like a humanoid and less-interesting version of Pokemon, but I see a lot of potential here! There were some minor grammatical errors, but honestly, nothing that made reading it difficult at all. (at least not that I know) I really recommend it to those that are a little hesistant about their decision of reading a Harem novel, and those that like the genre will surely like this even more, as it isn't just a dude that takes a gf, marries her and then forgets her for the next 100ch ;_; [Trauma of experiencing the mc forgetting my fav waifu]

    Extra's Hatred System
    Fantasi · Endratox
  • Luninu
    Balas KingWoodedForest

    I recommend you join the dc to see the latest chapters^^

    Ch 22 mission palace, guards
    Imperial Eunuch
    Fantasi · Luninu
  • Luninu

    Just read the first chapters and I like it a lot - gotta reommend it really! Hope the book will be telling the tale for a long time! The prolouge is a fast read, so I reccommend everyone thinking of trying it out, to just read and try it out!

    Master of Wraiths
    Fantasi · gbaquero
  • Luninu

    I really like the mc, anI really like the mc, and I just wanna help him. Nice work and very artisitc writing style, thanks for showing us! Deffo reccd! d I just wanna help him. Nice work and very artisitc writing style, thanks for showing us! Deffo reccd!

    Half me and half...
    Fantasi · Inemin
  • Luninu

    I like the MC already a lot, we can see how he behaved and how the times changed him, truly making ones heart break ;_; The mystery made me curious and I hope there is much more to come! Deffo a reccomedation!!! Try reading the first chapters, and you'll know what I mean (; Hope the following chapters will be just as great or even greater!

    Buku ini telah dihapus.
  • Luninu

    My brother got childhood trauma, lemme help u :hug:

    Buku ini telah dihapus.
  • Luninu

    Personally this is a first for me to read a novel like this, but I can only say that I really liked it. Caden is very realistic, and his monotone talking is very relatable. If you think of his situation, honestly I couldn't describe it better than the author did. The writing is really on top, making it nice to read and feel close to the MC, never once did I feel that he talked too much to himself^^ Lastly, personally it is not my choice of genre, but I am still really into this and I recommend everyone that thinks of reading this, to do so! Give it a try, and in the first three chapters, you will surely come to like it!

    I Am the King of the Gloom
    perkotaan · Amesaya
  • Luninu
    Balas Kelvar10_

    How did u guess that far? I wanted to make it a secret and bait some harem-hunters :sigh:

    Imperial Eunuch
    Fantasi · Luninu
  • Luninu
    Balas KingWoodedForest

    I am editing several chapters to come, but the newest chapters will come in around a week (:

    Ch 18 seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years V
    Imperial Eunuch
    Fantasi · Luninu
  • Luninu
    Balas KingWoodedForest

    Welcome back <3

    Ch 16 seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years III
    Imperial Eunuch
    Fantasi · Luninu
  • Luninu

    I had to pull away A LOT OF points because of the lack of updates, which dear author, is apparently what you are known. To be honest, I have just started reading and am just bewildered by the how the MC reacted, which is why I am gonna drop this. Currently stopped at ch 11, because: - Mc just revealed his system for apparently no reason to all leaflings? And not just that, before he did something similar, where I ask myself, couldn't the mc explain like "I have been enlightened" and the low brainer leaflings would just accept that? - 'Ghost' has been INCREDIBLY annoying already. Let me ask you, how did you make a fkin leaflin 'female', when you didn't even explain how leaflings reproduced? You simply skipped (maybe explained later)? Anyways, that fkin 'female' leafling named ghost is incredibly annoying, ion even get how mc neglected all his training 2days after his death?? She is behaving so rudely towards him, and he just accepts it like it's nothing. - The nickname 'captain', why? Seriously, why? He is not a captain, even teacher would be bad, how did you come to just take captain cuz he was a captain in his previous life? Just keep fkin lightened one, ion even get why you dropped it, he was literally the only one being called like that... - His pride. He was a team leader of a fkin special 'ghost' unit, working for 23(?) years, but he apparently got NO pride at all? How can he let someone he doesn't know call him fkin luci, like seriously, LUCI. - Lastly, his background. What did he do? Where is he from? Why did he do what he did? Who did he have a relation with? You, author, literally skipped ALL essentials to character building in the first 11ch. I don't care if you did it later on, cuz you already lost me and surely many others, because we just see the mc being totured, reincarnated and then taking life aloof and relaxed AS IF NOTHING EVER HAPPENED. I don't expect a large drama session or anything, but seriously, LUCI? He reincarnates after being totured, and then just takes it when someone steps on him, stomps him, disrespects him, acts rudely AND calls him fkin LUCI? Dude, that's not a special arms team leader, that's just a random person with some kinda yandere liking????????????? Really gotta drop this, esp seeing that the updates are like maybe once a month? Atp with active updates JUST ONCE a day, there would've been AT LEAST 400 chapters. Not worth a read, thanks a lot for the try.

    Reincarnated As A Plant Life
    Fantasi · Kurai_Takahashi
  • Luninu

    I like the concept a lot and the background of the character is realistic, making it nice to read. The side comedy makes it an easier read and you come to enjoy just looking at the way he interacts. Deffo recommended if u read apocalypse-genre novels! Try out and i'm sure every reader will enjoy - at least I did (;

    Surviving An Apocalypse
    Fantasi · Cosmictear