Suga is Mine
Short novel and some of the characters are inspired from artists that I like .
Any content is related to reality, is an original story about characters meeting and falling in love.
It's my first tray in this platform and I hope the application works better than the comments therefore I try it.
Right now I'm planning on a short novel only for this application and don't have an planned schedule for itself.
I usually work in Spanish or English because I'm more fluent on these languages than the others I have learned.
Feel free to comment on my grammar and speech, so I can get better on it and write more nicely in the future.
This story will be using real names for locations or the artists who inspired me to write this fantasy novel, I've never used this kind of characters before but I hope you enjoy it.
I'll try my best to bring you funny moments, sometimes interesting twist on the plot and out of reality inspired situations that make you enjoy the story.
I have worked on other projects on wattpad platform that are all free to read, some are finished and somo more are still on going under my profile as Warwindy.
warwindy · Musik & Band