Membaca buku-buku
bruh... can you do better than that?
god forbids, high school and collage students are still looking for them while having a migraine from those cursed greek letters
everything is good but the writing stability is questionable. either way, quality over quantity. and pls a fling is okay, one night stand is fine, but a harem is taking it too far. and author-san please don't add new fanfics more than you currently had.
wha.... how?... just how come I find it impossible to retort!
being surrounded by trees is good. it means more fresh air, less soil erosion, and more love from earth-chan.
lez go ladies and gents.look away for that book has fallen and support diz brother...
mc's backstory is bad specially the 1st chapter like you introduce him as a 'famous assassin' at 18 years of age. then suddenly an old man showed-up like 'Ima take this brat as ma disciple' then the mc goes 'goes geezer save my bratty bum please'. lost his cool when found out that he has no eyes like a lil'brat despite have a 'sensing technique' that has no need for eye sight(you sir underestimate blindness). enough of that let talk about character development. ---------------- thats your mc's character development it didn't even move an milimeter. considering the environment that he was in it is expected that his personality he should have atleast minor-to-mild anger or disgust to his parents for disowning for a worthless reason. and as an 'assassin' he is expected to be an observant introvert or an actor extrovert, those two are important presonality and skill an assassin could have considering they are 'famous' level already. and they should have enough awareness(intuition) to sense danger to save their lives. and please KEEP YOUR TIME SKIP MINIMAL! JEEZ! at these rate the imerssion of your story will be ruined and readers will start dropping. quality over quantity man
---is very deep.
hope the author think these through. after all although it is unlikely the original authors and pruducers of these anime might sue him for copyright infringement. after all selling a part of chapters or the book itself and being 'bribed' to release more chapters than your usual releases, is 2 different things. the author could have ask for support from the readers. coz no one really makes money out of fanfics unless you are the original author/producer of the manga/anime/novel. if author needs money he should make an original novel.
I haven't read it yet and I am expecting a filipino biased heavy patriosm since that is the case for chinese and korean novel. ............... .