
Game On

----Months Later----

Deku stood behind glass that looked down upon a laboratory, clothed in the grey uniform and prepared to start his life at U.A High School. The lab seemed to be working on strong, human-like creatures and were being managed by a man named Kyudai Garaki, a doctor that worked with All For One.

"So you made it in, well done." Shigaraki's voice was deep and menacing, but it warmed Deku's heart to hear his praise. Shigaraki had basically became Deku's father since that day, and they grew closer and closer as time went on.

"So, it's finally time." Deku smiled at Shigaraki, who had no face to be seen behind his big mask. Deku owed everything to Shigaraki, that's why they knew that they would not betray each other.

The room was silent for a while. Deku began looking around for something to do whilst waiting for Shigaraki to begin talking again.

"Do not worry Deku, I promise the fun will start soon. You have done well, and I expect great things from you." You can hear a sense of achievement in Shigaraki's voice. Deku was still as happy as he was before.

Deku turned and looked at Shigaraki's mask.

"I won't disappoint you, Master." Deku's voice seemed both tiresome and excited, tired of waiting and excited to finally start his mission. With that, Shigaraki vanished and Deku left the room and entered the bar.

Before leaving to go to U.A, Deku showed his uniform to Tomura and Kurogiri.

"Would you looks at you, such a good little student." Tomura smirked at his remark, and Deku laughed with him.

"Well, let's get this started." Deku waved for little bit before leaving the bar and making his way to U.A High School.


Deku walked down the hallway with a happy smile, almost skipping on the way to the classroom.. He had no reason to rush, but as he came to the door of class 1-A, he grew hesitant. The mission was finally about to start, so why was he hesitating. Deku pushed all that to the side and opened the door to reveal a classroom of students, two of which were arguing.

It was Bakugo and another boy that Deku did not know the name of, a blue haired and well mannered boy with glasses.

"Take your feet of that desk, now!" The boy shouted at Bakugo, who had his feet on his desk and showing no signs of respect.

"Huh?" Was Bakugo's response, trying to be as rude and as obnoxious as possible.

"It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property you cretin!" The boy seemed to be found of honor and respect, displaying it in his words and actions towards others.

"You're kidding me, right? Did your old school put a stick up your ass?" Again, Bakugo was as rude and as obnoxious as he could possibly be.

"Hey guys!" Deku asked in an uplifting voice. He still stood at the door as he spoke, but now he had finally began walking in. It was then that the boy with glasses started walking up to him.

Everyone looked excited to see Deku, they knew he was strong and he looked like he would be fun to hang around.

"Good Morning!" Said the boy, "My name is Tenya Iida-" Iida had finally made his way to Deku and tried to introduce himself, but before he could finish his sentence, Deku walked to his side and began his introduction.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you!" Deku began shaking his hand intensely.

That was when the brown haired girl entered the room. She spoke up and began endlessly talking without giving Deku a chance to actually have a conversation with her, but he did make out one thing: Her name was Ochako Uraraka.

In the corner of his eyes, he noticed that Bakugo was giving him a death stare, which is when he remembered his conversation he had with Bakugo after he got accepted into U.A.

Bakugo could not accept the fact that Deku had passed the exam, but that meant nothing to Deku. He claimed that Deku had cheated, but there was no response to the accusations, Deku just laughed. He just laughed at Bakugo for being so narrow minded.

Since Deku was thrown against the wall, Deku decided to push Bakugo back with more power, forcing him to fall to the ground. Deku put his hands into his pockets and looked down to Bakugo with a psychotic smile. "I just wanna have a bit of fun!" Were the only words Deku gave to him.

When Deku returned to Earth, he noticed a new character at the door, he was simply staring into the classroom and at Uraraka, who was still talking to Deku. He was laying on the floor, in a yellow sleeping bag.

"If you're just here to make friends, then you can pack up your stuff and leave now." The strange man spoke, and the words froze Uraraka until she looked back at the man, who had then unzipped his sleeping bag and got out.

"Welcome to U.A's hero course." He said in a tired voice, "Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa... You're teacher." With Aizawa's effortless introduction, everyone in the room was shocked.

"Right, lets get to it. Put these on and head outside." Aizawa got out blue clothes from his sleeping bag that looked like they were meant for physical training. Everyone was confused at first but Aizawa made his reasons clear.

"What? A quirk assessment test?" Almost everyone said the same thing as they stood outside and in their blue uniforms.

"You've been taking standardized tests for most of your lives, but you never got to use your quirk in physical exams before." Aizawa's points all made sense, so the class just listened.

After explaining the situation, Aizawa wanted to have a student prove his points.

"Midoriya, you managed to get the highest score by a long shot in the entrance exam. How far could you throw a softball when you were in Junior High?" Deku was not listening throughout most of his speech, but did make sure to pick up any useful information. Deku sighed before giving his response.

"Oh, uh... Not far!" His words weren't said with shame and with a smile on his face, Deku saw his past self as a different entity to who he is now. His heart was filled with the desire to make the world bleed, and he realized that this short test could be the start of his rise to power.

"Right, try doing it with your quirk." Aizawa handed Deku a ball and pointed towards the area that Deku would stand when throwing the ball. He just had to stand in your usual ball throw pitch, with a circle for the thrower and the long section of lines with specific metres marked in order to know the distance the ball was thrown.

Deku stood in the middle of the circle with a calm expression on his face to hide the excitement of being able to show everyone how powerful he could be. He got into position and took a deep breath, started powering up and sending his strength to his arms, which again made the green electricity appear. Deku took one step forward and threw the ball with power.

It was not the strongest throw Deku could do, because he didn't want to show his full strength so easily. He flew far and eventually hit the ground.

"Eight hundred and two meters!" Deku did not show any form of surprise in his own power, and neither did Aizawa. Moving the divice in his hand to reveal how far the ball went to the class also revealed that Deku calculated the exact distence before Aizawa.

"Today you will compete in eight physical tests to gage your potential. Whoever comes in last will be expelled immediately." Everyone was filled with both shock and rage, they did not think it's fair at all.

"If you wanna be a pro, you're gonna have to push yourself to the brink, so go beyond, plus ultra style." These words motivated the worried students, but their rage and worry was still noticeable.

This is gonna be easy. Deku knew he was the strongest in the class, so he had no need to worry. And so, the tests began, the first test was the 50 metre dash.

Deku and Bakugo were first up. Bakugo looked angry, like he would do anything to win, but that would not stop Deku. Once Deku arrived at the starting point, standing next to Bakugo, Bakugo voiced his intentions.

"I'll make sure I'll beat the crap out of you. I will win this." In a growling voice, Bakugo challenged Deku. With that said, the psychotic smile reappeared on Deku's face and they both got into position, that was when the robot at the end of the track spoke.

"Get set!" It was the robot that was timing their runs. After it spoke came a small sound of a Starter Pistol echoed down through the field. It was then that the ground next to Bakugo had shattered, a blast of wind threw him back and Deku arrived at the end of the track.

"0.89 seconds!" The robot recorded Deku's time as best as it could, with just a small amount of his power, Deku could travel quit a far distance within a few seconds. Everyone who was preparing, as well as Bakugo was left speechless, but that only motivated Bakugo even more.

The other students had tried their best, but no one could beat Deku's score. The closest was Iida, getting 3.04 seconds.

Next was the grip strength. Deku mostly watched before he did his attempt, there were a few strong students, but Deku made sure not to be bested by them.

"Are you going to participate this test Midoriya, or are you that confident in your strength." Iida approached Deku and commented how he did not make an attempt to set a score, but Deku looked Iida in the eyes, picked up the Pinch Gauge, and started up his quirk.

"I just wanted to see how everyone else did first." As Deku said those words, he used enough strength to break the Pinch Gauge. Iida was, again, shocked, and Deku showed no intention of telling the other students.

The next test was the standing long jump. This test was not one that Deku could do great in compared to others as students like Bakugo could go just as far, but Deku still took a high jump and made sure to travel a far distance.

People started muttering to each other, questioning how strong Deku is at full power.

Next was the repeated side steps, this test was just as good as the previous. He could only use a certain amount of his power otherwise he would just look like he was standing still, so he went fast enough to be visible and fast enough to be the best.

The ball throw was the next test, and the one Deku had done before. Most of the people did well when using their quirk, Bakugo managed to get seven-hundred meters, but Uraraka stood out the most. She used her abilities to get the ball to float far up into the air and get the highest score anyone could get on that test: infinity.

Deku smirked and had a genuine smile on his face as he saw a challenge.

"It seems I need to up my game." The rest of the students laughed to his comment, but Deku took it seriously. He walked over to Aizawa and took the spare ball from his hand, proceeding to walk over to where everyone else had stood for their test. Deku stood there in silence for a few seconds before powering up.

Deku knew he had to use a large amount of his power, and that's what he did. He sent a surge of power to his right arm, took a step forward and blasted the ball into the air, splitting the clouds apart. The smile stayed on Deku's face,and Aizawa was speechless as he turned his phone screen towards the students, revealing that Deku had also got infinity, the highest score possible.

"So he was holding back all this time?" Most of the students said the same thing, but it did not matter to Deku, he knew that he could beat anyone in that class.

---End of Chapter---