Give me a system
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Wrting Quality: Okay nothing execptional but fine to readStory Development: Very slow in start but gets betterCharacter Design: Same old way to try push character to grow by making sister from a big family and her family being garbage.Update Stability: Given 5 star, nothing to say here.World Background: Root cause as to why this novel looses its touch for me. World has empires, laws and commoners have powers. But still it portray's commoners on the same level as slaves in terms of social difference. This world just doesn't make sense. Do you know what happens when commoners even have a small amount power compared to nobel? Revolt because of numbers.
Nope, It's just that the idea of akashic records were known to west in 1800's. It has been existed in Hinduism and Buddhism for a much longer period of time.
Sorry but karma was first used in Hinduism and was later adopted in Buddhism
prime delivery
In most of countries it is illegal to do transaction in any foreign currencies. You can't even hold foreign currencies higher than a fixed amount. Exceptions only arises if countries have some kind of treaty.
Actually, 7 is widely used in almost every major religion like Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam. 7 is used so much some people often term it as the number of God.
'my cultivation system' is system's name just like name of a person. So, it is written correct.
It ture in most cases but not always. I am an IIT graduate but my parents wanted me to study business management. I think it depends on the society you live in. Rural societies don't have much constraints. Mostly its the semi-urban and urban societies with such constraints.
This is not our world and even in our world there are countries where children had to work just to survive.
he just wanted to be john wick for once.