


I'm trying my best 🤷‍♀️ Twitter & Instagram - @thalia_ilace Business inquiries: thaliaxilace@gmail.com Join the discord: https://discord.gg/TQxnaDCqHP <3

2019-12-26 BergabungUnited States





Membaca buku-buku




  • Thalia_Ilace

    See this! I just gifted the story: Magic castle : )

    Ch 1 A New Beginning
    Reincarnation of the Strongest Healer
    Game · Idczhen
  • Thalia_Ilace
    Balas MrFay

    Thank you baby~

    Ch 1 Ch 01: The Audition
    Your Paradise: Listen To My Song
    Masa Muda · Thalia_Ilace
  • Thalia_Ilace
    Balas DigiCharatFullStop

    Yes I'm aware there are other servers I've seen the screenshots. I've also had confirmations of your accounts babes. None of them were photoshopped, don't worry, I will go ahead and live tream my discord to prove the validity of the screenshots. <3 Nothing was edited except for when private/personal information was censored. Finn and I are CURRENTLY together and I assure he is fine and well, we just spoke today. Stop spreading rumors and stop pretending. The only one who is obssessed is you. Also if what you say is true, how disgusting of Owl to spread that information about someone and how disgusting of you to post that publicly. Also even if that were true about me crying about our breakup, how weird of y'all to spread that SS when it didn't involve you guys. Like what would you even spread SS like that of someone for? Weird and big yikes! Anyways, my legal team will be in touch.

    Ch 23 Ch 22: From My Boyfriend
    Your Paradise: Listen To My Song
    Masa Muda · Thalia_Ilace
  • Thalia_Ilace
    Balas PurpleLight

    I see it and think to thank you every time-

    Ch 1 Trophies
    My Bad Boy Angel Needs To Be Tamed!
    perkotaan · Thalia_Ilace
  • Thalia_Ilace
    Balas Malta_Greys

    What exactly am I lying/have I lied about? I haven't lied about anything regarding my boyfriend. If you are going to give lectures, you should be educated first. Rumor that Fay & I have broken up and he's gone from the world? That is not true, you should learn not to spread such things. We are together and he is well. If you are going to lecture me about my grammar, you should check this post that you've made considering it's riddled with errors. If you continue with slander, because I am sure I know who you are, I WILL get an attorney involved and take you to court. Do not think you can hide on an alternate account.

    Ch 23 Ch 22: From My Boyfriend
    Your Paradise: Listen To My Song
    Masa Muda · Thalia_Ilace
  • Thalia_Ilace
    Balas Thalia_Ilace
    Ch 1 Chapter 1 - When you Read, despite told DON’T! (Edited)
    My Multiverse Harem: Vampires, Goddess, Neko Waifu, and Beyond
    perkotaan · Elvlin
  • Thalia_Ilace
    Ch 1 Chapter 1 - When you Read, despite told DON’T! (Edited)
    My Multiverse Harem: Vampires, Goddess, Neko Waifu, and Beyond
    perkotaan · Elvlin
  • Thalia_Ilace
    Balas MrFay

    Favorite writer huh?

    Legend has it that at the beginning of time, a star had fallen from the sky. The star, from the constellation Leo, struggled to find its way in the world. Thus, it took the shape of the only thing it knew, the only thing it could recognize on the new Earth…..a lion.
    My Bad Boy Angel Needs To Be Tamed!
    perkotaan · Thalia_Ilace
  • Thalia_Ilace
    Balas Nico_Leztier

    Thank you I'm glad you're enjoying it!

    My Bad Boy Angel Needs To Be Tamed!
    perkotaan · Thalia_Ilace
  • Thalia_Ilace

    This was really amazing! Your details are top tier and full of life! The only things I really had issue with were that you point of view twice and that was really confusing. I felt like you also were a bit repetitive with describing the rooms in the first chapter. The discussion with the "author" also wasn't my cup of tea, but that's just me. But other than that, this was perfection!

    Rain Rain Go Away Come Again Another Day
    Fantasi · 1stDaoistOfReading
  • Thalia_Ilace
    "Sorry, Kian," she said, her voice filled with genuine remorse. "I value our friendship too much to let anything come between us, and I hope you understand that. You mean a lot to me, but I just don't see us in that way."
    Rain Rain Go Away Come Again Another Day
    Fantasi · 1stDaoistOfReading
  • Thalia_Ilace
    Balas 1stDaoistOfReading

    Yes, you never really do know a person, do you

     'Finally, that stupid thing has shut up. Now I can focus. It seems it responds best to a little bit of force. Maybe that's what I need to do with Camille. Start being a little forceful.'
    My Bad Boy Angel Needs To Be Tamed!
    perkotaan · Thalia_Ilace
  • Thalia_Ilace
    Balas 1stDaoistOfReading

    Yes, yes, I wonder how he did that

    "It's the golden lion. I've captured it just for you. Don't you have something to say?" he said with a confident smile plastered on his face.
    My Bad Boy Angel Needs To Be Tamed!
    perkotaan · Thalia_Ilace
  • Thalia_Ilace
    Balas 1stDaoistOfReading

    It does appear that way, doesn't it

     "Would you like to go out for lunch later? There's a wonderful new restaurant with a beautiful view that just opened up not far from here."
    My Bad Boy Angel Needs To Be Tamed!
    perkotaan · Thalia_Ilace
  • Thalia_Ilace
    Balas 1stDaoistOfReading

    Good point, I've changed the wording~

    Ch 3 Stupid Girl, Stupid Thing
    My Bad Boy Angel Needs To Be Tamed!
    perkotaan · Thalia_Ilace
  • Thalia_Ilace
    Balas 1stDaoistOfReading

    Thank you for the review~ Here's the thing about Neil, [redacted]

    My Bad Boy Angel Needs To Be Tamed!
    perkotaan · Thalia_Ilace
  • Thalia_Ilace

    Wowza! This was really good! I couldn't really find any mistakes, or anything else that was of issue. The plot is good, the character descriptions were great and the pacing was well-done. It held my interest and the end of each chapter naturally guided me into the next. Your characters each seemed to be their own person and were well developed which I really enjoyed! The opening line was also intriguing enough to grab my attention and pull me into the story. Good job!

    The Demon Lord Is An Angel
    Fantasi · Haizao
  • Thalia_Ilace

    I feel that this work has a lot of potential and definitely needs a lot of polish to really make it shine. There are multiple mistakes throughout where words are missing in sentences, grammar issues and mixing up of present & past tense (and not in the correct way). The writing was quite chopping with sentences feeling very rambly and a bit on the run-on side. While this can be a stylistic choice and can be used to emphasize a feeling of panic or anxiety, these instances happened much too often and not within the correct context. There's also a lot of repetition of the same phrases over and over again such as "heart and mind", "The Curse Lord", "fake body" and these things are repeated over and over again constantly one after another. This, in addition with the rambling sentences, really disrupted the flow and made it difficult to get into the work. It also made it a bit boring to read the same thing over and over again. I would advise to try and space these things out as much as possible and/or use other descriptors/terms so it doesn't feel so repetitive. I felt like the characters weren't very fleshed out and there wasn't very much description of them. It felt like there should be more depth to the words that are being written. As is, it feels very lackluster and as if this is a beginning rough draft rather than a final product. I think there is also a big issue of telling instead of showing. I'm constantly being told "He saw this" "This is what he saw" "This is what he felt" and that can be wonderful if used in the correct context to kind of build upon a situation or feeling, but that's not what was happening here and it happened too often. I felt like I was being told very plainly and it didn't feel exciting. It felt more like I was getting a recap from someone else who had read it and they were giving a TLDR version. The first chapter's opening sentence and ending hook also fall flat. Your first sentence to your novel should really capture people's attention and lead them into the rest of the story, and it didn't really do that. I think it could've had the potential to, but you trailed off that path and veered more into what he was doing so the voice was kind of put on the backburner and forgotten about in that beginning moment. You also contradicted with the "carefree yet caring" moment. This is not described in a way that makes sense and feels confusing. The hook didn't grab me at all and felt more like a "Okay here's what happened" instead of "What's going to happen next? Aren't you curious?" So I wasn't too eager about going into the second chapter to begin with. Then the second chapter itself felt way too info-dumpy. There was no intrigue and nothing to hold attention. I felt more like I was reading a manual rather than a novel. All of that being said, I do think that the premise is good and that it's a great idea. I can see a lot of potential here and I think that with edits/some revisions it will do very well and shine brightly. I hope this review will be helpful to you. I know you can do it!

    Goddess' Assassin System
    Fantasi · UelUel
  • Thalia_Ilace
    Balas SeraphWedd
    From Me, To You [Read after novel completion]
    Your Paradise: Listen To My Song
    Masa Muda · Thalia_Ilace
  • Thalia_Ilace
    Balas Ilmaple

    Who knows, really? (I do, I know)

    He reached to grab his drink, desperate for some water to cool him down, when he spotted her planner on his coffee table. "Shit…she forgot this…I'll bring-" he thought for a moment, bringing it to her work might jeopardize her debut, "I'll tell Akina to bring it to her tomorrow…."
    Your Paradise: Listen To My Song
    Masa Muda · Thalia_Ilace