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How does he not know?
Or you could go under the tutalage and protection of those top power houses. It would also mean faster growth then hiding the skills.
Beside this issue wouldn’t it be better to have stack of 9 and more rows instead? The amount of space is the same but you can put way more variety into the space. And if there is more then 9 items then it would just spill over to the next inventory box. Currently not applicable but would be interesting if he uses this mechanic
This is coming on a little too thick for me. The loving family, the rich playboy, the illness, it’ a bit over indulgent and kinda a cliche. I eat tomatoes writes great novels, but i feel the personalities are basically the same with some minor differences between them.
honestly makes sense, since everyone is a clansman and knows each other, so they trust one another
seems like a very bad ability since, money is the most pressing thing to the mc rn, and this beast seem like a money gobbler
literally thousands of people witnessed the event including professors and teachers yet no one know that it was him, either I missed something or this is a major plot hole
wow it really is a low level mission lmao
This novel I feel have probably been altered. I feel that it should be a Chinese flute instead of the harmonica like in the anime/dong Hua, Mo dao zu shi, where the mc controls zombies through it. I could be wrong tho, but it would make a better fit no?
Writing quality is average and not bad. Story development is bad, I've only read a couple of chapters and already can't continue. This is because the system is too OP, it gives free money and basically makes the mc omnipotent. Kinda ruins the point if the novel. I'm fine with OP MCs but I would like some substances behind the face slapping. Like he actually have to do something to gain his power instead of just getting it from the system. Others might enjoy this kinda novel so to each there own character design is meh, mc is just like every other Chinese OP mc in my opinion. Not a lot there world background is bare but that's whatever. read at your own risk.