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I don’t have a problem with the idea of his weakness, it’s the description being incorrect that I have a problem with. Since I stopped reading at like ch 18, I have a question. How does he deceive people? This is a genuine question. If the way he deceives people is considered lying by omission that makes the wording of his flaw even worse. Since the logic behind him being unable to keep silent can still be arguably sound by conserving it a “lie of omission”(though I don’t agree with this line of thought, it does make sense and I’m willing to accept it). However, if the way he deceives people is considered lying by omission then there’s basically a giant gaping hole in a core part of the novel, which is a little hard for me to ignore. The only way this could happen is if the author is an idiot or didn’t put any thought into it. Is shadow slave translated to English? It’d be fine if it was a translation error. Otherwise it’s difficult for me to ignore an error like this especially when I’m less than 20 chapters in. It makes me wonder how many other errors I’ll see. If he doesn’t deceive people with lies of omission I’ll admit my mistake of assuming things and give it another try after I see your reply.
You missed both my points once again. Whats the point in conversing with you if you don’t understand?
Idk maybe I’ll come back to it at some point but that would be in the distant future
What I mean is that his flaws description is incorrect. Keeping silent is not lying. Such a core part of the novel having a mistake so early on is pathetic. The rest of the novel is probably laden with them, so I’m not willing to give it a chance. If the description was accurate and said something like, “you are forced to answer every question with the truth”, then maybe I’d give it a chance. But it’s not. Plus the mc didn’t even consider the removal of his tongue, the thought not even crossing his mind really put me off.
It’s because deleting a point of conflict or difficulty that will force the mc to make a hard choice is usually a sign that a novel is garbage
Read to ch 105. This novel is ass. It’s not necessarily bad in the way most novel are, but my god I have never been so bored reading something. I simply can’t get invested.
Nvm about the “in too deep to stop now” comment. I saw a review from someone 200 chapters in saying it’s only getting worse. ✌️
I saw a review from a guy who read to ch 230ish that things only keep getting worse. I was foolishly still hoping for good character development but I’m dropping now at 131
Thanks for this review. I’m on ch 131 and was still hoping there would be good character development. At least I can stop now knowing things really do just keep getting worse