

2021-02-18 BergabungNigeria





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  • Gbotty
    Balas Eclipceborn

    Yeah, I glad to get back to it as well. but head's up. Release is likely to be erratic. I can't guarantee a daily release. And pretty soon I might consider signing a contract for it. Hope it doesn't wane your enthusiasm.

    Ch 70 CH69: The Light in the Darkest Night
    The Memoir of Loki's Assassin
    Seni bela diri · Gbotty
  • Gbotty

    The left is an example of the full attire. The right is when the overcoat (agbada) is removed, which is how Kashimawo is dressed when they entered.

    Korede saw Kashimawo seated on the Family Head's seat. He was dressed in two pieces of the traditional Formal Yoruba attire, Agbada. 
    Soldiers of Time.
    Peperangan · Gbotty
  • Gbotty
    Balas Eclipceborn

    Haitus. I should start it up by 1st of December or January

    Ch 69 CH68: Martial Tradition of the Bloodrose Region/ Province  
    The Memoir of Loki's Assassin
    Seni bela diri · Gbotty
  • Gbotty
    "Yes. Your smug 'all according to plan' face was annoying." 
    Soldiers of Time.
    Peperangan · Gbotty
  • Gbotty
    Balas Sri2k

    Releases are daily.

    Ch 756 CH751: The Dawn of Darkness 
    Soldiers of Time.
    Peperangan · Gbotty
  • Gbotty
    Balas Sri2k

    Sorry about that.

    Ch 244 CH241: Decisions
    Soldiers of Time.
    Peperangan · Gbotty
  • Gbotty
    Balas SvenneFan

    U think so🤔? Hmm... alright. Noted.

    Riad Khalifa drew his last breath, and the patriarch of the Khalifa family was no more.
    Soldiers of Time.
    Peperangan · Gbotty
  • Gbotty
    Balas Murdda223

    Since we have to scale everything up to show the difference in power levels, you can expect so.

    With Chike on his knees in front of him, Korede clenched his free hand into a fist and delivered three very fast and heavy punches, all delivered a little over a second.
    Soldiers of Time.
    Peperangan · Gbotty
  • Gbotty
    Balas Murdda223

    Nah man .Those guys are OGs. Not gonna putting this in their level... not yet anyway. Those OGs can deliver these moves in under a second.P.S: just over a second is subject to interpretation. 2-5 seconds qualifies. Any average person can throw three punches in that timeframe.Hope that answers your question

    With Chike on his knees in front of him, Korede clenched his free hand into a fist and delivered three very fast and heavy punches, all delivered a little over a second.
    Soldiers of Time.
    Peperangan · Gbotty
  • Gbotty
    Balas Murdda223

    It's a team build so you can say that there's more than one mc. Certain characters shine more in some arc than others depending on their nature and the requirements of the mission.Each character has their strengths and unique specialities. So they naturally stand out when the job requires their special skillset. The story revolves around the team as a whole. Though, there's a character whose backstory is the nexus of story's background, this doesn't change

    Soldiers of Time.
    Peperangan · Gbotty
  • Gbotty
    Balas Murdda223

    Superpowers here are based off the nature of the characters so technically anything imaginably can become a superpower. As for how strong each superpower is, well it depends on the utility quality each character can squeeze out of it. There's sort of a loose power system. 'Strong' abilities are nerfed at a low-level while utility of 'weak' abilities increase at high levels.The verse is essentially loose and I'm allowed to do whatever I want 🤓🤓

    Soldiers of Time.
    Peperangan · Gbotty
  • Gbotty
    Balas Murdda223

    Each team member will be unique. Will manifestations are supposed to be unique by nature

    Ch 42 CH40: RETAINERS
    Soldiers of Time.
    Peperangan · Gbotty
  • Gbotty
    Balas Mark_D_Pierson

    Yep, you can look forward to him being the central Alpha for this arc.

    Ch 712 CH707: Syrian Civil War
    Soldiers of Time.
    Peperangan · Gbotty
  • Gbotty
    Balas Hungry_Hugo

    Thanks. Keep it coming. I made/ make many of these kinds of mistakes. I can't seem to correct them all.

    Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
    Soldiers of Time.
    Peperangan · Gbotty
  • Gbotty
    Balas Hungry_Hugo


    [There are 30 types of Will tactics. Your affinity to each of them will be tested. For each one you have an affinity to, it will form a rune script in your mind space. Like I said, affinity to a tactic is dependant on only luck and destiny, not talent. So, don't be concerned about the number of tactics you get. The highest number I've seen anyone get is three.
    Soldiers of Time.
    Peperangan · Gbotty
  • Gbotty
    Balas Hungry_Hugo

    In retrospect, I agree with you. I've stopped doing this long ago. But this was a time I was a huge geek about anything related to the military. I tended to add stuffs that weren't really necessary 🤓🤓

    2 Debated over whether I should write out the specifications of each gun used. Decided to do so in the end.
    Soldiers of Time.
    Peperangan · Gbotty
  • Gbotty

    Chilling Boss

    There was someone who didn't react to the bad news though. Abdul-Lateef stood at the centre of the command station with arms folded and his eyes locked on the screens ahead.
    Soldiers of Time.
    Peperangan · Gbotty
  • Gbotty

    Rugged soldier

    'Eagle Eyes', the War Monger the troops were most familiar with, led the line-up  of troops getting into the large transport aircraft.
    Soldiers of Time.
    Peperangan · Gbotty
  • Gbotty
    Balas hot_papichulo

    ordinary. Not handsome and definitely not ugly.

    He was like every other male member of the Balogun Family, barely above average in appearance. However, his body gave him a captivating masculine charm.
    Soldiers of Time.
    Peperangan · Gbotty
  • Gbotty
    Balas hot_papichulo

    Mann, this takes me back. Sort of a spoiler, take care. This scene was an effort to introduce a paradoxical flaw of the Balogun Family that will sort of play a role in some future decisions of the MC... extreme decisions. The MC's family members are usually described as coolheaded and rational, but a flaw in their bloodline makes them vindictive. Knowing this, the family makes its younger generation go through discipline training as early as possible to control it. The direct result is that the trait is better controlled and the number of people with importance to them reduces to family and a strict select few friends who meet some stringent conditions. The flip side of this is that their vindictiveness becomes worse so to speak. Cold, calm cruelty is far worse than a hot rash one. Anyway, you'd notice both brothers only speak of Kunle... nothing about the other solders who died. So, it's not about the military per se. They function well in the military because they have an uncanny level of detachment to see the bigger picture. You'll see more of this going on in the story. I hope I didn't spoil too much. It's been a while since I read the early chapter and became too excited. These were my more 'purer' chapters.

    Kola was very protective of his family. He might be a nice guy normally but if someone wronged his family, he would never let that person go no matter who they are. It was because of this protectiveness that he was loved by his subordinates. After all, he considered them family too.
    Soldiers of Time.
    Peperangan · Gbotty