

2020-12-05 BergabungFrance





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  • LuckyMonster
    Balas Stylegunhawk

    Well...so much pretty red fireworks!!!! thanks for the gifts !!

    Rising Apocalypse Demon Emperor
    Fantasi · LuckyMonster
  • LuckyMonster
    Balas Daoistbebop

    Hello there, Thank you for reading my work, I have a few ideas about the world background that I hope will be pleasing to the eyes! Happy new year!

    Rising Apocalypse Demon Emperor
    Fantasi · LuckyMonster
  • LuckyMonster
    Balas 232323232322323232

    Hello there! First thing first, thank you for your feedback! For the Heroes' little problem, hmmm, I don't know? ;) Maybe the Church has no say in this and receives them without actually saying anything to educate them cause it's blasphemous, you know? To try to educate Hiskala's chosen... Why do they seem to be made from the same mold? Or maybe they actually have information but do nothing about it for a reason? Maybe Hiskala is too focused on something to look properly on her continent and on the personalities of those who receive her blessing. Does she even still give a **** about it? How does her blessing work anyway? I really don't know, it's too early to say! :p :p :p Thomas is a big fish in a tiny pond, he wanted to do anything he can but grew tired as he became older and older, and significant things were way too far for his humble talent...at this time. He still encountered a lot of people and survived many battles. How do you expect someone who fought longer than anyone, only to find himself unable to progress, to change things? Someone so much more efficient as tactics and wits than actual combat but powerless in front of Stratem slow decay. Thomas could only stay in Stratem as he wanted to protect this home of his, not for himself but for memory. So Thomas could only accept odd jobs like theses to help around, and 80 Gold for a single mission is high-end payment in Stratem you know? Better than "Population" I think "Stratem's people" is better and more accurate, as this town was affected way more than a lot of other places and is pretty much isolated due to geographical situation. This town is "like a ghost town" already, we are in a situation were people still manage to survive but it's becoming harder by the day. About the food price, it only recently changed due to the gang popping on the mountain pass but don't worry, it will be better soon, as Thomas will go there ;) In the beginning, everything is hard, but it MAY become better at times...or not, I don't know :p Maybe I am not experienced enough to actually make things being felt and comprehended without actually writing it? I want to build this world without drawing you in too many informative chapters and slowly develop it as the story goes. But maybe I really was not informative enough? Thank you again for your feedback; it will help me, and to say you like the story too! I will do my best to improve it!

    Ch 16 Do you think yourself invincible ?
    Rising Apocalypse Demon Emperor
    Fantasi · LuckyMonster
  • LuckyMonster

    Thank you kind Sir, for pointing at my errors, allowing me to correct myself , may Hiskala bless you !

    Ch 1 Hiskala Continent
    Rising Apocalypse Demon Emperor
    Fantasi · LuckyMonster