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I enjoyed the book, didn't think I would but I did.... My only issue is whenever I come to this app this is the only "limited" free book. It doesn't really see limited when it's the only available one. Any clue as to why?
Something is rising but it's not the shield hero
Wasn't this S ranked?
I'll be honest everything about the book is really good. My only issues are the dud chapters. Like atleast 5 in the first 40 chapters is kind of a bit much. Other then that no complaints other then there's no more chapters lol
Did you ever fix the acre issue?
Looks great. The first few chapters kinda threw me off but it turned out well in the end
When could he teleport? i thought he could only enter and exit his farm
They're saying you can be like that one person and get that class(there's only one person)
So in general how many story elements is this going to share with "The Legendary Mechanic"? As I've noticed several similarities in how it's played out aswell as another book I've read(cant remember the name but the main cheat is pretty similar to the gray world). Will other books power systems get used here or?
Or hidden quest rewards(and I presume buff points aswell)