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2021-02-28 BergabungGlobal





Membaca buku-buku




  • FearTcb
    Balas Half_Inward

    He won’t be an emotionless robot. He won’t go around acting edgy either

    But Kaizen had been trained to control his emotions, to remain calm in the face of chaos. He closed his eyes, taking slow, deep breaths. Each inhalation brought clarity, each exhalation dispelled the panic. He focused on the present, grounding himself in the here and now. This was a new chance, a new life, and he needed to understand it fully.
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Komik · FearTcb
  • FearTcb
    Balas HellKing

    Your parents must have been on vacation while raising you 😂

    He mentally mapped out these pathways, his mind's eye tracing the routes the energy took. He experimented with directing the flow of chakra, willing it to move from his core to his extremities and back again. Each success, no matter how small, was a step forward.
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Komik · FearTcb
  • FearTcb
    Balas HellKing

    Did you not have parents to raise you? Would explain a lot actually.

    He mentally mapped out these pathways, his mind's eye tracing the routes the energy took. He experimented with directing the flow of chakra, willing it to move from his core to his extremities and back again. Each success, no matter how small, was a step forward.
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Komik · FearTcb
  • FearTcb
    Balas HellKing

    Well at least you can laugh at yourself. So, there is a miniscule amount of self-awareness that even you are unable to take yourself seriously. That's progress!

    He mentally mapped out these pathways, his mind's eye tracing the routes the energy took. He experimented with directing the flow of chakra, willing it to move from his core to his extremities and back again. Each success, no matter how small, was a step forward.
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Komik · FearTcb
  • FearTcb
    Balas HellKing

    You seem to care an awful lot about me, my novel, and this conversation seeing how you continuously drag yourself back here like a dog retrieving a stick I threw. You've already well established your level of intelligence or lack thereof in your previous comments and replies. There has never been a need to attempt to outsmart someone like you. You have not been able to form a coherent point or discussion throughout your entire time commenting. All you appear to be is a sad individual who feels the need to validate themselves through consistent crying and complaining on the novels of others.

    He mentally mapped out these pathways, his mind's eye tracing the routes the energy took. He experimented with directing the flow of chakra, willing it to move from his core to his extremities and back again. Each success, no matter how small, was a step forward.
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Komik · FearTcb
  • FearTcb
    Balas HellKing

    Yes, I imagine you continuously break records in your preconceived notions of ignorance each day you gaze into the mirror. I wonder what someone with your unique skillset specializes in as an occupation?

    He mentally mapped out these pathways, his mind's eye tracing the routes the energy took. He experimented with directing the flow of chakra, willing it to move from his core to his extremities and back again. Each success, no matter how small, was a step forward.
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Komik · FearTcb
  • FearTcb
    Balas HellKing

    I appreciate that, but I imagine any comedic act I would come up with would fall short of your circus act performance in this comment section. You’ve truly provided a source of entertainment for everyone who stumbles upon this comment chain. I would even venture to recommend that you start your own novel. Your comedic relief would no doubt be popular among people who seek to turn off their brains and have something they can laugh at

    He mentally mapped out these pathways, his mind's eye tracing the routes the energy took. He experimented with directing the flow of chakra, willing it to move from his core to his extremities and back again. Each success, no matter how small, was a step forward.
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Komik · FearTcb
  • FearTcb
    Balas HellKing

    It's getting boring to continue living in your own delusions? Maybe you can join the grownups and learn how to hold an intellectual debate in that case? But perhaps with you, that would only be wishful thinking.

    He mentally mapped out these pathways, his mind's eye tracing the routes the energy took. He experimented with directing the flow of chakra, willing it to move from his core to his extremities and back again. Each success, no matter how small, was a step forward.
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Komik · FearTcb
  • FearTcb
    Balas HellKing

    Oh? Claimed massive success, diverse vocabulary, and now omniscience? You continue to impress. 😂

    He mentally mapped out these pathways, his mind's eye tracing the routes the energy took. He experimented with directing the flow of chakra, willing it to move from his core to his extremities and back again. Each success, no matter how small, was a step forward.
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Komik · FearTcb
  • FearTcb
    Balas HellKing

    Oh, I didn’t know you had such a wide ranging vocabulary. I’m learning something new today, I wasn’t aware that successful people had the hobby of whining in the comments section of other people’s novels in a Chinese application. You’ve truly enlightened myself and the others who have had the misfortune to read this sad conversation.

    He mentally mapped out these pathways, his mind's eye tracing the routes the energy took. He experimented with directing the flow of chakra, willing it to move from his core to his extremities and back again. Each success, no matter how small, was a step forward.
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Komik · FearTcb
  • FearTcb
    Balas HellKing

    That’s good that you think you’re successful. With the level of intelligence you’ve displayed in these comments, you’ll need every bit of help you can get 😂

    He mentally mapped out these pathways, his mind's eye tracing the routes the energy took. He experimented with directing the flow of chakra, willing it to move from his core to his extremities and back again. Each success, no matter how small, was a step forward.
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Komik · FearTcb
  • FearTcb
    Balas HellKing

    You’re quite the delusional individual. Hope you find a way to succeed in life

    He mentally mapped out these pathways, his mind's eye tracing the routes the energy took. He experimented with directing the flow of chakra, willing it to move from his core to his extremities and back again. Each success, no matter how small, was a step forward.
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Komik · FearTcb
  • FearTcb
    Balas HellKing

    How about you actually look up information that is canon to the story of naruto rather than using headcanon you came up with or read from another fanfic. You must be one of those people who will read some random stuff and assume it’s true without fact checking. Then go and spread misinformation with confidence as if you understand what you’re talking about 🤣🤣

    He mentally mapped out these pathways, his mind's eye tracing the routes the energy took. He experimented with directing the flow of chakra, willing it to move from his core to his extremities and back again. Each success, no matter how small, was a step forward.
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Komik · FearTcb
  • FearTcb
    Balas HellKing

    Chakra is an essential part of life in the naruto world. If people completely ran out of chakra, then it is said that they will most likely die. It’s a combination of physical and spiritual energy inherent to everyone, not something that needs to be unlocked as you mentioned. Where are you pulling your information from 😂😂😂

    He mentally mapped out these pathways, his mind's eye tracing the routes the energy took. He experimented with directing the flow of chakra, willing it to move from his core to his extremities and back again. Each success, no matter how small, was a step forward.
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Komik · FearTcb
  • FearTcb
    Balas HellKing

    You care enough to drag yourself back into my comment section 😂😂😂 As far as ‘arguments’ go, I encourage readers to provide feedback. If I feel their comment is lacking context, then I’ll provide it. You would be the type of person to see a logical debate and start crying about it being an argument 😂

    He mentally mapped out these pathways, his mind's eye tracing the routes the energy took. He experimented with directing the flow of chakra, willing it to move from his core to his extremities and back again. Each success, no matter how small, was a step forward.
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Komik · FearTcb
  • FearTcb
    Balas Shub_Niggurath

    Your comment is extremely helpful. I will definitely look into those for inspiration. I’d appreciate any future feedback you have as well. I won’t ever claim to know everything about the series, so comments like yours are great for the novel.

    Kaizen experimented with different approaches. He would suddenly accelerate, then stop abruptly, hoping to catch Kakashi off guard. When that didn't work, he tried circling around, attempting to force Kakashi into a corner. But Kakashi was always one step ahead, his eyes never losing sight of Kaizen, reading his intentions with uncanny accuracy.
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Komik · FearTcb
  • FearTcb
    Balas Shub_Niggurath

    I wasn’t aware of how Mu’s invisibility worked, that’s pretty interesting

    Kaizen experimented with different approaches. He would suddenly accelerate, then stop abruptly, hoping to catch Kakashi off guard. When that didn't work, he tried circling around, attempting to force Kakashi into a corner. But Kakashi was always one step ahead, his eyes never losing sight of Kaizen, reading his intentions with uncanny accuracy.
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Komik · FearTcb
  • FearTcb
    Balas HellKing

    Instead of providing rational logic or examples to prove me wrong, you immediately jump to acting like a child 😂😂😂 If I were to lose readers like you, then there would be nothing of value lost.

    He mentally mapped out these pathways, his mind's eye tracing the routes the energy took. He experimented with directing the flow of chakra, willing it to move from his core to his extremities and back again. Each success, no matter how small, was a step forward.
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Komik · FearTcb
  • FearTcb
    Balas MkGod

    I haven’t decided on what to do with them. They will obviously be incredibly powerful, but Sasuke stated that the susanoo feels like every cell burning in your body and yet he seemingly uses it without a care in the world 😂😂😂 I’m open to suggestions. I’d like to make things a bit more realistic if possible.

    'Interesting, so the eye of insight still retains its incredible perceptive abilities, but it isn't so broken that it gives the user a photographic memory. The user must have the appropriate skill to make the most of its abilities. It makes sense, otherwise Hiroto should be making 100s on exams. I suppose he hasn't learned about the eye of hypnotism yet or at least he didn't mention it.'
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Komik · FearTcb
  • FearTcb
    Balas MkGod

    I can try but it’s not super easy. I’d probably post it on my discord

    One of the notable events during the week was the distribution of school uniforms. The excitement was palpable as Class 1-A gathered to receive their new attire. The uniforms were a symbol of their status as year one academy students, and the pride in the room was tangible. The past one and a half weeks had the first-year students watching upperclassmen in envy as they already had their cool looking uniforms.
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Komik · FearTcb