



2019-07-23 BergabungSweden





Membaca buku-buku

  • Sylfa
    Sylfa4 years ago
    Balas Numskul

    It literally took less than 5 mins to find out, just go to the book's page, look for the link for discord. Then locate the mentions of it in latest chapter discussion. I do agree that it would have been very nice to have some updates on here about it, but it's not too hard to locate either so... Next chapter should be up in a couple of days, tomorrow possibly.

  • Sylfa
    Sylfa4 years ago

    This sentence here is why I have trouble with bad translations: "After reading Tang Li Xue's history, Grandma Meng truly sympathized with Tang Li Xue and mourned her previous fate." - a full 31% of that is just repeating names. Translation isn't just about converting the language used, but to make it well written at the same time. In the original language the names would be 2-3 characters so it's not that important to shorten them, but you can't just carry it over in the 'translation'...

  • Sylfa
    Sylfa4 years ago

    I was literally just thinking "Boohoo", probably cause I just watched this Markiplier stream but you know... https://youtu.be/ERgArS5lhjc?t=887

  • Sylfa
    Sylfa4 years ago

    Okay Phloria, great job. But Link is really going to need his sword back soon! ♥

  • Sylfa
    Sylfa4 years ago
    Balas Merulox

    Perhaps not, everything below 120 kinda blurs together 😋

    Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
  • Sylfa
    Sylfa4 years ago

    Well, the raid *was* unavoidable, if she had delayed a family member would have died (forgot if it was the cousin or sister that was trapped), and she couldn't avoid the fight forever, the longer she left it the harder and more dangerous it would be. The god slayer was also completely at her mercy, she had the perfect ambush prepared.

  • Sylfa
    Sylfa4 years ago
    Balas TomVanDyke

    Don't worry about your writing speed, stressing won't make it suddenly get better and while the pace might be unsteady the quality of the chapters is still excellent 💗 What would help us readers is to communicate a bit more often, if you give an ETA then make sure you post a comment or edit your author's note on or before that day, even if all you can say is "Taking longer than expected, here's a new ETA". I know it feels bad doing that as the writer, but it prevents someone from checking 4-5 times that day, and possibly the following day or even longer and they would appreciate it greatly. Personally I got 3 stories I'm following on this site so I check maybe 3-4 times a day anyways, not clicking in to this story unless it's got an update. But I have other stories that I check on their own webpages, and whenever they don't communicate they start going down in my priority of things to check. Simply hearing that the author is still alive and working on it is enough to avoid that.

  • Sylfa
    Sylfa4 years ago
    Balas Daoist627249

    True can't forget survivors bias, the other ranger mentioned most retire within two years. And I forgot to mention, Lith picked this region himself because of the many lost cities it has. And wasn't it also because it was an active and dangerous region so he could quickly gather resources? It's one of the worst regions to be assigned. Or best for action as Lith would say.

  • Sylfa
    Sylfa4 years ago
    Balas OCGD

    You're technically only mentioning 3 events there though. Thrud, black star and Lich. Adding this chapter and the last expedition would give you 5. Two of which he sought out himself. Black star and this dungeon wouldn't have been his problem unless he made it so. One which he was brought in to despite it not being his jurisdiction because he's a family friend. You're forgetting the cult thing, but that was planned as an attack on him which is known by the head of the country. I'm fairly sure the other Rangers could get close to 2-3 events and 0-1 good jobs done as well. And even if that's not the average it wouldn't be suspiciously many events for a rising star. And ofc it seems like everything he does is deal with extraordinary events to us readers, we don't get to read about the lazy week stopping a farmers revolution or the bandits that were hiding near a road or the month of watching weed grow cause of a worried noble crying wolf. That's a bit like reading a chapter of him cutting his toenails, it's not a slice-of-life story.

  • Sylfa
    Sylfa4 years ago

    Famous last words there at the end. Nice going Lith, if Tyris or Mogar heard that you can pretty much be certain no one will be coming!