Membaca buku-buku
Not dropped! Season 4 is in the works and I planned to pick it back up a while ago but college and personal life started to take up a lot of time. Sorry for such a long wait, but I do promise it will arrive eventually!
Well reading answers it: yes, he just did it again
Because although he is trying to keep the extent of his capabilities as secretive as possible, he always wants to be at the top of his class and impress others
No, it never bothered to show itself to All Might in the end
Shout out to you finding all my spelling errors <3
For the extent of his power, that is him hiding it
That... I never took into consideration, but I do have an answer All Might had to save Deku from the slime originally and that lead to Bakugo being attacked, but Deku wasn't there to be attacked by the slime and so that domino effect never happened You might ask "But didn't All Might walk in that direction anyways? Wouldn't the slime attack him?" and my answer is no, the slime knows their limit haha
Let's keep this between me and you, alright? No one needs to know. Shhh. This never happened.
I'm going to try and get back into action soon!
I am intending on finishing this series, I'm sorry for the very long and unannounced hiatus Volume 4 was mostly written before I took my long break, and I intend to finish what I started no matter how long that may take <3